iPhone vs Android (The Real Winner)!

(positive music).
♪ Ooh ♪ – Okay, welcome to the definitive apple iphone.
versus Android video. It'' s the difficult dispute, right? In a great deal of means, people simply obtain so entrenched on one side that they never wan na.
turn to the other side. To each their own. You hear that regularly,.
yet I have a remedy. So here'' s exactly how we ' re gon na do this. So I ' m gon na damage this down into seven'in fact meaningful categories, so it ' s an odd number, so there. needs to be a victor, no tie, yet since we ' re not. psychos and we understand that victor doesn ' t immediately apply to every human on planet, I'' m really gon na give you a system, a rubric to help determine.
the real victor on your own. You'' ll see what I mean.Let ' s get involved in it. So, all right. Category number one. Customization. Generally, if you see this.
symbol and you obtain thrilled, after that you probably enjoy modification too. So, excavating into the setups and messing around with the.
home screen and the lock display and tweaking things and behaviors to make the device.
absolutely best for you, I imply, it'' s a pastime all on its own.
Currently, initially in 2023, it. might in fact look like iOS 17 and
Android 14. are quite close, right? I suggest, allow ' s be genuine.
iphone just included a number. of really great features that are effectively done.
The new lock screen update. gives you the ability to transform all these clock font styles and shades and placed numerous very useful.
widgets on your lock display and afterwards conserve a number of.
different lock screen configurations for different circumstances.
and various focus modes, and after that widgets were likewise.
included to the home screen less than two years ago too, so that unlocked a lots of personalization of home display configurations presenting.
glanceable information, however the more you check out it, the more you recognize it'' s. not in fact that close, and a whole lot of this truly simply.
comes down to the fact that Apple, they do maintain adding.
all these capabilities, however you'' re always restricted to doing it the Apple way, the right way, and so that'' s why a great deal of iPhone setups still simply kind of appearance the same.Like, also

if you simply.
check Android 14 from the Google Pixel, which isn'' t even the most. customizable variation of Android, there'' s still way much more. that you can change, from the colors of the motif of the OS matching the shade of your.
wallpaper thanks to Product You to symbol packs, custom-made widget sizes. I imply, Android will just sort of allow you do whatever you desire. On the apple iphone, you can'' t increase a widget. to any kind of size you want. You can ' t put an application just on the right side of your. home screen for reachability. You literally can'' t even put an application anywhere you want on the home screen. It needs to be the following up in.
the grid of Apple'' s selecting. You can'' t transform the grid ' s dimension. You can'' t transform the icon sizes. I suggest, it simply takes a.
entire lot of additional work and a Siri Shortcuts hack.
simply to utilize a custom-made symbol. Just basic stuff.Now, I think the

various other. side of that coin is
you can make a truly hideous,. awful Android setup, where you can ' t actually mess up an'apple iphone home display that much. So, while you can most definitely suggest that iphone does it prettier, the champion for the majority of personalization,. that would be Android.
So, then group number. two, functions, all right? Simply directly up which. one can do more things.
This has been just one of the best disputes at the center of iphone versus Android conversations you always hear, mostly because both. platforms, at some degree, introduced missing attributes,. however particularly the iPhone.
Like, you ' d constantly hear, “Wow', “can you think the iPhone.
can'' t also set wallpapers?”” And after that it was, “” Can.
you believe the apple iphone is just currently getting duplicate.
and paste, seriously?”” And afterwards it'' s, “Wow, it ' s insane that iphone is simply obtaining widgets.
currently a years later on.”” But, hi, currently, it'' s 2023 and.
they'' re both extremely full, and even in the manner ins which they'' re not, they ' re copying each various other all the time.You always see a new keynote.
with new things on Android, and you'' re like, that came from iphone, and then you'' ll see stuff. from the apple iphone keynote and resemble, that originated from Android, but there'' s even some new things since the apple iphone has that Android doesn'' t. A rather great one recently is emphasis settings, which provides you extremely high.
control over notices in various different circumstances with your apps and your calls. There are additionally a great deal of personal privacy attributes, points like Hide My Email with iCloud And also and iCloud Private Relay. You can even say that.
Dynamic Island on the Pro iPhone is a function if you intend to, but, I indicate, I simply couldn'' t because only a small.
handful of applications support it, but it'' s something pretty awesome and distinct, which is increasingly more unusual than ever before in the smart device globe. At this moment, though, neither OS is truly missing.
any type of enormous features anymore. They'' ve both developed approximately this degree where they'' re their very own character.They both do a

great deal of things, yet I still am gon na have to provide the side to Android in this one even if there are.
so many little, like, tweaky, like little OS-level functions, simply little things that you.
can tweak and alter on Android that still just are not on the iPhone. So I'' m talking like.
battery management features to personalized charging rates or established hands-on fee limitations.
to preserve battery life. There'' s additionally an actual. data monitoring system so you can drag and go down things onto your phone right into specific.
folders if you intend to. There'' s gaming-specific.
features like game settings, the ability to call backwards and forwards your screen'' s revitalize.
rate whenever you want to. Independent volume controls for telephone call and ringtones and alarms.Also, reverse wireless. billing turns up a great deal for charging wireless earbuds without breaking out a different wire. Truly, simply, it comes down.
to the advantage of Android is having so much attribute choice. That'' s type of the factor, and this likewise bleeds right into hardware as well. So, also if the feature you want is a significant camera without any notch, then you have to get an.
Android phone, right? So, if the feature is a very.
fast charging or a 10x electronic camera or USB Type-C, as of today, it'' s. got ta be an Android phone. So, although they both.
offer every one of the fundamental attributes and they show up to duplicate.
each other at all times on little extra things, the winner here, again,.
is definitely Android.Now, number 3

is convenience of use. Currently, simplicity of usage is really. useful to a whole lot of individuals, like a whole lot of individuals, and the.
aspect of simplicity of usage is it frequently essentially has.
an inverted connection with customization and a lots of attributes, '' reason there ' s this delicate harmonizing act you need to do of having flexibility, offering flexibility to the individual, however not frustrating them with a lots of switches and settings, and this is actually where the iPhone excels and has succeeded for many years.
as a high concern without a doubt, also in the most basic methods. The home screen on the apple iphone has had up to four symbols in the dock on every apple iphone given that the beginning, and the phone icon has always been green and always been on the left.
each and every single time for 17 years.The apple iphone

' s video camera app, we'' ve all seen that remain.
essentially the very same with the viewfinder and the gliding modes. It'' s been like that for several years, and that type of tucks. away a lot of the settings into a different setups app and it can really feel like.
it'' s missing functions, however, truthfully, it'' s still the most convenient and most uncomplicated.
for many people to use. It'' s like they hate transforming. points for no excellent factor. The calculator has generally.
been unmodified for several years. Currently, there'' s also downsides to that, like Siri has primarily been disregarded since it was introduced, yet, still, like, Apple moves the telephone call end.
switch by like 200 pixels to the center of the screen.
and people go crazy about it. Occasionally, it feels like Android variations will.
simply move things around simply type of to attempt it and for.
the purpose of altering points, and often it functions,.
often it doesn'' t. They ' ll action it back, and'that ' s fascinating. and interesting in some cases, yet that does injure just user.
connection and simplicity of use.Maybe not for you viewing this video, yet simply believe for the ordinary person, like for your five closest buddies. Consider just how they use their phone. Yeah, then toss on top of that, there ' s basically never any bloatware filled onto the iPhone ever before,. and afterwards client service is generally constantly far better for an apple iphone due to the fact that Apple stores are everywhere and Apple regulates that entire experience, for much better or for worse, so they get to do wonderful. deal with customers.So it ' s simply for people. that are not enthusiasts

who simply wan na obtain the important things. and not think of it any longer, they rather much constantly
. select the apple iphone. So ease of use is a. checkbox for the apple iphone.
By the way, if you ' re delighting in.
this video, get subscribed. Why not? It ' s free.
All right, so we obtained ta talk concerning updates. So number four is assistance. So this is something that I would certainly identify as type of underrated, even if I put on ' t think sufficient individuals buy their new phone that. they plan on having for years with this in mind. I assume having the most recent. and best updates, software, and security. spots as fast as feasible and as lengthy as feasible. must be a priority, yet
it typically isn ' t for people.Either means, it ' s sort of a. mixed bag throughout the board. In Android globe, some. firms make no guarantees or they type of break their assurances.
Some have brief assurances and. some will really prolong bent on appealing 3 to 4. years of software updates. Weirdly, Samsung now is the indisputable king of. Android software application updates, with some rumors of perhaps. Google capturing back up, however Samsung announced in 2019 that all devices in 2019 or later will get four years of security updates and some flagships will also get 5, but none of them actually. resemble the iPhone. When iphone 17 comes out this loss, every iPhone back to. the apple iphone 10R from 2018 is formally supported and.
gon na obtain the most recent variation. That ' s five significant. software program variation updates.I put on ' t believe there are any kind of. Android phones from 2018 that are gon na get the. most recent variation of Android 14 when it appears. So this one'quickly mosts likely to the vertically-integrated Apple phone with the Apple software all day. So, currently, my number 5 category is applications. This is actually type of fascinating. So, clearly, we have our criterion, like our applications that we. all use every day on our phones that we ' re made use of to, yet then occasionally it ' s fun just type of standing out around. in the particular app
shops, finding new points, finding fun apps, and, now, they. are both flourishing.There ' s countless applications now.
There ' s over 3 and a fifty percent million apps in the Google Play Store, and over a million and a. half in Apple

' s App Shop, which if you just quit there,. appearances like a win for Android, but quality over quantity, my good friends.
Quality over quantity. Basically, every major application is.
available for both systems, which implies there are numerous. much more, you understand, niche apps or fairly unknown.
feasible diamonds in the rough on the Google Play Shop,. sure, but the distinction is when you in fact
talk to these designers and observe the cycle of, like, exactly how they get made and just how. these applications obtain upgraded, the truth is a lot of of. them are prioritizing iOS, and, really, it ' s purely for effectiveness. Assume concerning it.
If you just need to upgrade. one version of your app and it functions with all the. newest iPhones instantly and works completely for
millions of individuals that all have essentially.
the same element ratio, certainly you ' d do it, flip that button, however, with Android, there are normally.
many more complexities. There are a lot of various devices that all have different aspect ratios and different pixel
densities and various function. assistance and also foldables, and it ' s like it ' s a great deal more job to get all of those customers as much as day with the very same level of
optimization.It ' s a whole lot of various switches to'turn, so a great deal of ' em simply wear ' t. experience every one of that or they take way longer to. So the variety of titles is one point, yet is it the very same Instagram. app on both iPhone and Android? Is 'it the same Threads application on every one? As someone who ' s been. bring and utilizing both phones and commonly using the.
same app on both phones, I have a direct experience. of knowing that, commonly,'even with some of Google ' s own apps, the updates are prioritized on the iPhone. They precede to the apple iphone. before they involve Android. I desire that wasn ' t real. I wish they were equally as. easy to do one or the various other, however that ' s just the fact of it. So the mild application benefit is. gon na go to the apple iphone here, and'remarkably enough, this also uses. normally to devices. Again, very same reason, very same effectiveness, but that ' s a win for the apple iphone. So after that, classification'number six, I ' m gon na go a little a lot more. subjective with this one, yet I still
think it. issues, which is excitement.Which one is extra fascinating or exciting in the minute

to you? Currently, truthfully, I get rather delighted for a great deal of different. brand-new tech nowadays, and, actually, since there ' s just like one or two brand-new. iPhone drops every year, it ' s in fact very easy to obtain buzz developed for the new apple iphone, yet it ' s definitely a. various kind of enjoyment with the huge range of.
new advancements and points that involve Android phones constantly. Like, if you just are. interested in folding phones, well, there ' s more Android. launches than ever for that.Want a pc gaming phone? There ' s. gon na be an Android for that

. Do you want an earphone jack?'Do
you desire a compact phone? Do you want the globe ' s fastest charging? Do you desire some fascinating. new special styles or products or textures.
or experimental attributes? Like, that is the world of Android, and if you assume regarding it,. seriously assume about this, many of the interesting excitement around every brand-new iPhone. launch, the inquiry truly is, is this brand-new apple iphone going. to get a new function that ' s been in Android phones for many years? Like, are we ultimately gon na. obtain USB-C on an apple iphone? Are we ultimately gon na obtain. fast charging on an iPhone? Are we finally gon na get a 5x cam? And so just for that novelty factor alone, the enjoyment classification, that ' s certainly got ta go to Android.So that'brings us to my last group, number seven, ecosystem. We ' ve heard this word previously, ecological community. So', okay, state what you want, however there are a whole lot of individuals. who will certainly deny a phone if it doesn '
t have iMessage. or FaceTime', whatever it is, and Apple has actually weaponized this. and developed wall surfaces around this and closed it off as much as possible. Technically, you can sign up with a. FaceTime from an Android
phone, yet you can ' t start one. So I made a whole video.
nearly Apple'' s ecosystem. Dislike it or enjoy it, it is.
crucial to some people. Now, the important things is Apple is not the only.
one with an ecosystem. Like, look at Samsung for instance. Apple takes place to develop larger wall surfaces around maintaining people.
into their environment, but Samsung has a great deal of.
matchings to just the same pieces. Like, you might get a.
Samsung Galaxy S front runner and you could rapidly and quickly link your Galaxy.
Buds much like AirPods. You placed on your Galaxy watch with a great deal of the same.
functions as the Apple watch. You secure to a Samsung Tab.
just for amusement objectives, like an iPad, but then.
you get a Galaxy Book Pro with cellular web sharing.
and cordless Quick Share, similar to a MacBook Pro with AirDrop.You see where

I'' m going?
It. simply keeps going and going. I'' m certain Samsung is. eventually gon na come out with their clever speaker.
to match the home hull. It'' s completely, absolutely. coming, however on paper, the concept is they are. remarkably conforming. So, the means I see it, at.
the time of this recording, '' cause this might alter very.
soon in the following couple weeks, but the main benefits.
of Samsung'' s ecosystem would be things like one USB-C.
throughout actually everything, so you can utilize one billing.
wire for every one of your stuff. Two, they make more.
various variations of gadgets that match the community. Like, there are a lots of various phones and a bunch of various watches and different earphones.
and laptops, and so on, so there'' s extra flexibility.
and hardware choice. Traditional Android, plus Samsung.
additionally makes other stuff that attaches, like.
dishwashing machines and refrigerators, however after that the advantages.
of Apple'' s environment, not just in the US, but particularly right here, are, firstly, simplicity.
of usage and seamlessness. Like, it is truly crazy just how good a few of the connection things.
is in Apple'' s environment. Like, something like Connection Video camera is so ill every time.You just push one switch to use an incredibly premium quality. apple iphone video camera as your web cam.
It works really, extremely well, yet after that the popularity. variable, specifically in the US, makes points like FaceTime and iMessage and the Discover My Network extremely solid. So I can make an entire video on this. I could put up the.
toughness and weak points and install just these two.
environments up against each various other, however, since today,.
they'' re both very solid, and I'' m gon na offer the.
slight side to Apple'' s, just because, one, I ' m in the US which advantage is solid, yet, two, simply due to the fact that of the seamlessness and just how well things are incorporated and the continuity attributes are unreal.So, if we tally these all up right here, you can see that the unbiased victor, in four out of the seven.
categories that I comprised, is the apple iphone, yet placed.
your pitchforks down. Presume what? As you'' ve most likely grabbed from the start of this video, there is no objective champion to a choice as individual as this and when the options are this close. You most likely currently recognize, if you'' ve been watching my video clips, you know I main an Android phone the majority of the moment along with an apple iphone, but my main phone and my.
major customized setups are on the Android phone, so what offers? Like, selecting one de facto.
winner kind of suggests that the one victor is best for everyone, but we currently recognize that there'' s. some people that literally wear'' t appreciate some features that some
others would certainly claim. they can ' t live without. So I'' ve devised a very fundamental system to assist you pick your victor on your own, and it'' s truly rather simple. All you have to do is put these seven classifications.
in order of value to you and after that rate each one of them let'' s claim on a range from one to five.So provide a one to five point ranking based on just how much you respect it. So, below, for me, I care the most around personalization and features. After that I care a whole lot regarding apps, and exhilaration and updates.
are halfway decent crucial, however after that in my daily vehicle driver, ease of use and community.
aren'' t that huge of a bargain. I'' ve got a blended bag. So then I just provide the.
quantity of points earned per winner of that category. So the champion for me is plainly Android, however, hello, for you, maybe you care a whole lot around.
environment and perhaps absolutely nothing else. I'' m sure you recognize a person like this. Then the iPhone will plainly.
be calling your name, or if you'' re the kind who desires all the functions and.
enjoyment in the world, well, after that Android possibly.
is what'' s in your pocket.You might

also have your own.
category you might include that'' s heavily heavy. I kind of see it like buying a cars and truck. Like perhaps Great Element.
remains in there. Have at it. It ends up acquiring a phone is one of the most individual.
choices you make. I'' ve claimed this in the past, yet, like, it'' s the important things you invested your cash on and you bring anywhere you go, and so that'' s why individuals. obtain so worked up regarding this side versus that side, yet, at the end of the day, the winner, not to be tacky, is us, since they'' re contending.
versus each various other to get better to ideally win you over, and.
that'' s the way it need to be.Thanks for

watching. Catch you in the next one. Tranquility. (upbeat songs).
♪ Ooh ♪.

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