25 Hacks To Fix iPhone Battery Drain — Apple Hates #7!

99% of the moment when your iPhone'' s battery is draining pipes'fast, it ' s a problem with its software application, not the equipment or the battery itself. We ' re going to reveal you just how to improve your iPhone'' s battery life from home. Allow ' s begin in the battery section of Settings and answer one of the most typical concerns we get about apple iphone battery life. Open settings, scroll down, faucet battery, as well as the big inquiry, should I make use of reduced power…

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#1 Worst iPhone BATTERY Drainer (You Need To Know This!)

This drains even more iPhone battery. life than anything else. What is it? Geofencing. What is geofencing? What is that?. It means that your iPhone keeps an eye on where you are. Whether you'' re going into a location or. leaving a place, to make sure that it can do something. So a whole lot of applications utilize this, for instance, you know,. the alarm app, occasionally. The Apple apps that make use of it are in fact all right, yet other applications that claim,. Okay, I want an alert…

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