iPhone 11 Pro Max vs Note 10 Plus – Full Comparison!

hey guys it’s max max tech today we are comparing the brand new iPhone 11 Pro max to the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 to the entrust we’re gonna compare the screens the speaker’s the CPU performance the graphics and catch out which one of these is the better device let’s start out with the actual design of these phones and looking at the top now the iPhone emphatically examines aged it’s a pattern that’s a duo year olds whereas the memorandum 10 plus has these ultra thin bezels it has…

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iPhone 11 Pro vs Samsung Galaxy Note 10 – Which is the REAL Pro?!

Renren movie and television customary translationMore informationFollow Weibo @ PocketNow @ Subtitle sharing products dubbed pro predominant producers declare they are designed for gurus furnish higher solutions for more than a few problems however if in case you have used iPad pro prior to now few years you’ll comprehend that Apple’s definition of pro is a bit distinct in the beginning they launched the Apple Pencil for experts to differentiate amateurs immediately borrowed from the stylus of Samsung Galaxy be aware additionally a design that was once mocked via Jobs…

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