坏消息!iPhone 升级 iOS 17 要收费了?苹果收紧权限,想要体验iOS Beta版,先花 99 美元加入苹果开发者计划,库克这么做真的是因为“缺钱”吗?【JeffreyTech】

Hey there everyone, this is Jeffrey Technology. Any individual that has actually used an iPhone knows that Apple has always been renowned for its rate of upgrade and also maintenance. Also if the most up to date version of the iphone update file has not been released, you just need to discover a summary documents online and install it to participate in numerous updates. To be sincere. This type of convenience makes Android individuals envious. Due to the fact that Android customers intend to update these development variations or beta…

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Hello everyone, this is JeffreyTech, the world'' s leading mobile phone manufacturer. Given that 2020, Apple has actually officially canceled the consisted of charger and earphones and adopted a minimalist box layout. The items entailed are mainly all iPhone series officially marketed by Apple. The reason is “” for environmental management. After the implementation of Apple'' s steps, lots of netizens grumbled wildly. Several netizens stated that Apple is “” unkind”” and suggests that it is nominally for ecological protection and is really for higher benefits.According to survey information provided…

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