iPhone vs Android (The Real Winner)!

(upbeat music).
♪ Ooh ♪ – All right, welcome to the clear-cut iPhone.
versus Android video clip. It'' s the impossible debate, right? In a great deal of methods, individuals simply obtain so entrenched on one side that they never wan na.
flip to the opposite side. Per their very own. You hear that regularly,.
however I have an option. So here'' s exactly how we ' re gon na do this. So I ' m gon na break this down into 7'actually purposeful categories, so it ' s a weird number, so there. has to be a champion, no connection, however given that we ' re not. psychos and we understand that champion doesn ' t automatically use to every human in the world, I'' m actually gon na give you a system, a rubric to help identify.
the real winner on your own. You'' ll see what I mean. Let ' s get right into it. So, all right. Group primary. Personalization. Basically, if you see this.
icon and you obtain thrilled, after that you most likely enjoy customization also. So, digging right into the settings and tampering the.
home screen and the lock screen and tweaking things and habits to make the tool.
definitely best for you, I suggest, it'' s a hobby all

on its own.Now, at initial in 2023, it.
could actually look like iphone 17 and Android 14.
are pretty close, right? I imply, let'' s be actual.
iOS just included a number. of actually good attributes that are extremely well done.
The new lock screen update. offers you the capability to alter all these clock fonts and colors and put numerous incredibly beneficial.
widgets on your lock display and after that save a number of.
different lock display configurations for different situations.
and various emphasis settings, and afterwards widgets were also.
included in the home display much less than 2 years earlier too, to make sure that opened a lots of customization of home screen arrangements displaying.
glanceable information, yet the more you check out it, the much more you understand it'' s. not actually that close, and a great deal of this really just.
boils down to the fact that Apple, they do maintain including.
all these capabilities, but you'' re always restricted to doing it the Apple means, the right way, and so that'' s why a whole lot of apple iphone setups still just sort of appearance the same.Like, even

if you simply.
check Android 14 from the Google Pixel, which isn'' t also the most. personalized variation of Android, there'' s still way a lot more. that you can change, from the colors of the motif of the OS matching the color of your.
wallpaper many thanks to Product You to symbol packs, customized widget sizes. I suggest, Android will just sort of allow you do whatever you want.On the apple iphone

, you can'' t increase a widget. to any kind of size you desire. You can ' t put an app just on the right side of your. home screen for reachability. You actually can'' t even position an application anywhere you desire on the home screen. It should be the next up in.
the grid of Apple'' s choosing. You can'' t alter the grid ' s dimension. You can'' t transform the symbol dimensions. I indicate, it simply takes a.
entire bunch of added work and a Siri Shortcuts hack.
simply to use a custom-made symbol. Simply basic things. Currently, I think the other.
side of that coin is you can make an absolutely unsightly,.
awful Android configuration, where you can'' t really ruin an iPhone home display that much.So, while you can certainly say that iOS does it prettier, the victor for a lot of personalization,.
that would be Android. So, then classification number.
two, functions, all right? Just right up which.
one can do even more stuff. This has been one of the most popular disputes at the center of iphone versus Android discussions you constantly listen to, primarily since both.
systems, at some level, introduced missing out on features,.
yet particularly the apple iphone. Like, you'' d constantly hear, “Wow, can you believe the apple iphone
. can ' t even set wallpapers?”” And afterwards it was, “” Can.
you think the apple iphone is simply now getting duplicate.
and paste, seriously?”” And after that it'' s, “Wow, it ' s insane that iOS is simply getting widgets.
now a decade later on.”” Yet, hi there, currently, it'' s 2023 and.
they'' re both very complete, and also in the ways that they'' re not, they ' re duplicating each various other all the time.You always see a brand-new keynote.
with brand-new things on Android, and you'' re like, that originated from iphone, and then you'' ll see stuff. from the iPhone keynote and be like, that originated from Android, yet there'' s even some brand-new things since the apple iphone has that Android doesn'' t. A respectable one lately is focus modes, which gives you very high.
control over notices in numerous different scenarios with your applications and your contacts. There are likewise a lot of personal privacy functions, things like Hide My Email with iCloud And also and iCloud Private Relay. You might also say that.
Dynamic Island on the Pro iPhone is an attribute if you desire to, yet, I indicate, I simply couldn'' t since just a small.
handful of apps sustain it, however it'' s something pretty trendy and distinct, which is an increasing number of uncommon than ever before in the mobile phone globe. At this moment, however, neither OS is really missing out on.
any type of big features any longer. They'' ve both developed up to this level where they'' re their very own character.They both do a

great deal of things, however I still am gon na have to give the side to Android in this one even if there are.
numerous little, like, tweaky, like little OS-level features, just little things that you.
can tweak and change on Android that still just are out the apple iphone. So I'' m speaking like.
battery administration features to personalized billing speeds or set manual charge limitations.
to preserve battery life. There'' s additionally an actual. data administration system so you can drag and drop points onto your phone right into particular.
folders if you intend to. There'' s gaming-specific.
features like video game settings, the ability to dial up and down your display'' s refresh.
rate whenever you want to. Independent volume controls for telephone call and ringtones and alarm systems. Additionally, reverse wireless.
charging comes up a lot for charging wireless earbuds without damaging out a different wire. Actually, simply, it boils down.
to the advantage of Android is having a lot feature option. That'' s sort of the point, and this also hemorrhages right into equipment as well. So, even if the feature you desire is a big electronic camera without notch, then you need to get an.
Android phone, right? So, if the feature is an extremely.
quick billing or a 10x camera or USB Type-C, since now, it'' s. got ta be an Android phone.So, although they both.
offer all of the standard features and they show up to copy.
each other constantly on little added stuff, the victor right here, once again,.
is absolutely Android. Currently, number 3 is ease of use. Currently, convenience of use is really.
beneficial to a lot of people, like a great deal of people, and the.
feature of simplicity of usage is it often primarily has.
an inverted connection with modification and a lots of attributes, '' reason there ' s this fragile balancing act you need to do of having flexibility, giving adaptability to the user, but not frustrating them with a lot of switches and setups, and this is really where the iPhone excels and has actually stood out for several years.
as a high concern for sure, even in one of the most fundamental methods. The home display on the iPhone has actually had up to four icons in the dock on every apple iphone since the start, and the phone symbol has always been green and always been on the left.
every time for 17 years.The apple iphone

' s electronic camera app, we'' ve all seen that keep.
basically the same with the viewfinder and the moving settings. It'' s resembled that for many years, and that sort of tucks. away a whole lot of the settings right into a different setups application and it can seem like.
it'' s missing out on features, however, honestly, it'' s still the most convenient and most straightforward.
for lots of people to use.It ' s like they hate changing.
points for no great factor. The calculator has generally.
been the same for many years. Now, there'' s also downsides to that, like Siri has primarily been ignored because it was introduced, but, still, like, Apple moves the call end.
button by like 200 pixels to the center of the screen.
and individuals flip out concerning it. Often, it seems like Android versions will.
just relocate stuff around just sort of to attempt it and for.
the benefit of changing things, and in some cases it works,.
often it doesn'' t. They ' ll relocation it back, and'that ' s intriguing. and amazing sometimes, yet that does harm simply individual.
continuity and convenience of use.Maybe not for you enjoying this video, but simply think for the average individual, like for your 5 closest friends. Assume concerning exactly how they utilize their phone. Yeah, then throw on top of that, there ' s primarily never any bloatware packed onto the iPhone ever,. and then client service is generally always better for an apple iphone because Apple shops are almost everywhere and Apple manages that whole experience, for far better or for worse, so they get to do great. collaborate with customers.
So it ' s simply for individuals.
who are not fanatics who simply wan na get things.
and not think of it any longer, they quite a lot always.
select the apple iphone. So convenience of usage is a.
checkbox for the iPhone. By the way, if you'' re appreciating.
this video, obtain subscribed. Why not? It'' s totally free. All right, so we got ta speak about updates. So number four is support. So this is something that I would certainly identify as sort of underrated, even if I don'' t believe adequate individuals purchase their brand-new phone that.
they intend on having for years with this in mind. I assume having the most recent.
and greatest updates, software application, and safety.
patches as fast as possible and as long as possible.
must be a priority, however it usually isn'' t for people.Either means

, it'' s sort of a. variety throughout the board. In Android globe, some.
firms make no pledges or they kind of break their guarantees. Some have short promises and.
some will really extend out to appealing 3 to four.
years of software application updates. Strangely, Samsung now is the undeniable king of.
Android software program updates, with some reports of perhaps.
Google catching back up, yet Samsung introduced in 2019 that all tools in 2019 or later will certainly get 4 years of safety and security updates and some flagships will also obtain five, however none actually.
resemble the apple iphone. When iphone 17 appears this autumn, every apple iphone back to.
the apple iphone 10R from 2018 is formally supported and.
gon na get the latest variation. That'' s five significant. software program version updates.
I wear ' t believe there are any kind of.
Android phones from 2018 that are gon na get the.

most recent variation of Android 14 when it comes out.So this conveniently mosts likely to the vertically-integrated Apple phone with the Apple software application throughout the day. So, now, my number 5 classification is apps. This one is really type of fascinating. So, certainly, we have our standard, like our applications that we.
all utilize every solitary day on our phones that we'' re made use of to, however then often it'' s fun just kind of standing out around.
in the respective application stores, uncovering new points, locating fun apps, and, now, they.
are both thriving. There'' s numerous apps currently.'There ' s over three and a fifty percent million applications in the Google Play Shop, and over a million and a.
half in Apple'' s Application Store, which if you simply stop there,.
resemble a win for Android, however top quality over amount, my pals. High quality over quantity. Essentially, every significant app is.
readily available for both platforms, which implies there are lots of.
a lot more, you know, particular niche applications or fairly unknown.
possible diamonds in the rough on the Google Play Store,.
sure, but the difference is when you actually speak with these designers and observe the cycle of, like, how they obtain made and just how.
these apps obtain upgraded, the reality is many of.
them are focusing on iphone, and, truly, it'' s totally for efficiency.Think about it.

If you just have to update. one variation of your app and it functions with all the. newest iPhones instantaneously and
functions completely for millions of people who all have primarily. the very same aspect proportion, of course you ' d
do it, turn that button, yet, with Android, there are naturally. much more complexities. There are a number of various gadgets that all have different aspect ratios and different pixel thickness and different feature. support and even foldables, and it ' s like it'' s a whole lot even more job to obtain every one of those individuals approximately day with the exact same level of optimization. It'' s a great deal of various switches to turn, so a lot of '' em
just wear ' t. experience every one of that or they take way longer to.So the variety of titles is something, yet is it the very same Instagram.
application on both iPhone and Android? Is it the exact same Strings application on every one? As a person that'' s been. carrying and utilizing both phones and commonly making use of the.
exact same application on both phones, I have a direct experience.
of knowing that, frequently, despite having some of Google'' s very own apps, the updates are prioritized on the iPhone.They precede to

the iPhone. prior to they pertain to Android. I desire that wasn ' t true. I desire they were simply as.
simple one or the various other, however that'' s just the truth of it. So the slight application advantage is.
gon na go to the iPhone right here, and interestingly enough, this also applies.
generally to devices. Once more, very same factor, same performance, but that'' s a win for the apple iphone. So after that, group number 6, I ' m gon na go a little bit a lot more. subjective with this one, yet I still believe it.
matters, which is excitement. Which one is much more fascinating or exciting in the moment to you? Currently, honestly, I obtain pretty excited for a great deal of different.
brand-new technology nowadays, and, really, since there'' s only like a couple of new. iPhone drops annually, it ' s really really simple to get buzz accumulated for the brand-new iPhone, but it'' s most definitely a. different sort of exhilaration with the massive range of.
new innovations and things that involve Android phones all the time.Like, if you just are. thinking about folding phones, well, there'' s a lot more Android. releases than ever for that. Want a video gaming phone? There'' s. gon na be an Android for that. Do you want an earphone jack? Do you want a compact phone? Do you desire the world'' s fastest charging? Do you want some fascinating.
brand-new special layouts or products or textures.
or experimental features? Like, that is the world of Android, and if you think of it,.
seriously consider this, a lot of the intriguing excitement around every brand-new iPhone.
launch, the inquiry really is, is this brand-new iPhone going.
to obtain a brand-new attribute that'' s been in Android phones for years? Like, are we lastly gon na.
obtain USB-C on an iPhone? Are we lastly gon na get.
fast charging on an iPhone? Are we finally gon na obtain a 5x electronic camera? Therefore just for that novelty reason alone, the excitement group, that'' s definitely got ta go to Android.So that brings us

to my last classification, number 7, environment. We'' ve heard this word in the past, ecological community. So, fine, say what you want, however there are a great deal of individuals.
that will certainly not acquire a phone if it doesn'' t have iMessage. or FaceTime, whatever it is, and Apple has weaponized this.
and constructed walls around this and closed it off as high as possible. Technically, you can sign up with a.
FaceTime from an Android phone, yet you can'' t begin one. So I made a whole video.
practically Apple'' s ecosystem. Hate it or like it, it is.
essential to some individuals. Now, the important things is Apple is not the only.
one with an ecosystem. Like, take a look at Samsung for example. Apple occurs to develop larger walls around maintaining individuals.
right into their ecological community, however Samsung has a great deal of.
equivalents to just the same pieces. Like, you might obtain a.
Samsung Galaxy S front runner and you can rapidly and easily connect your Galaxy.
Buds similar to AirPods. You placed on your Galaxy watch with a great deal of the very same.
features as the Apple watch.You secure

to a Samsung Tab.
just for amusement purposes, like an iPad, however then.
you obtain a Galaxy Book Pro with mobile net sharing.
and cordless Quick Share, much like a MacBook Pro with AirDrop. You see where I'' m going?
It. just maintains going and going. I'' m certain Samsung is. at some point gon na bring out their wise audio speaker.
to match the home vessel. It'' s absolutely, entirely. coming, yet theoretically, the idea is they are. remarkably conforming. So, the means I see it, at.
the time of this recording, '' cause this might alter extremely.
soon in the next pair weeks, but the primary benefits.
of Samsung'' s environment would be points like one USB-C.
throughout literally whatever, so you can utilize one charging.
cord for every one of your stuff.Two, they make more. different versions of
gadgets that match the environment. Like, there are a lot of different phones and a bunch of various watches and various headphones. and laptop computers, and so on, so there'' s a lot more flexibility.
and hardware choice. Traditional Android, plus Samsung.
additionally makes other stuff that links, like.
dishwashing machines and refrigerators, however after that the advantages.
of Apple'' s environment, not simply in the US, but especially right here, are, first of all, simplicity.
of usage and seamlessness. Like, it is genuinely insane how good several of the connection stuff.
is in Apple'' s community. Like, something like Continuity Cam is so sick every single time. You just push one button to use an incredibly top quality.
apple iphone camera as your web cam. It functions really, extremely well, however after that the appeal.
element, specifically in the US, makes things like FaceTime and iMessage and the Locate My Network super strong.So I can make an entire video clip on this. I could set up the.
strengths and weak points and install simply these 2.
communities up versus each various other, yet, as of now,.
they'' re both very solid, and I'' m gon na offer the.
mild side to Apple'' s, just because, one, I ' m in the United States and that advantage is solid, yet, two, even if of the seamlessness and exactly how well things are integrated and the continuity attributes are unreal. So, if we tally these all up here, you can see that the objective victor, in 4 out of the seven.
classifications that I made up, is the iPhone, yet put.
your pitchforks down. Guess what? As you'' ve probably selected up initially of this video clip, there is no unbiased victor to a decision as personal as this set and when the alternatives are this close.You probably currently understand, if you ' ve been seeing my videos, you know I major an Android phone the majority of the moment together with an iPhone, yet my major phone and my. main customized setups are on the Android phone, so what gives? Like, choosing one de facto. victor sort of suggests that the one champion is best for everyone, yet we currently recognize that there ' s. some individuals who essentially put on ' t appreciate some functions that a few other would state. they can ' t live without. So I ' ve devised a really basic system to assist you pick your champion for yourself, and it ' s actually quite simple.All you have to do is put these seven groups. in order of significance to you and then price every one of them let ' s state on a range from one to five. So offer them a one to 5 point score based on just how much you appreciate it. So, below, for me, I care one of the most about customization and functions. After that I care a lot about applications, and excitement and updates. are halfway decent vital, however then in my day-to-day chauffeur, ease of use and ecological community. aren ' t that huge of a deal. I ' ve obtained a variety. So after that I'just provide the. amount of points earned to every victor of that group. So the winner for me is plainly Android, but, hi, for you, perhaps you care a great deal around.
community and perhaps absolutely nothing else. I'' m sure you understand somebody such as this. Then the iPhone will clearly.
be calling your name, or if you'' re the kind who wants all the attributes and.
enjoyment worldwide, well, after that Android probably.
is what'' s in your pocket. You might also have your own.
classification you can include that'' s heavily weighted.I sort of see it like purchasing a vehicle. Like maybe Amazing Element. remains in there.
Have at it. It ends up buying a phone is among one of the most personal.
decisions you make. I'' ve claimed this previously, yet, like, it'' s the thing you spent your money on and you lug everywhere you go, and so that'' s why individuals. get so functioned up concerning this side versus that side, but, at the end of the day, the victor, not to be tacky, is us, due to the fact that they'' re contending.
against each other to get better to hopefully win you over, and.
that'' s the method it ought to be. Thanks for watching. Catch you in the following one. Tranquility. (upbeat music).
♪ Ooh ♪.

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