iPhone 14 & 14 Pro/Max: 29 Things Apple DIDN’T Tell You!

apple did an awesome task flaunting the iphone 14 lineup however they easily left out 29 points both good and also several not so good now some of these will influence which version you need to purchase as well as for some be an excellent reason to buy an iphone 13 rather in addition to means where you can actually conserve some cash so see to it to listen as i undergo everything we found combing their website and also the internet let'' s begin with some straightforward ones and then get involved in the juicy information that you need to recognize the initial is that the apple iphone 14 can currently have a mac like startup chime when switching on rather than being silent so it'' s a nice little confirmation for those that want it as for shades they revealed only two brand-new ones for the pro however they didn'' t mention that the silver one is additionally updated since the glass on the back is currently a true white rather of being beige now the new area black color looks to be very comparable to the old graphite on their web site but actually it is method darker which i directly like with that we have brand-new colors for instances as well as apple'' s pocketbooks yet regrettably the white silicon situation that was incredibly popular they are now entirely gone currently if you'' re someone that hates video camera bumps the apple iphone 14'' s bump is not only bigger yet it stands out way even more than ever due to the brand-new 48 megapixel sensing unit so these points are going to totter like crazy currently apple spent a great deal of time on the brand-new cutout dubbed vibrant island which currently looks extremely cool due to the brand-new ui features that they developed for it yet if it looks a bit also huge for you there is a factor from an image that apple now removed from their website you can see that the noticeable pill is in fact bigger than the cutout that is made for the camera and the sensors that is since they are going to anti-alias the side of the pixels that they switch off on the screen to make it look excellent also if there is a manufacturing defect which is a good idea since they often had concerns with the initial notch not being perfectly removed with that unlike the reports wi-fi is still specifically the exact same from the three-year-old iphone 11 where even budger android phones like the pixel 6a have means faster wi-fi 6e on the silver lining the new iphones finally have actually upgraded bluetooth 5.3 after being stuck to 5.0 ever before given that the iphone 8 as well as this is terrific since of the new lc3 codec for far better audio high quality and also reduced power usage in addition to much better call quality so if you'' re gon na couple with the brand-new airpods pro it'' s gon na be good apple said that the brand-new apple iphone 14 plus has the most effective battery life in any type of apple iphone ever but that is a little bit deceptive because that is just the situation for audio playback rated at 100 hrs contrasted to 95 on the iphone 14 pro max and for video clip playback it in fact gets beat by 4 hours generally the new apples iphone are just one hr much better than the 13s and also if you'' re streaming it coincides as before which most likely ways that the two-year-old x60 5g modem has not been upgraded to the brand-new four nanometer x70 which is both 33 faster while saving battery life and apple didn'' t mention if the batteries got any bigger but because they eliminated the sim card you would think that they would certainly however the 14 pro is actually the only one that obtained a little bump while the pro max actually got a smaller sized battery as far as billing they offer you a 20 watt adapter yet the 14s can really utilize up to 27 watts so if you'' re gon na purchase one get anker'' s smaller sized 30 watt which i'' ll link to in the description one drag for me directly is the e sim on the 14 professional and max they mentioned that the 14s will certainly be ecm only however they didn'' t claim anything regarding the pro models so i really hoped if you'' re paying more you will still obtain that port but no it turns out they wear'' t have it either which is a drag for those that take a trip or they swap sims with an android phone now if you'' re like me and you believed that was for better water resistance nope it is specifically the same as the apple iphone 12 unlike our companion vesey which are 100 waterproof and will change your life check this out vessies are made from dymatex which is a dual climate weaved product that can be immersed and also maintain your socks entirely dry while at the very same time maintain you really cool down in the summertime so they are amazing for year-round use they are extremely lightweight as well as comfy so they put on'' t seem like they should be water resistant however they are i like how mine look and also vessy has a number of styles to select from so i can get some that look great for work while being all set for any type of unpredictable weather they'' re comfortable for taking a trip as well as when i go outdoor camping i put on'' t need to bring my boots with me as well as when i did in the past i frequently wouldn'' t also put my boots on due to the fact that they'' re uncomfortable as well as after that my feet fume so i'' d use my routine shoes as well as after that just manage my feet splashing as well as drenched which is something that'' s just irritating as well as in the past now bessies are the supreme well-rounded footwear and you can utilize my link in the description with my code to get 25 off each set of grown-up leslie shoes with totally free delivery as well as lots of nations so proceed as well as inspect them out i think you will like them one more significant drawback with esim that apple didn'' t mention is that not everyone will certainly have the ability to utilize it just the seven major providers so you need to learn about this before buying with that said the pros can hold up to 8 e-sims at the same time while for some factor the 14s are restricted to 6 however naturally you can just have 2 energetic at a time now there were rumors the apple was lastly going to update the ram to 8 gigabyte on the professional versions however they didn'' t mention ram at all at the event as well as we now know why we didn ' t obtain that upgrade to 8 gigabytes of ram so we'' re still stuck to 6 much like the apple iphone 12s but at the exact same time the regular apple iphone 14s additionally now have 6 gigabytes as for performance some individuals were upset that for the very first time ever apple is reusing an older chip in a brand-new high-end iphone and also only the pros are obtaining the brand-new a16 but actually it doesn'' t matter since there isn ' t that a lot of a distinction apple told us how much better it was contrasted to the competition however unlike every one of the previous launches they didn'' t contrast it to the previous chips they were replacing now the first performance criteria revealed a slight boost in single core however virtually the same multi-core efficiency which was a downer yet it looks like somebody else ran it today and the multi-core efficiency is up 17 contrasted to the a15 currently one detail that many missed is that the identifier is different significance that it is possible that the 14 professional may do the like the 14 however the 14 professional max in fact obtains that boost due to the fact that it can dissipate warm better we additionally simply got a graphics performance rating and it is up eight percent compared to in 2014 once again this is from the 14 pro max now i really want that apple talked much more about thermal efficiency and also how they contrast in between different versions on stage what they did mention is the lower power use due to the four nanometer style however unlike the iphone 14 they didn'' t claim that the 14 pros have actually boosted cooling down so there'' s still an opportunity that we might have to take care of display dimming like we did on the 13 pros particularly if you'' ll be using that 2000 nit illumination for the outdoors that actually will warm up display that is one thing that we will certainly need to put to the examination once we get all 4 of the apple iphone models that we'' re buying so if you intend to see that ensure you'' re subscribed apple showed off the full iphone schedule on stage with the mini being canned but it ends up that they are still marketing the 13 mini and also it is now 100 less costly so if you still desire a mini it is currently 599 bucks however even better if you recently bought it they can really do a rate modification to obtain you a hundred bucks back so ensure you make use of that diving right into costs much more everyone was satisfied that apple didn'' t increase them up until they started looking at the order page as well as discovered that the 14 professional max is 150 euros much more costly currently as well as the 14 is a hundred years much more costly while the 13 is still available at the exact same price so if you'' re beyond the us yes these did obtain much more costly and also even crazier is that the apple iphone sc3 rose by 30 euros after the occasion for no reason in all just you recognize maybe rising cost of living cash other stuff exact same exact phone so if you desired to acquire one of those hopefully you already did now apple really marketed the iphone 14 but in truth it is really the minds of the 13 pro however with things like professional motion handicapped it has 5 gpu cores in the a15 as well as it has several of the video cameras also which likewise makes it unusual that the 13s aren'' t getting the software program upgrades for the photonic engine even though the hardware fully supports it touching on electronic cameras currently the 48 megapixel cam looks excellent on the pros as well as the upgraded ultrawide does too however if it looked like apple completely skimmed the three times telephoto camera they did so much to make sure that they didn'' t even have a spec graphic for it that is because it is the very same specific one as the 13 pro so won'' t have the ability to stay on top of most of the android phones as well as the concentrating will certainly still miss out on sometimes with that the apple iphone 14 still can not use evening mode for portraits so similar to the iphone 12 collection portraits and also darker lighting will certainly still look negative the brand-new activity setting they flaunted does look incredibly smooth however apple didn'' t mention that the video clip top quality is worse due to the hefty cropping as well as it will certainly not have the ability to fire in 4k so keep that in mind that you are not getting the most effective high quality so if you'' re refraining things like running like crazy you might not intend to use it for those of you that acquire apple care plus they likewise didn'' t mention that it has been updated with endless repairs as long as you keep paying so if you'' re someone that damages their phone typically as well as you want to keep your phone for a very long time this will be great one of the most game-changing attributes is satellite connection for emergency situations now you may have missed it but apple snuck because it'' s free for two years so at some factor it will certainly be paid currently globalstar apple'' s supplier costs 12 bucks a month for the service if you'' re utilizing their place x which you have to buy now let me recognize if you'' d be eager to pay that much when your complimentary protection runs out a brand-new function that will certainly come together with the brand-new apples iphone is counterfeit airpod detection constructed into ios 16 which is terrific for those of you individuals that intend to get an utilized set since some individuals do purchase duplicates for incredibly low-cost and afterwards resell them for method much more pretending that they'' re just made use of ones or perhaps new to make sure that will most definitely place a quit to it and also assist you understand that you'' re really purchasing genuine ones yet it won'' t obstruct them out if you wish to buy a set of duplicates and also save some money so there you men go we have a number of things that apple did not mention allow me recognize down listed below which ones actually attracted attention to you or which ones issue as well as we will certainly be obtaining these brand-new phones and doing a bunch of comparisons and also examinations see if the video cameras are that far better than the previous generations so make certain you individuals click that subscribe switch above check out vesey'' s down below and have a look at one of those 2 video clips as well thank you for viewing this is max and i'' ll see you in the following video clip [Music] you

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