Why Apple is Rethinking its ENTIRE iPhone 15 Lineup.. 😮

apple is reconsidering their whole apple iphone 15 schedule next year and also it'' s because of some disaster in the current iPhone 14 schedule specifically with the apple iphone 14 plus which is generally like the normal apple iphone yet with a bigger display screen and evidently the sales have actually been so negative that apple is seriously concerned regarding launching the iPhone 15 plus next year in a similar means so they need to reconsider the whole schedule and also something that it may also get canceled completely but we simply obtained a brand-new report from a Korean blogger saying that apple is reconsidering it in a number of ways and also they'' re generally checking out 2 different choices however before I enter into disclosing what those 2 are I need to discuss why I think the iPhone 14 plus failed so severely so let'' s obtain right into it firstly in my opinion they made a big mistake by hold-up playing the launch of the apple iphone 14 plus due to the fact that it was postponed virtually by a month so by the time it was launched a lot of individuals already purchased among the other 14 models so the 14 plus was kind of shed in terms of the buzz and we also observed that in our very own channel where the 14 plus videos did refrain also in regards to the sights an additional big problem is the rate it begins at 900 and at that rate you'' re so close to the apple iphone 14 pro and the problem is that the pro version is just so a lot better Apple has been doing an outstanding task by providing a lot more and also better includes to the Pro Designs as well as marketing the pros better also also down to just the naming Pro appears a great deal far better than plus however on top of that one of the most significant things that concerned the Pro Designs is the new Dynamic Island which is seeing the notch finally get removed after numerous years because the iPhone 10.

So when you take a look at the 14 plus it has a notch and the notchless dynamic Island Pro Versions look so far better and extra contemporary so paying 900 for a scratched phone in 2022 is very costly specifically when you check out the other Android competitors which essentially no longer have notches in addition to that with the 14 plus you'' re stuck with only 2 cams which indicates that you don'' t get the telephoto electronic camera which might be very helpful like on the Pro Versions and this year'' s Pro Models additionally got a brand-new 48 megapixel electronic camera with Pro raw that looks definitely amazing so sharp and also thorough and you'' re losing out on that particular with the 14 plus currently in my point of view there is one more factor which is essentially the approaching economic crisis where individuals are attempting to spend much less cash as well as budget plan much more currently the fascinating point is that with the Pro Versions particularly the 14 professional Max which outsold the rest of the versions by much I think keeping that version it'' s type of tuned in the direction of the more wealthier customers where they may not be influenced by the economic downturn as much so if somebody is seeking to purchase one of the regular designs to conserve cash they might as well simply get the 6.1 inch normal iPhone 14 for 800 instead of increasing to that 900 rate currently an additional reason is that the individuals that are purchasing the Pro Models are most likely accustomed to the technology sector they understand just how to pre-order their apple iphone to get it quickly and the people that are choosing the normal iPhone versions more probable than not they'' re most likely going into a retail shop they pick it up they use it then they experiment with the 14 plus and it really feels enormous because they'' ve been utilized to these smaller phones that might be an additional reason they think it'' s unworthy spending an additional hundred dollars on the top for such a big phone that could be uneasy to utilize however after that obtaining even deeper another factor is that the schedule is kind of puzzling contrasted to exactly how it utilized to be prior to you would obtain one iPhone every single year and after that with the iPhone 6 you would get a larger apple iphone 6 Plus so you had the choice between 2 and afterwards they set it approximately three with the iPhone 10r which was budget concentrated currently we have 4 ever before since the minis came online and the minis didn'' t do well but it resembles the 14 plus is doing also worse so with four iPhones in the schedule one of them is bound to carry out extremely badly due to the fact that you just have so many selections so with that stated in my viewpoint Apple need to just go back to three apples iphone you get the regular iPhone 15 then the 15 pro as well as pro Max or maybe also the 15 Ultra which is among the scenarios that apple is discovering according to the Oriental blog writer evidently Apple can be servicing an iPhone 15 Ultra which will primarily be a a professional Max yet with additional features added on top that are much better in more various compared to the normal pro version which'' s going to be really wonderful since it ' s called the 15 Ultra so it seems outstanding similar to the Apple watch Ultra which did very well in sales due to the fact that it'' s 800 a lot extra costly however it ' s an entirely various design and it appears amazing so if Apple does that with the 15 Ultra it'' s mosting likely to be a very good seller which'' ll most likely make the iPhone 15 plus if it does come out even worse in terms of sales so that'' s another choice to differentiate in between the Pro Models and also the lower end models primarily to make it perhaps a a lot more expensive design so perhaps the Pro Models and also the ultra will certainly be extra pricey by a hundred and even a lot more bucks as well as after that because case perhaps it'' ll help the 15 plus do a little bit much better due to the fact that there'' s a bigger cost distinction in between the 900 15 plus and the much extra expensive professional Pro Versions coming following year currently the other alternative that the Oriental blogger provided was for Apple to reduce the rate of the 15 plus so as opposed to 900 it would certainly now be let'' s state 850 since gives it a larger distinction between the 15 plus at 850 as well as the Pro Models as well as perhaps the ultra so that could make it worth it to opt for that larger 15 plus and also if you think regarding it it'' s just going to be 50 extra expensive than the 15 so paying 50 bucks for a much bigger display screen as well as Battery would certainly it actually be a great concept and extremely worth it now the hardest point concerning all of this is that Apple likely had a whole lot of pressure in terms of earnings margins with the current iPhone 14 lineup as well as that is really why I assume Apple kept the routine apple iphone 14 with the old a15 chip because that assisted them conserve some cash and also get greater revenue margins because in my opinion in all of the problems with lockdowns and all the protests in China and every little thing else has actually made it much more difficult to have great revenue margins since now they need to pay even more money to Foxconn since Foxconn has to pay their workers more money to stay there plus all the supply chain concerns with delivery costs as well as every little thing else Apple likely was pressured into giving the apple iphone 14 designs the older chip and also I believe that'' s mosting likely to keep moving forward right into the future yet with all of this said and also covered up I believe the finest wager is for apple to admit that they were wrong with the 14 plus and following year make it extra basic so they can conserve some money just give us the iPhone 15 for 800 and afterwards the pro and also professional Max or Ultra that'' s mosting likely to simplify the schedule and I assume it'' s going to assist in regards to sales with individuals being less confused and more probable to choose that new Pro Max or Ultra since that plus model is no no more there I believe that'' s the most effective wager for Apple to enhance their incomes and profit margins as well as ordinary sale prices now if you think I'' m completely incorrect let me understand down in the comment area below however if you appreciated this video then click the circle over to subscribe and if you'' re thinking about simply getting among the iPhone 14 models I'' ll tag making use of the YouTube item labeling feature down below the version that I advise today many thanks for seeing and we'' ll see you in the next video clip [Songs] thank you

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