HTC One M9 vs Apple iPhone 6 | Pocketnow

the brand-new iPhone or the brand-new HTC for purchasers waffling between iOS and Android the choice can be a tough one because each is a solid concoction in its own right I’m Michael Fisher and today on PocketNow it’s a high-end smartphone showdown HTC One m9 vs. Apple iPhone 6 by now numerous folks are pretty clear on the distinction between Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms but for the sake of completeness we’ll immediately touch on them globally Android is by far the bigger player with nearly 80% market…

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How To Spot A Fake iPhone

So, I acquired this field it looks like an iPhone, you are taking a glace around here, iPhone 6s, the back looks the equal I mean it appears like an iPhone, nevertheless it ain’t an iPhone This my friends is a excessive great, high caliber chinese iPhone knock off Lets go forward and discover what the variations are! Might be there are none, might be they all fool me, absolutely probably we must all be making use of it now, I tremendously doubt it So, the very first thing, being…

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