The Most Unique iPhone 14 & 14 Pro/Max Cases! (We tested DOZENS)

if you just upgraded to among the brand-new apple iphone 14 designs or you'' re believing regarding purchasing one then you definitely need to buy an instance to safeguard it which'' s why I have numerous cases right before me so what'I ' m going to carry out in this video clip is undergo several of the leading instances that we'' ve used for the iPhone 14 schedule and tell you why we like them and it'' s not just going to be me because the other co-host Max also has some leading choices for cases that he likes himself so he'' s mosting likely to do the second part of this video now the initial situation I intend to get involved in is the breeze case from moft as well as the factor we selected this set due to the fact that it has without a doubt the strongest magnets out of any instance available simply check this out I'' m going to reveal you just how solid these are it can literally raise up this billing stand simply like that watch compared to a rival'' s situation where the magnets are just not as solid as well as the major reason why that'' s important is because if you'' re mosting likely to be utilizing Mac risk-free devices like the the moft purse like I always daily carry this has a very extremely solid connection to ensure that'' s great for all your macsafe accessories so certainly you'' ll find a link to it down below just like all the other cases I'' m going to show you in this video clip now going on to the next instance we have this great natural leather situation from Toro however it'' s in fact not fully natural leather since on the inside it'' s essentially like a great silicone case nevertheless they have a piece of leather throughout exactly on the back which essentially provides it a nice feel as well as by the method this is authentic natural leather sewed ideal to the back and obviously they have the electronic camera bump protectors over below so if that'' s something you ' re into you can look into one of these 2 colors utilizing the web link below as well as I certainly similar to this leather feeling while you have the grip of the silicone on the sides currently proceeding to the next one we really have a lots of instances from the enroller of this video clip framed as well as by the method every one of these instances comes with a display protector in the box which is a substantial value in all these cases vary from around 15 to 20 ish dollars so they'' re in incredibly good value currently the good feature of these cases is that all of them are very sturdy as well as durable so they'' re mosting likely to shield your apple iphone even down to the translucent transparent case and it also rises to one similar to this that is hugely sturdy with a built-in kickstand as well as a built-in protector on the front they can additionally obtain very easy like this good silicone situation which has this wonderful felt product on the within or if you'' re a girl you can get this classic one as well as they likewise have ones such as this which actually has an integrated budget with several locations for your ID your cards as well as even a lanyard as well as this one actually covers the front of the apple iphone too with some compartments for cash money cards everything they'' ve likewise got this one which you can actually port in charge card and it has a little spring to hold it in this one right here has a wonderful little band so you can just hold it like this this so total with these instances from enclosed I'' m shocked by the build quality so look into the link down in the description and pin remark below and currently those very first couple of situations out of the way I'' m going to transform it over to Max all appropriate individuals so you recognize that'I ' m not a fan of thick big situations I know that some people like them they serve an objective however personally this is my favorite situation it'' s the pataka mag simple instance 3 which is made from 100 genuine aramid fibers which is what bulletproof vests are made from so you actually have that on your phone now not just does it look extremely great yet I enjoyed in 2014'' s variation because of how thin it was as well as I wear'' t understand how but the updated variation is 33 thinner as well as 27 lighter being much less than one millimeter thick so it is the thinnest as well as lightest Max save compatible case worldwide now with that you still have protection on all 4 edges and you have this increased electronic camera lip to safeguard your lenses they additionally have a few densities to select from or if you want a bit of pop like me they have their Fusion weave innovation which is essentially tinted fibers stitch in rather than like numerous companies that just do a repainted print ahead now some people like the style however they want much more defense to make sure that is why they made the mag simple situation Pro 3 which isn'' t that much thicker or larger however it utilizes TPU for air pockets for that shock resistance as well as it has full protection all around as well as they likewise seamlessly fuse the aramid coarse as well as the TPU with each other which I think is exceptionally difficult to do which is why most brands don'' t do that at all and also you have gaps now the following one isn'' t as good yet it is also extremely slim which I love this is absolutely'' s ultra slim very little case currently I put on'' t understand if you individuals can see that obviously this'' s partly translucent they have various shades however it is insanely slim I'' m not exactly sure the material it'' s made from it ' s not mosting likely to offer you that crazy drop defense however it does have this cam lip that ' s a little bit tougher so it will certainly shield your electronic camera lenses and also then with that said you do have a little bit of an elevated Edge on the front but this point is like virtually not having anything at all you guys see just how slim that is contrasted to the phone itself it evaluates absolutely nothing so if you desire a bit of protection from the ground up on your stainless-steel on the back as well as protect your lenses but you don'' t want something that ' s going to include additional density heaviness anything like that additional width so if you want something minimal I wear'' t believe it obtains anymore very little than this now they also have one which is somewhat thicker it is still a lot thinner than other cases that are this style this is a flexible variation so you obtain a bit included grip due to the fact that the material is different and you obtain that complete clear you know kind of layout but keeping that it is still great slim and also minimal so we'' ll include a whole lot of heft to your device currently if you desire something that has a little bit extra security some more features and actually a lower price we have ESR gears timeless kickstand case right here so as you individuals could see it has the maxafe magnets constructed in they call it Halo lock it has stronger mag risk-free than regular Apple cases not as strong as the moff case however still wonderful as well as strong it has these bumpers and they claim it has armed forces grade defense that'' s a little thicker as a result of that a bit much less versatile as well as the truly amazing point is that it has a kickstand integrated in in the real cam bump that you need to have there to safeguard your lenses it increases up as that so commonly what you would certainly have resembles this Taurus instance which is likewise not poor as well as my dad enjoys this instance as this large kickstand that'' s strong yet it gives you an added bump over below a little added thickness extra weight so why not have actually that constructed in to your cam right there so you can set it up at an angle you can watch videos and after that shut it up this thing is all metal so it is sturdy currently certainly one point with these clear instances is it'' s really tough to avoid those finger prints on them they really pop out especially with you know a color like my red here so if you want something that won'' t have that problem and also it will certainly offer you a lot more secure area we have the nilkin camera Shield slim currently I got this instance for one factor and afterwards I saw a few other terrific reasons to have it which is the reality that it has that electronic camera Shield so a lot of situations mostly all of them have your cams revealed currently they'' ll have that lip which this set actually has a lip that sticks out a lot more so since you have the sliding point but what concerning when you drop it and it was a rock on the ground right if you were construction or whatever you'' re doing you require the additional sturdiness bam you shut that fool up and also now no matter what it falls on your lenses are entirely protected currently with that this thing is an awesome value and also the top quality really feels a whole lot better than I anticipated for that price it is extremely durable your phone remain in there like insane I'' m speaking about it'' s type of a discomfort to take it off I suggest you could do it clearly however it really grasps your phone it has a good elevated lip around how has these bumpers right below the switches really pressed remarkably quickly so also though I acquired it primarily for this feature right below uh I think general for the cost it is a fantastic case now for this last one I put on'' t understand just how much you guys are mosting likely to like it and when I first saw it I resembled why would someone even make that up yet my better half enjoyed it so this is the zve zipper case it'' s really cost-effective remarkably and also as you people might see it actually has a zipper on right here so while many uh situations you understand they'' ll have a pair points for cards maybe on the back this one has a bunch of slots it actually has these areas that bulge and you essentially whiz it up so my partner has used among these for a little over a year currently and also now this is for the 14 pro Max as well as she tosses modification in there or invoices whatever else zooms up and you are not going to lose whatever you place in there hangs on good you have some protection all over buttons not too negative to push at all I believe they have some different shades that in 2014 she had one that was somewhat different and also naturally if you drop this sucker well when you'' re gon na drop it you'' re gon na go like this it provides added security against the lenses due to the fact that you have this fat point standing out right here currently they additionally do give you this little lanyard so if you wish to utilize a lanyard you might do that it also has RFID protection for your cards so it'' s not something that I would intend to make use of because I keep my phones in my pocket however for my other half that doesn'' t anyways a whole lot of ladies they have little Pockets this is something that works out really well for them so there you people go those are our leading situations we picked brands that we like we selected cases that stick out since they have some distinct functions some are actually affordable price some are a lot more on the costs and also a little bit extra costly but obviously you have a lot of materials that cost a lot even more money to make um so you men let me know if you individuals have you know other cases or which ones you individuals suched as the very best go ahead and also click that Circle above if you men want to subscribe if you guys appreciated this video clip check out one of those ideal over there this has actually been Max and I'' ll see you in the next one [Music]

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