iPhone 14 Pro: The Final Design is BETTER than Expected!

new cad files for the iphone 14 professional max were simply leaked as well as these look absolutely crazy and also this is so amazing because the source is probably among one of the most dependable sources in terms of cad files as well as he gave us a complete list of the comprehensive measurements which in fact contributes to these being genuine so prior to i enter discussing all the information all the dimensions what distinctions you need to anticipate contrasted to the current iphone 13 professional max with these brand-new ones i'' ve obtained ta experience exactly how reputable this source is and also naturally that is shrimp apple professional indeed that seems type of funny but he'' s really relatively trusted if you didn'' t currently recognize shrimp apple pro is in fact the really initial one to release this brand-new special leak of the dual cam intermediary that we'' ve been seeing anywhere and also all the leaked renders and everything else verification from ross young stating that we will certainly be obtaining the double intermediaries it actually came from shrimp as you can see back in july 8th yes july that'' s prior to the iphone 13 came out he released this special leakage and also basically no one took notice of it until lately so he was in fact the first one and after that to contribute to his exclusivity he in fact published this right below as well as if you convert it you can see that it'' s in fact an invoice from apple in taiwan their taiwan branch so they in fact sent him a billing which indicates he has some kind of connection with the supply chain and also that he in fact clarified the leak claiming that this is only for the pro models 6.1 inch and also 6.7 inch and also he claimed that it'' s in fact flipped so this view is from the back so if you turn it over that'' s exactly how you get the provides that we ' re all anticipating which everybody anticipating so this man was ideal about what everybody concurs on method back after that and also after that going better on august 10th he disclosed the schedule for the apple iphone 14 certainly the 14 the 14 max the 14 professional and also the 14 professional max and just afterwards we got confirmation from ross young and also other sources that this will as a matter of fact be the schedule so he was proper concerning this too but also for more evidence back on january 13th there were some leakages of the apple iphone se style showing the face id notch as well as generally the apple iphone 10r style for the brand-new iphone sc as well as he stated this is sus hold your assumptions and also he was right since the iphone se that we obtained was incredibly disappointing it was essentially the exact same style as previously so he was right again and after that going even better back on may 27 of 2021 last year he said there was a new model showing up in very early advancement and only recently in january he validated that it was the apple iphone 14 pros present that started development method back then so he does have some kind of link with the display screen sector in the supply chain he even gave us the code name for the apple iphone 14 professional max testing panel d854 so we'' re gon na have to confirm that when it actually comes out and he additionally provided us the real code name for the iphone itself d73 well the 13 pro was d63 as well as then i put on'' t know if you keep in mind a pair of weeks back we obtained some upgraded provides as well as cads revealing that the actual double intermediaries are going to be bigger as well as larger than people expected so a great deal of people were let down but presume what shrimp aimed out in this way back in august of in 2014 he stated that the cutouts will be weirdly large chungus as well as he showed yes it'' s going to be weirdly big and individuals were stunned a pair weeks ago when they saw those new renders however he learnt about it way back after that in august and also after that naturally long after shrimp made those unique leakages note german came out and also agreed with him stating that there'' s gon na be an opening punch dimension notch coming in the fall with the brand-new apple iphone 14 array which is really good to have mark'' s approval and after that finally this brings us to the cad submits that he simply dripped and also i intend to make a big bargain about this due to the fact that these are so far the most thorough cad file renders that i'' ve seen up until now so allow'' s begin with the very first one as you can see we have the double intermediary right here and also it looks spick-and-span in fact simply checking out it now i'' m in fact truly ecstatic i assume the actual iphone 14 pro that apple gives us is gon na look actually actually excellent with this layout and there'' s an intriguing information right here that'he discussed that ' s actually the earpiece speaker being significantly thinner than it is on the 13 pro in this provide currently of program right here we have a little of an angle shot as well as this verifies one more point the basic framework or the frame of the apple iphone looks like it'' s mosting likely to stay completely unmodified the same layout we'' re not getting that new flush design with the glass in the front glass in the back appear like that could be for the apple iphone 15 schedule so the framework continuing to be unchanged and afterwards boom take a look at that that is a huge looking cam bump of course it resembles it'' s growing and after that certainly we have the complete layout right below as well as something i wish to explain is that if you look very closely at the base you will certainly see a lightning port yes that'' s the very same lightning that we currently have as well as currently allow'' s enter those comprehensive specs that he provided us beginning from the top we have the actual measurements of the iphone 14 pro max version itself yet dropping to the bezel this is where it obtains very extremely interesting it says 1.9 millimeters for the new bezel contrasted to 2.42 millimeters on the 13 pro max indeed the bezels are getting slimmer about 20 slimmer which is gon na be a rather big deal it'' s mosting likely to make it look more immersive but right here is the craziest component checking out the height of the earpiece it will now be 0.57 millimeters compared to 1.52 on the 13 professional max that'' s practically three times slimmer they'' re making it wider too so the earpiece is gon na be broader yet thinner so that method they can still get the amazing quality through there now he likewise gave us measurements of the strike openings the right and also the left they'' re gon na have the very same size on both sides however it looks like the range of the intermediaries from the top of the screen is gon na be higher so that indicates that they'' re gon na be dropped down a bit compared to the present cams within the notch and afterwards going on to the camera bump it is in fact going to be bigger this time with the difference from the glass to the top of the cam bump being 4.18 millimeters that'' s in fact mosting likely to be 15 larger or extending even more compared to the 13 professional max so it'' s not going to be that large of a distinction however it will most definitely stick out more and also i do think that the camera bump itself is mosting likely to be larger compared to the 13 pro max so this is going to be a sturdy electronic camera bump but naturally that'' s since we ' re expecting a 48 megapixel electronic camera that can shoot ak video i actually simply did a video clip on that lately so most definitely check it out and afterwards lastly we have the flash as well as the lidar and also those dimensions 6.9 millimeters and 6.5 they seem to be specifically the like we currently have so we could not obtain any kind of distinctions in regards to those 2 shrimp actually offered us a bunch of various other information as well as i can truthfully rely on what he needs to claim so back in january he stated that the iphone 14 non-pro designs are gon na have a more polished notch that is none smaller they'' re gon na have surprisingly a bigger video camera opening which he'' s thinking was for the updated camera with larger view potentially center phase if that is real that implies that all of the iphone 14s are obtaining the new 12 megapixel ultra broad video camera that we jumped on the brand-new ipad models as well as that'' s actually really exciting and regarding the 14 models the bezels will be staying the exact same density so the professional designs will be getting thinner bezels yet these will certainly remain the exact same so that'' s mosting likely to sort of help separate them and afterwards going also better he also let us know that we'' re obtaining the exact same ceramic guard glass as last year a minimum of on the apple iphone 14 routine versions i'' m uncertain concerning the pros but after that he did claim that the apple iphone 14 pro versions are validated to have eight gigabytes of ram and also below is another drawback he has just confirmed april 5th that there will certainly not be usb type-c on the brand-new apple iphone 14 which is extremely frustrating once again returning to shrimp i'' m really certain in this resource i assume he does have some truly strong links particularly since he was the first one to reveal the dual cutout design as well as currently everybody counts on it as well as particularly because these new provides and also cats are so detailed and they look truly truly excellent i think this is precisely what we'' re gon na see with the iphone 14 professional max allow me know what you believe about all of this and these cats down in the comments section listed below hopefully you enjoyed this video clip and if you did most definitely take a look at the 48 megapixel electronic camera video clip i made right over there many thanks for viewing and we'' ll see you in the following video [Songs]

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