Why 100M people will buy the iPhone 13!

Apple Boss: Nah. We shall wait. Low profits. IPHONE DESIGN GUY: Earnings Low? Android consumers make fun of us. Apple Boss: But we give them an Apple Card. IPHONE DESIGN GUY: What does that have to do with anything major? Apple Boss: It’s a distraction. They will buy the phone regardles. According to the latest news, there are plenty of good reasons to upgrade the iPhone this time around. – 120 Hz screen( it’s basically ProMotion for the iPhone ), by the channel, if you’re on Android – I know…

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100,000,000 people will buy the iPhone 13! Here’s why!

Apple Boss: Nah. We shall wait. Low revenues. IPHONE DESIGN GUY: Earnings Low? Android customers make fun of us. Apple Boss: But we give them an Apple Card. IPHONE DESIGN GUY: What does that have to do with anything major? Apple Boss: It’s a distraction. They will buy the phone regardles. Harmonizing to the latest news, “thats a lot” of good reasons to upgrade the iPhone this time around. – 120 Hz screen( it’s mostly ProMotion for the iPhone ), by the style, if you’re on Android – I know…I…

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