Apple iPhone 12 Pro (& iPhone 12) Review: Speed Demons!

– I’m Andru Edwards. You’re watching “GearLive” and this is my review of Apple’s brand-new iPhone1 2 and iPhone 12 Pro. Let’s get it on.( upbeat music) This video is brought to you by Set App, a cross-platform suite ofapps that impede you productive and help you find your flood. Stay carolled to find out more. What’s going on, techsquad Andru Edwards here.And as I mentioned, todayI’m bringing you my review of the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro. Now, I’ve been using bothphones pretty much nonstop for the past…

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Apple iPhone 12 Pro (& iPhone 12) Review: Speed Demons!

– I’m Andru Edwards. You’re watching “GearLive” and this is my review of Apple’s new iPhone1 2 and iPhone 12 Pro. Let’s do it.( upbeat music) This video is brought to you by Set App, a cross-platform collection ofapps that continue you productive and help you find your overflow. Stay tuned to find out more. What’s going on, techsquad Andru Edwards now. And as I mentioned, todayI’m bringing you my its consideration of this the iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 Pro.Now, I’ve been using bothphones pretty much nonstop for the…

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