iPhone 14 Pro: Apple’s 72-hour Battery Tech Revolution 🤯

the iphone 14 is presently without a doubt the most anticipated smart device launch for 2022 with over 2 times a lot more searches than the brand-new samsung galaxy s22 and despite the fact that we'' ve been covering all of the reported features like the up-to-date iphone 4 design redesign the 48 megapixel 8k qualified cam the dual hole strike notchless display screen as well as potentially even usb type-c replacing lightning there'' s one grab-breaking feature that can rule them all crazy degrees of battery life yes there have been some major advancements in the battery modern technology area that can repair a plethora of issues with today'' s batteries all at the exact same time as well as i ' m going to be covering specifically what that is as well as how it'' s going to function as well as why it is so vital to apple currently before we start i just desire to make certain you guys understand exactly how large of a deal this really runs out every one of the apple iphone upgrades we have actually mentioned in the past i would need to state that upgrading to the iphone 11 pro max and also lately the new iphone 13s have been my all-time faves and while the addition of the ultrawide electronic camera with the iphone 11 as well as 120 hertz promotion on the 13 pro were fantastic brand-new functions it was actually the significant enter battery life that has altered my life one of the most because to be sincere it is battery life that enables you to use all of the apple iphone features for longer without needing to be stuck next to a charger or feel like you'' re gon na have to decline your brightness to last with the day as well as the very same point opts for people that wish to be able to have a smaller sized phone like the normal 13 rather than buying a max or perhaps even the 13 mini where battery life enables you to in fact have the ability to utilize a little phone without those restrictions so keeping that said allow'' s get involved in this brand-new battery innovation revolution and just how it is mosting likely to profit apple way back in 2020 scientists at mit made a development with strong state battery technology which could allow phones to last for days without requiring a recharge and the manner in which it works is by changing several of the fluid parts inside today'' s lithium batteries with solid ones in today ' s lithium batteries there is a fluid electrolyte which lithium ions use to commute between the anode and also the cathode or simply put the favorable and the unfavorable components while the battery remains in usage these liquid parts are very volatile as well as they'' re the sole reason that the batteries can catch on fire like the galaxy note 7 back in the day and the beauty of having a solid state battery is that they would promptly end up being a lot more secure as well as less prone to fires but also better it would permit the anode within batteries to be constructed from far better product like pure lithium which is a lot more efficient and also will permit higher power thickness nonetheless there is additionally a major disadvantage to this brand-new technology as the battery is recharged the atom buildup triggers the lithium steel to expand which might additionally result in electrolyte fracturing which could be even a lot more hazardous so mit designed a new modern technology which actually utilizes carbon nanotubes to fix this battery development issues these nanotubes are infused with solid lithium steel to create the battery'' s anode and also since there is additional room inside of each of the tubes the lithium steel has spare area to broaden as well as shrink while in operation so the major benefit of this is that the outside dimensions of the batteries are completely unmodified and also without any swelling whatsoever and the beauty of every one of this with each other with the new cathode modern technology is that it can lead to smart devices of the very same size as well as weight that just need to be charged once every 3 days for this reason the 72 hr battery life now before you ask what the hell does all this relate to apple well they have actually filed for patents for battery battery technology that appears exceptionally similar to what mit located to start with apple has been dealing with the us federal government on brand-new coatings for cathode materials to enhance battery life by utilizing lithanium titanium as well as germanium finishings rather of the usual aluminum coverings to provide raised typical voltage and also improved energy retention and as you can see in these license photos apple will certainly have the ability to obtain higher battery capability as voltage increases contrasted to leaving with the current batteries however this isn'' t even a bombshell battery license that i desire to reveal you individuals last year apple applied for a patent that would certainly enable apple to make use of larger batteries in future apples iphone by eliminating wasted area and also using anti-swelling technology this patent involves making use of a steel can battery which is primarily an inflexible battery real estate or enclosure which maintains the battery parts separate from the remainder of the apple iphone as well as prior to i explain why they would intend to do this allow me advise you that this is precisely what mit was speaking about with their solid state battery technology the major point is that there is currently squandered space in the inside of a mobile phone to enable the battery adequate area to expand and also acquire so it doesn'' t wind up blowing up or creating a fire do you people keep in mind the galaxy note 7 that was recalled because of the number of battery fires that were happening well that is due to the fact that samsung pressed the battery size to the limitations without allowing adequate interior area for the battery expansion and also so that fires began to occur but apple on the various other hand takes care to decrease the dimension of the battery to prevent this problem which also actually sucks due to the fact that it results in shed prospective battery size it just takes one look at ifixit'' s iphone 13 professional x-ray photo by creative electron to realize simply how much inner area is currently squandered since of this whole battery swelling problem and currently it ends up being really apparent why apple would certainly want to conform to a new solid state battery as quickly as possible because it would certainly permit them to utilize larger batteries in the iphone without having to make the iphone bigger itself and i assume that this is exceptionally important to apple because if you'' ve seen the dripped design of the iphone 14 you could see the apple is going to have ceramic glass extending out of the back and front similar to the layout of the apple iphone 4s and sadly the only way to make this apple iphone style not as thick as a block is to lower the thickness of the metal framework on the within of the glass sandwich which naturally will certainly limit the inner area readily available for the battery and if you don'' t think me apple filed for a patent back in 2020 for a whole new thinner apple iphone style that consists of numerous structure layers which might be made out of fiberglass hybrid and also titanium metal which could potentially be apple'' s concept for the iphone 14 layout one thin titanium piece sandwiched by two ceramic glass hybrid layers and also certainly the trick to making this all work without sacrificing battery life would be to jam in the largest battery possible as well as the ideal way to do that is to consume all of that thrown away area i revealed you because x-ray image as well as all of this leads back to mit'' s solid state battery modern technology development which will certainly utilize carbon nanotubes to completely self-contain any kind of battery swelling to ensure that the battery housing can be strong loading up the whole internal framework and also space offered however the benefits don'' t end there in the solid state battery video clip example it reveals that utilizing this tech would not only boost battery life yet likewise allow much faster billing prices which is something apple users have been asking for years so primarily this new technology is the best of the best and i fully believe that apple is dealing with this due to the steel key and battery patent that apple submitted for which can just be resolved by utilizing a solid state battery as well as if apple were to apply it today it might literally lead to an iphone 13 professional max with 72 hr battery life as a result of having actually much less thrown away area that permits a much bigger battery while also making use of far more reliable as well as energy dense products or on the various other hand apple can return to developing also thinner iphones type of like the slim titanium center layer we see in the recent apple iphone 14 design leaks however with added features like an always on screen without compromising any battery life compared to older designs compared to you understand what we have today and that would certainly be awesome that is a feature that we have actually wanted for several years currently as well as all of this can feature an even much safer battery that doesn'' t have the exact same battery fire danger that mobile phones utilized to have which is a win-win so with all that claimed if you guys appreciate this video clip click that circle above to help us reach our objective of 1 million clients check out among those terrific video clips right over there this has been max as well as i will certainly see you in the next video clip [Music]

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