I Built the World’s Largest iPhone!

today I'' m constructing the globe ' s largest functioning iPhone as well as I ' m gon na have the most famous Tech customer on the whole planet put it to the test to see if it functions comparable to a brand-new phone you'' re probably asking yourself how we ' re going to complete this and also it'' s due to my friend kuf below he'' s a professional we need to go on ilfi let'' s go fine you require this TV this is the most significant TV we sell and you'' re gon na transform this into a touch display is that also possible that'' s for you to figure out after leaving the store we began to plan our apple iphone construct we'' ve obtained like 3 cameras on the back of flashing an infrared we reached see to it we have this Apple logo design as well as ensure that it'' s got a mirrored finish and here as well as Aaron you splashed coating wrong as soon as our large apple iphone is developed we'' ll be taking it to New york city City and also surviving a full day with it the current globe document for the world'' s biggest iPhone is six feet high and it was done by zhc back in 2020.

We'' ll get them on the phone let ' s figure out how we did it do you want me to call him and also ask him just how to beat his own record uh-huh [Music] so somehow we'' re gon na turn this into an apple iphone we wish to make our giant iPhone as accurate as possible so the lock buttons quantity switches whatever needs to service this phone you obtained it all removed now allow'' s reveal it when we download and install Minecraft on this it'' s most definitely not going to be Pocket Edition most iPhones are extremely delicate so we wish to make certain ours isn'' t that ' s why Noah ' s mosting likely to do some screening below we go Crocs weren ' t even in sport setting since we have this behind cutout we'' re going to begin doing the glossy side to make sure our Corners have the excellent satiation we have to make them from scrape by creating metal and also melting it down now we'' re mosting likely to grind every little thing all smooth cut this extra off it'' ll be a best edge piece this is the last piece that we require to add it has the best bench in order for us to get that on our giant phone we have to sand it much like you would certainly with an automobile while the kids are building some large Apple items available I'' m gon na throw some apples at them allow'' s go we installed this laser that goes all the method around making the television completely touch screen now we'' re mosting likely to transform this thing right into iphone I simply have to click this and we ought to be great allow'' s test the touch screen oh our huge apple iphone is built now it'' s time to put it to the examination allow ' s try the calculator oh 60 plus 9 equates to now the weird thing regarding a gigantic apple iphone is the video camera is all the way up there which makes it incredibly hard to take a selfie Noah ' s gon na push the button and also I'' ll jump for the photo to examine 2 applications simultaneously Duolingo and FaceTime we called a subscriber from India hi we'' re calling you from the globe'' s largest apple iphone as well as I ' m asking yourself if you'' re registered for the network yes I did just a couple of months ago burial place Jitney Wally that one thousand bucks did I state that ideal whoa I won one thousand dollars I said it right thanks a lot for subscribing you'' re welcome our gigantic apple iphone is looking unbelievable but it'' s missing one of the key details to make it revive the Apple logo so allow'' s mount it our apple iphone is finally finished currently all we need to do is take it to New York City we have a lengthy list of things that we have to achieve here prior to we obtain the phone evaluated by MKBHD [Music] just how much would you pay for this 12 Grand you nearly damaged it child where'' s your mommy right behind you oh hey guys sorry I'' m trying to activate me also the following point on our to-do listing is to use Apple pay we'' re bringing the giant apple iphone right into a watch shop to get a watch do you guys take Apple pay yeah we do you individuals obtained any Rollies gon na stand brother full collection let'' s go all right all right to make use of the Apple pay yes to stand on the counter does it work yeah it functions that'' d be crazy allow ' s have a huge phone coming out successive Duolingo the globe'' s largest language learning application on the world ' s biggest functioning iPhone and they ' re likewise the enroller these days'' s video clip prior to I inform you concerning them I have to amaze someone what is this you'' re mosting likely to Puerto Rico in the next three hrs you require to find out Spanish Allow'' s Go while we ' re gone it ' s got pet dog resting duties anyone intend to learn a language Duolingo is essentially a video game so it makes learning easy as well as enjoyable at the very same time what I enjoy most is the capability to learn languages anywhere anytime we'' re simply sitting out by the sea having some slushies everyone here assumes that I talk English so they talk English to me they put on'' t understand that I know Spanish me and also the light beam group travel regularly for videos and Duolingo has actually assisted us find out the basics of French Japanese and also Spanish hasta luego Puerto Rico comment down below what languages you speak as well as make use of the web link in the description to download and install Duolingo free of cost as well as add me at Matthew light beam so we can discover with each other following on our list is taking the phone around to the most legendary website [Songs] you got games on the phone later in this video clip one of the most famous Tech reviewer on the entire world will certainly be placing our giant phone to the examination so we'' re bringing around the city to ensure it'' s prepared for him we'' re screening the cam they'' re playing computer game today so much it'' s holding up well I actually wish we get a good score now we'' re mosting likely to be making use of the phone to check out our resort for the night all right we'' re monitoring in today need to fit it through that door we can'' t utilize our stand as well as we can ' t drop it I'' m really frightened that I ' m gon na drop this ready oh my God on five 5 oh my gosh [Songs] let ' s sign in as well as remainder I truly assumed we were about to drop that point in the hotel entrance hall [Songs] so you have some spaces offered tonight of course that'' s your phone yeah oh nice do you think that this phone will certainly fit in the room as long as it fits through the door so we'' re checking right into the hotel right currently and every single among the workers is down here checking it out we simply obtained the last 2 rooms for the evening it said just 2 left and we obtained them okay off to our space we go the iPhone doesn'' t suit the elevator with the stand so we have to choose it up again [Music] it'' s larger than the bed to make certain that we awaken right early I'' m gon na set our alarm system we ' re

gon na get up at 7 30. We have our alarm set for the night now I just need to put the phone on do not disrupt there we go great night Matt [Music] we have three things left on our checklist and we'' re mosting likely to begin by doing our morning run in Central Park we'' re going to run a mile in the park as well as see how lengthy it takes us we'' re making a great time thus far not really this is the very best means to take place a run we can simply inspect our time right below or we can just do the laundry so there'' s gaps all over oh my God we'' re at 44 secs and also we'' ve dealt with 20 feet up until now it'' s very hard to keep up this point I love it it'' s remarkable all the best individuals yeah you individuals are ruining our time anyway allowed'' s obtain out of right here we ' re running out of time prior to our meeting with Marquez Brownlee so we need to knock out the last 2 points from our list at the same time by going on the metro to see him you obtained a bed mattress see you do see unusual things on the train we have actually successfully brought our large phone right into the train you never know what you'' re gon na see on this that means this is superb I enjoy it oh well I can'' t speak right'now I ' m on the metro we ' re gon na obtain off on the following quit we lastly reached marquez ' s Stockroom to finish the last step of our list we'' re in mkbhd ' s Warehouse now getting all set to obtain a tech review there'' s numerous dollars well worth of tech in here lastly all set for our phone to obtain assessed by the largest Tech reviewer on the planet dealing with the globe'' s biggest iPhone as a workout with any luck he provides us a great testimonial here we go are you all set for this I'' ve been informed really bit so I'' m prepared to shock fine so you stated the largest phone you'' ve ever examined is like a couple of inches specifically all right check it out in 3 2 one have a look oh that'' s a great deal bigger than I believed that'' s greater than a tablet computer Jesus oh it'' s an apple iphone yeah it ' s a completely functioning totally working eight foot tall iPhone just how totally functioning try it do these work yes drop the volume decline the volume I went to Mr B Studio and also he had like a gigantic iPhone yet it was it was like half this dimension as well as it didn'' t job so this is larger and it fully Functions which is ill I'' m impressed wow that'' s rather unwell just how much do you believe Apple would certainly uh charge for this it would certainly be the apple iphone 14 pro Max Plus Ultra so this would possibly have to do with 2 grand can I keep it yep all right ill I like that I assume it'' s one of one so I got ta simply give it simply based upon that a pretty high rating work from the group to make this really work that'' s invaluable I appreciate that I'' m gon na go eight out of 10 back electronic cameras work as well as if I can stand out open Siri it'' d be closer to a nine does it obtain your consent I think so globe'' s biggest iPhone well placed

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