iPhone 14 vs iPhone 13 – Every Single Difference REVEALED!

is the brand-new apple iphone 14 worth a hundred dollars a lot more than the iPhone 13 well there are a lots of differences that reviewers did not discuss so today I'' m gon na make the most detailed comparison covering everything from the new internal adjustments the displays audio speakers the performance distinctions consisting of the new thermal system obviously the camera distinctions and a lot more and I think you'' re gon na be really surprised currently the initial thing that Apple doesn'' t inform you is that the iPhone 14 can approve even more than the 20 watts from the battery charger that they market you separately as a result of program it'' s not included in package so pick up supports which is smaller sized it'' s a 30 watt so it ' ll really bill your apple iphone much faster we ' ll leave a web link in the summary and well individuals while I was stating that appearance at this red shade that'' s a great deal brighter than in their images I'think that ' s my preferred item I think you'' re right our iPhone 13 remains in Starlight now on the surface it doesn'' t appear'like there ' s that numerous distinctions however let me aims them bent on you first of all on the right-hand man side the 5G antenna is a fair bit larger now nobody is discussing this however that ' s since the four teens have a brand-new 5G chip simply like the 14 pros and when we evaluated that out outside the 14s were almost twice as quick as far as downloading and install outdoors and over half much faster in terms of posting and it'' s not just a difference in terms of 5G when I changed over to LTE within this office the download rate was over four times quicker and the upload speed was almost 4 times quicker that is a substantial distinction since was on the 14 professional Max however the 14 has the exact same chip and antenna as this phone so if you either upgrade or you pick to get the iPhone 14 you will have far better function and much faster rates currently keeping that upgrade Apple additionally ditched the Sim slot which is a downside for a whole lot of people if your carrier doesn'' t and sustain it or if you such as to swap Sims however on the plus side this thing can now have up to eight or more e-sims with two enabled at the same time where on the iPhone 13 you can have 2 e-sims plus the physical but general I believe that'' s still a disappointment none of the switches have changed on this version so you might think that you can reuse the very same situation but nope due to the fact that the cam bump has actually obtained larger and with that said it also is a little bit thicker too so you will certainly have extra shaking on the table that is since the cam'' s been upgraded as bigger rings and we likewise have a brand-new brighter flash that ' s a lot more consistent which we'' ll test in a bit currently no matter of whether you update to the iPhone 14 or not among the must-have applications you must download and install is PDF components from our enroller wondershare which is a simple to use and inexpensive all-in-one app that allows you modify transform annotate organize sign and fill PDF forms and files across desktop mobile and the internet it'' s likewise got outstanding attributes like combining PDF documents with each other checking papers and turning them right into PDF records with electronic signatures and password defense assistance so look into PDF element by utilizing the web link in the summary currently individuals have been claiming that the 14 is essentially simply a copy paste of the 13 however they'' re not talking concerning a massive difference which is the interior adjustments with a 13 and previous phones you would open them up from the front and gain access to all those parts yet with the 14 you in fact open it up from the back glass which makes it a lot easier to change it now all the parts are likewise totally changed around and there is now a steel plate that we see from x-rays that can additionally assist with thermals so Apple had to go with a ton of trouble altering this up for individuals claim it'' s the very same phone now what is the advantage to everyone well on the apple iphone 13 it costs you 449 bucks to replace a back glass if you wear'' t have AppleCare currently it is only 169 dollars a much extra tasty repair work so if you'' re not someone that gets application care that distinction alone can offset the additional cost of the 14.

Now a pair outstanding attributes are the new crash detection and emergency situation SOS using satellite functions now these points are amazing for safety accident defense is excellent yet you can additionally get that in the brand-new watches yet the satellite connectivity will certainly enable you to attach no matter where you are at so if you'' re stuck you can send a message you can obtain some aid which is something that is fantastic if you'' re going to be maintaining this phone for a long period of time the extra layer of protection the 14 also has a slightly much better battery life one extra hour of video streaming which'' s because it does have a slightly larger battery now the ranked charging rates sanctuary'' t altered but we recognize from our very own testing if you'' re making use of wireless billing while you have the phone on for example if you'' re utilizing GPS in your car the cordless billing decreases a fair bit and due to the fact that the new 14 has a brand-new thermal system it will certainly charge much faster now another Equipment change is that the apple iphone 14s have Bluetooth 5.5 3 contrasted to 5.0 which will certainly work great with the new Apple watch series 8 or the brand-new airpods Pro because that Bluetooth uses less power it has better array and additionally far better phone call High quality and audio high quality so also if you wear'' t have among those brand-new gadgets currently chances are in the following one 2 3 years you will certainly to ensure that'' s most definitely an advantage the 14 also has double ambient light sensing units which will certainly aid with automobile brightness on the front so if it didn'' t work well for you in the past it'' s going to get far better and afterwards on the back it will aid for electronic camera exposure too the next point that I intend to test is the speakers Apple didn'' t discuss any kind of distinctions yet the 14 pro Max is means louder and sounds a lot better than the 13 Pro Max so I'' m truly interested about these routine iPhones so let'' s proceed and take a listen bring me back [Applause] [Music] [Songs] you men allow me recognize your ideas yet directly I assume that if there is a difference it may be very small so unfortunately the iPhone 14 does not obtain the same good audio speaker upgrade as the 14 Pros did now regarding it shows some people have actually stated that there are some modifications some pixels perhaps the bezels but it'' s not that obvious but actually there are no differences whatsoever the display screen is the same as for the maximum brightnesses the shades the comparison HDR whatever is the same now I am a little bit dissatisfied that we don'' t have the promo from the Pro Line even if they did a worse version of that that ' d behave since all the Android rivals have that and it would make people a great deal extra happy to obtain the new 14.

Currently one thing that has actually changed that a whole lot of people are minimizing is the brand-new a15 cpu and what comes affixed to that currently yes it is the 5 Graphics core design contrasted to a 4G Graphics cores and we'' ll test that out in a sec however what is more vital to me is the fact that the 14 includes 6 gigabytes of RAM contrasted to 4 gigabytes and I put on'' t know why people don'' t discuss this in my daily use I contrasted these in 2014 the pro and the routine 13 and the pro that had six gigs it maintained apps open method much longer whereas the 13 design with four jobs I would frequently be locating myself with a YouTube application that shut I have to go discover that video clip again various other programs so it is so wonderful to have the added RAM and it absolutely is a great deal more future evidence now as much as the real CPU performance itself allowed'' s proceed and run geekbench and see what we get so right here are the very first outcomes and it'' s a little bit frustrating we have a very slightly higher single core score virtually doesn'' t matter however in the multi-core score it is actually lower by about 250 points and yes this has been upgraded to most current version of iphone that actually makes it develop much better so that is fascinating now certainly the main adjustment remains in the graphics with that extra Graphics core so let'' s proceed and run that and right here are the outcomes this is a lot far better we'' re seeing a difference of 18 and a half percent in regards to graphics performance which is an excellent point yet that brings me to Thermal performance will certainly this chip reduce will the display uh be dimmed automatically because it gets as well warm to make sure that'' s why I ' m making use of antutu right here I maxed out the brightnesses on the screen just like if you'' re utilizing it outside and we'' re gon na see if we obtain any kind of distinction in lowering I actually hope the 14 is a whole lot much better thus far both of them are exactly the very same I do see the apple iphone 14 is smoother due to the fact that of its even more efficiency it additionally suggests that it'' s producing a little bit much more power and warmth than the apple iphone 13 however it ' s handling it oh look at that the apple iphone 14 lowered not by that much but you people can see the clouds are a whole lot brighter below on the 13 than it gets on the 14 so the display is still lowering because it'' s getting hotter right there the 13 lowered also so it kept up a little bit longer now they are virtually matched up currently I took out my thermal video camera and you guys might see the apple iphone 13 on the left it'' s at 39 levels Celsius and has a smaller Hot Area compared to 40 on the 14 and that heat is spreading out much extra so currently that is actually an advantage due to the fact that Apple'' s thermal remedy is taking that warmth away from the chip and putting it into the body but that additionally indicates that even though they place'' t verified the internals and The Thermals that extra thermal performance is consumed by the raised graphics efficiency from that fifth core and currently let'' s discuss the electronic cameras because we do have a great deal of differences on stage Apple made it appear like it was a significant upgrade and in some situations they minimized some things yet in other situations I think they overemphasized beginning with our selfie video camera we currently have actually an upgraded model that'' s the very same as on the 14 Pros however the largest change being the autofocus with the front-facing camera so I took this shot right here way too close intentionally it kind of looks odd but we could most definitely see that we have extra detail in the 14s photo the highlights pop a little much more we likewise have a little bit much more contrast and afterwards I took one from a further distance to see if the autofocus issues and honestly to me I mean I'' m not seeing that much of a difference currently the genuine adjustment comes when you ' re capturing in low light they establish as up to two times much better low light performance and you can see here that we have way much less noise on the 14s image now this shot right below was done without the night setting so when I make it possible for that the difference type of goes away this is a little sharper it'' s somewhat warmer actually it always does that with the 14s yet it'' s not that massive Enhancement that they spoke about on phase currently the weakest electronic camera on the iPhone 13 was its Ultra vast and with the 14 they really didn'' t change any one of the equipment however they spoke about their new photonic engine and having the ability to make use of better processing and using deep Fusion previously on for sharper photos and when I zoom in right here truthfully individuals I'' m not seeing a lot of a distinction in fact slightly even more sound on the apple iphone 14s picture yet as much as every little thing else I'' m just seeing a somewhat more contrast currently when you'' re shooting in reduced light with that said Ultra large that is when we begin to see a distinction with the 13 we have a lot even more noise below and much less detail but the brand-new processing on the 14 lowers that noise provides a bit much more comparison much less noise generally to ensure that is a good Enhancement now the lens that they really concentrated on was the major cam it is really the same one from the apple iphone 13 Pro It'' s a bigger sensing unit has photo stablizing and in routine shots it ' s difficult to tell a difference in terms of information yet we do see a distinction in regards to contrast so it'' s a bit warmer and more contrasty you can also see those shade differences with picture shots but regarding information it is not truly that a lot better so as much as high quality it'' s not truly that big of a distinction but what we do obtain is a difference in reduced light that larger sensor gives us a little bit more detail much less sound we have a warmer image yet what you wear'' t see with many photos online is the usability in that fired the 14 only took one 2nd for night mode contrasted to 2 secs and in truth it really feels a lot longer so you are going to obtain sharper shots if you hold your phone for just a bit of time and it'' s just a great deal more hassle-free now the normal apple iphone 14s wear'' t have a telephoto video camera so when I did the 5 times Zoom which is the optimum and took these shots I was wishing for some enhancement in detail but when we go on and zoom in much more so if you'' re gon na crop digitally we do see that we have a bit much less sound as a result of the brand-new processing yet if you check out that indication where it says value Mission Facility it'' s understandable on the old one but not on the brand-new one because it'' s simply over processed the apple iphone 13 might do cinematic video clip yet it'' s only in 1080P and without HDR so the brand-new iPhone 14 enables 4K HDR it most definitely offers you added detail and extra dynamic range that the scene calls for it so if you'' re someone that uses motion picture setting that is most definitely a good Improvement for long-lasting high quality of the video now that additionally enters into play with the front encountering motion picture mode on the apple iphone 14 we see that we have much better vibrant variety and we have actually 4K picked however that'' s not the only difference you can in fact change over to 24 frameworks per second so if you'' re capturing with the rear video camera and you'' re trying to go with that motion picture look that is the frame rate that you intend to opt for and only the 14 offers that currently the 14s 1X sensor is larger so in the shot you can see that we get a little bit extra background blur due to the fact that of that so that is a favorable thing yet one point that I did not anticipate is that if you'' re taking a close-up shot the bigger sensor still allows you to get equally as close otherwise slightly closer whereas in 2015 the pros they couldn'' t obtain as close because that bigger sensing unit that means that Apple changed something up with these lenses they'' ve enhanced it and it'' s really even far better than it was prior to it is not a drawback and the last thing is the brand-new activity setting that is special to the 14 and 14 pros this is a software function that Apple might include in the 13 but they didn'' t and as you guys see this footage it'' s most definitely a whole lot extra smooth on the iPhone 14 than the regular stablizing now on phase when they introduced this activity setting we saw an enormous large distinction which is since Apple shut off the stabilization on the 13 and had the action setting which is actually good on the 14.

I was running outside in the shot and as you individuals can see the difference isn'' t as large as it got on stage however it still is a nice enhancement with simply a little bit hit of top quality because it can'' t document in 4k so overall I would certainly say that this is a great Enhancement in cam high quality may be not fantastic in specific cases however just the usability the lower light and the faster shutter for night mode is truly nice to have together with those video upgrades so if you desire a much better cam and you'' re trying to choose I would absolutely push it in the direction of the 14 and currently entering need to you buy the 14 over the 13 at 100 much less well when I took a look at video clips online and the specs it didn'' t really feel like it is a good upgrade in any way kind of like Apple'' s ripping us off however once we aspect in the brand-new accident discovery the satellite we factor in the much better battery life the much better efficiency that six gigs of RAM obviously that actually great Enhancement in cellular speed and uh reception when you consider it it is absolutely worth spending the additional hundred bucks on the 14.

if I was mosting likely to suggest one of these to loved ones even those that are not into Tech I would absolutely say purchase the 14. currently if you currently have a 13 ought to you update to 14 no I don'' t believe so you must save up a bit more cash for the 14 pro or just wait one more year for the iPhone 15 or perhaps even the 16 but there you guys go those are all of the distinctions what oh so numerous of the customers did not discuss so if you guys got some value and you men enjoy this video go ahead and click that Circle above to subscribe check out one of those great video clips right over there the spin Max and I'' ll see you in the next video clip [Songs]

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