These 10 iPhone settings are draining your battery…

i made a video just recently regarding cases connected to charging your apple iphone battery i'' ll link to it in the summary of this video yet in this video clip i intend to speak about setups in your apple iphone that you may not recognize where a basic toggle on or off could conserve you battery life without impacting your experience of the phone stick to me up until completion of this video clip i reckon there'' s going to go to least one setup below that you probably…

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16 iPhone Battery Tips That Really Work! [2022]

David& David here. I used to work at theApple Store, and parties would come in all the time with artillery difficulties. It is thenumber one problem people would come in with, and they thought that they needed a new battery.The truth is and any Apple tech will tell you this 99% of the time the problem that they’rehaving is with the software on the phone , not the hardware of the phone itself. Whatdid you say? Yeah! We’re gonna start in the Privacy section of the Settings app. I’mopening the…

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16 iPhone Battery Tips That Really Work! [2021]

David& David here. I used to work at theApple Store, and parties would come in all the time with battery difficulties. It is thenumber one problem parties would come in with, and they thought that they needed a brand-new battery.The truth is and any Apple tech will tell you this 99% of the time the problem that they’rehaving is with the software on the phone , not the hardware of the phone itself. Whatdid you say? Yeah! We’re gonna start in the Privacy section of the Settings app. I’mopening the…

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