Can an iPhone REALLY replace a Pro Camera? 🤔

for years I'' ve directly been imagining the apple iphone being great enough in terms of the video camera to change a real expert cam so the inquiry is has that day lastly come and I believe yes it has so in this video I'' m gon na describe what has actually changed throughout the years particularly with the most recent iPhone 14 Pro Designs to make it so great as well as specifically revealing off my own use case where it lastly is good sufficient yet initially we got ta experience a little of Tale Time method back in 2016 the co-host Max and also I were benefiting Apple Insider growing their YouTube channel and that is a year when Apple released the iPhone 7 plus which'' s when it featured dual cameras as well as the all new picture mode feature now initially it didn'' t work that well yet the background blur was there which'' s when I saw begun assuming hi envision if this gets excellent sufficient to at some point resemble a pro camera and after that year after year they maintained enhancing the picture setting making it much better after that eventually including foreground blur to make it much more reasonable like a genuine video camera would certainly do after that improving the depth with the lidar scanner on the back of the Pro Designs and after that lastly a couple years back they added cinematic video clip setting which was a dream happened but it was limited to 1080p resolution so I personally didn'' t actually utilize it that typically however currently with the iPhone 14 Pro Models it is ultimately improved and I ' m telling you it is absolutely impressive so allow me clarify every little thing that enters into it currently if it wasn'' t currently clear to you I'' m utilizing my apple iphone 14 pro to record this in motion picture video and I'' ve reached tell you it in fact looks really truly great currently one of the biggest downsides to change making use of a pro video camera with an apple iphone is the audio circumstance since normally we use a professional microphone that'' s out of the framework right currently yet for the apple iphone you put on'' t really have lots of remedies particularly at a range similar to this with the raw apple iphone audio appearing pretty poor however fortunately we have modern services like the m650 microphone from our partner anchor work that I'' ve really been utilizing to videotape the audio for this entire video it includes an all-in-one style like the airpods so you might use it anywhere loading 2 cordless microphones that you can either clip onto your tee shirt or magnetically connect through your t-shirt like I am right now with 6 different shade options as well as a wireless receiver that'' s simple to attach to any kind of phone since it has both lightning as well as USBC adapters giving you excellent microphone quality for instantaneous recording or live streaming on the move with true Web link Wireless technology which makes use of lc3 Plus for lengthy variety 656 foot connection each one of these is going to last 6 hours and even as much as 15 with the wireless charging case as well as the receiver comes with a touch display LCD present to see your audio degrees as well as make modifications to your setups it likewise has dual Network Wireless recording as well as voice Guard Pro sound reduction just hear the difference on your own this is the audio high quality of the iPhone on its own and also this is the audio high quality of the Anker m650 microphone that'' s most definitely a huge Renovation as well as you can examine it out making use of the link below now getting back to how my apple iphone 14 pro has replaced a pro electronic camera for me the main brand-new difference is that the iPhone 14 professional assistances 4K cinematic video clip recording setting and also that takes the quality to a whole various degree simply inspect out this video of wake searching in the summer with history stemless glass in the back looking definitely fantastic I indicate this is Pro Camera degree of video clip high quality but the major reason for why it'' s replaced a professional camera for me is due to the fact that I can lastly take my iPhone 14 pro house and also shoot professional quality b-roll of products to examine with the iPhone rather of a pro electronic camera and also it looks definitely fantastic we'' ve been doing some sponsored reviews and usually I'' d need to take my camera however with the iPhone with 4K motion picture mode it looks equally as good with the benefit of being in my pocket in all times however what makes it really special to me and also why I like how Apple executed it is that you can alter the amount of background blur in post so now you men can see it'' s altering in between a great deal of blur and a percentage of blur since we'' re doing it in post while editing you can even transform the emphasis in post which is an insane ain'' t transformed that they'' ve added so today you can most likely see it'' s out of'focus now it ' s back in Emphasis because you can transform it in post changing between people in the foreground and also history as well as I'' ve in fact applied this myself as you can see right here'' s some video footage of my kids in your home as well as right below currently I swish the focus on my older boy sitting at the cooking area island and then back to my more youthful boy while I was tape-recording this wasn'' t also in post now envision you could do it in article anytime you desire that is definitely remarkable as well as is so important due to the fact that a great deal of times with the specialist camera once it tapes something and also if the focus gets incorrect and off you'' re sort of screwed you have to reshoot the entire video clip if you desire whatever to be wonderful as well as focus however with the iPhone you can transform it in blog post which is absolutely Invaluable so basically I have actually never been this delighted with video footage coming coming out of an iPhone particularly with the Motion picture video setting currently in 4k looking definitely fantastic with Unbelievable top quality now I have to obtain into the real picture image setting and also this is absolutely outstanding since they'' ve been working with it for the last few years as well as they have developed it the foreground blur looks amazing the real colors look awesome simply look at these picture mode photos of sundowns and topics throughout a sundown it really highlights those sunset shades while other phones like the s23 ultra they type of suffice down and they can'' t reproduce it so the apple iphone is eliminating it in regards to portrait photography so a lot to make sure that I'' d state that it ' s matching professional digital video cameras currently among the largest advantages the iPhone has compared to a real specialist electronic video camera is that it has a heap of handling power and consequently we have picture evening setting code photos which look definitely outrageous it'' s able to bring it up while making use of portrait mode as well as it looks so better than what digital video cameras can construct at night as a result of program they suffer in regards to low light top quality which'' s where they win compared to electronic cameras now another big modification is the 48 megapixel primary electronic camera and also however Apple forces you to make use of Pro raw not just the normal heic or jpeg formats yet what this means is that when you switch to prora as well as you take a photo you get outrageous degrees of information that you can'' t obtain without using it and also I located this really helpful for group images where you have a whole lot of people as well as you want it to look comparable to possible so that you might share it online or do whatever with it the difference in quality is remarkable as well as naturally it sucks that they force you to utilize Pro raw yet we have located a shortcut on the iPhone through the program shortcuts application where you can literally book reformat Pro Raw pictures right into heic precisely your phone at any moment and also it just takes secs as well as you can even make it remove the pro raw image to make use of less area so if you'' re interested in just how to do that I'' ll leave a link in the video clip summary below to my tweet thread currently the only point I'' m dissatisfied regarding in regards to the iPhone'' s camera is the 3x lens since there is a big difference in top quality this year in between that particular telephoto lens et cetera of the cam the Selfies got a whole lot better A lot a lot more sharp the primary electronic camera is massive in regards to the distinction and also the ultra large also got a big upgrade but the 3x lens it falls down because you can see a whole lot of the noise specifically when the light sort of comes down and also it'' s a more dimly lit scenario that ' s why I rarely use the 3x since there ' s just such a a large difference as well as thankfully with the iPhone 15 Pro Versions apple is working on dealing with that hopefully they provide us a 3X to 6X telephoto zoom lens with any luck that provides us a great deal far better Zoom top quality so with all that stated I'' ve obtained to say that this is the first year as well as very first time an apple iphone has actually ever before replaced a digital electronic camera for me in the real life especially having the ability to use it for product assesses that I do at home it is just on an entire an additional level and the Motion picture 4K mode ruins the competitors in regards to the Android phones s23 Ultra every little thing it simply kills it especially as a result of the stabilization to match it it simply got a lot better this year so it'' s completely stabilized and simply I'' ve never ever been this excited as you can outline iPhone digital photography and videography I'' ve Obtained ta Offer A Bravo to Apple for the improvements and I expected what they have in store for the future allow me understand what you men assume in the remark section listed below click that Circle above to subscribe for more videos similar to this one many thanks for enjoying and we'' ll see you in the following video foreign

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