Apple’s iPhone 14 Event will be BIGGER than you think..

apple'' s iphone occasion is happening one week from today as well as we simply obtained some bombshell leakages in terms of what we should anticipate alongside the brand name new iphone 14 schedule with some brand-new leaks that are confirming several of the important things that we were uncertain regarding as well as young boy this things gets insane due to the fact that there are some new attributes that were not confirmed before however we understand we are getting them currently so i am so ecstatic for this apple event now allow'' s get involved in those brand-new information so we just got a new enormous iphone 14 leak dump from a source called ux1122 on naver which appears like a korean source which in the past he has claimed some points that were in fact appropriate so there is some benefit to these leaks now firstly he states that the storage space is gon na start at 128 jobs as soon as again now we thought that maybe 256 at one point based upon another leakage however it appears like it'' s gon na be 128 once again which really pairs up to what mark grumman told me throughout the interview that we had recently on top of that we'' re obtaining quicker 30 watt wired billing we are getting the a16 ship that has much better thermals now i'' m uncertain if this results from the actual a16 chip since the a16 chip is reported to be based upon the very same n5p style as the a15 so you wouldn'' t truly expect it to be much extra cool nevertheless we did get some leakages from ming chaquel formerly that apple was working with a new thermal system with vapor chamber air conditioning as well as possibly that'' s why it ' s mosting likely to be cooler so i am extremely thrilled for that in addition to that we are going to be obtaining more powerful mag secure magnets of course if you have the apple iphone 12 or 13 lineup as well as you'' re kind of upset due to the fact that the magnet'' s not strong sufficient on the back of the apple iphone well they ' re gon na be more powerful this year and also i'' m very excited for that and also in addition to that we'' re getting a brand-new mac risk-free battery accessory currently we already have the apple max a battery pack which a great deal of people do not like due to the fact that it doesn'' t job that well and also it'' s rather slow so ideally apple releases a better one as well as i actually hope apple puts max secure magnets on the back of the real battery pack itself we are anticipating better battery life and he did state that costs may remain in an entirely different instructions than anticipated currently i don'' t actually recognize what that implies however he did equate it to it stating it will be extra pricey as well as the rate void between designs may change also now in my personal viewpoint i believe that the apple iphone 14 regular model will remain at the exact same 799 with the new 14 max at 8.99 as well as then both the pro as well as pro max models are gon na be a hundred bucks more pricey than they currently are now so eleven hundred dollars for the professional and also 1200 for the pro max now proceeding we simply obtained a huge leakage concerning the ultra vast cam on the iphone 14 professional designs this year claiming that it'' s gon na have bigger pixels than prior to which means low light performance will be boosted currently really mosting likely to the leak itself it'' s from minshakuo that is very reliable and when it comes to the specifics mosting likely to mingxiquo'' s real tweet he states that the iphone 14 professional models ultrawide cameras will certainly upgrade to 1.5 micron dimension pixels versus 1.0 on the present apple iphone 13 pro currently if you wear'' t understand how the pixel sizes are gauged it'' s in fact just one side of the pixel so'if it ' s one micron long it ' s additionally one micron broad so it'' s one square micron currently rising to 1.4 is actually going to be settled which is 1.9 square microns versus one square micron on the present 13 pro that'' s basically double the surface area of each pixel which implies almost double the quantity of light entering into each pixel if you maintain the exact same 12 megapixel sensor size that'' s going to be a big low light enhancement currently carrying on it resembles we did get a leak of the actual sticker of an iphone 14 professional model so yes that name is for certain confirmed which it'' s can be found in a white box at least the pro devices on top of that we additionally have confirmation that all apple iphone 14 models are mosting likely to feature 6 gigabytes of ram of program with the pro designs having the much faster ram as well as going also further we have verification that there will certainly no more be a sierra blue color and also there will not be a titanium version we'' re going to be keeping the stainless steel for the pros once more as well as surprisingly dan roo did come out as well as speak about the 30 watt battery charger that'' s mosting likely to be appearing for the apple iphone 14 collection nevertheless he did claim that the peak power of the lightning user interface of the iphone is just 27 watts that'' s the optimum and the more recent greater readying to make it possible for 30 watt is not mosting likely to be offered so i think apple is mosting likely to be future proofing this 30 watt battery charger for following year'' s iphone 15 series and also past that will certainly have the ability to approve 30 watts with the usb c port currently this right here is absolutely crazy it'' s rumored that apple and also global celebrity will certainly be revealing satellite connectivity for the iphone 14 schedule at the september 7th event currently this is nuts however it makes complete feeling because in february globalstar announced that it got 17 new satellites to offer continual satellite solutions to a possible client which could be apple and also i assume that makes total feeling in terms of this report because you'' re going to be able to go out hiking out in the ocean on your boat private yacht whatever any kind of place where there'' s no solution and you will be able to get some satellite connectivity just enough to make a sms message or a voice phone call ideally because right now you have to buy a satellite phone with a subscription solution and apple is just going to eliminate that market currently carrying on mainstream quote did state that apple has actually completed hardware tests for iphone 14 satellite connection so they'' re prepared yet the launch is mosting likely to depend upon the companions and if they prepare in a timely manner so i assume we'' re truly obtaining this function now allow'' s carry on to the apple watch collection 8 lineup and also we just obtained some brand-new leakages from shrimp apple pro regarding what we must anticipate now regarding a regular collection 8 we need to anticipate the same 41 and also 45 millimeter sizing alternatives no distinctions there we are going to be obtaining an upgraded red shade the same product packaging and also contents and abundant supply at launch so put on'' t anticipate any supply problems or need issues in any way shrimp apple pro did state that package style with the seal is mosting likely to be remaining the same other than that they added much more adhesive below to make certain that it reveals that you really opened it as well as individuals can'' t kind of fake it as well as re-box it or anything like that and also regarding the collection 8 pro he did state that that is coming alongside a brand-new se watch without any major modifications for the se however the 8 pro will have some changes as well as it'' s going to be a surprise to individuals since it ' s going to be an another point kind of news nevertheless there is a caution and also a prospective concern due to the fact that there are reports stating that the professional apple watch is not mosting likely to be suitable with older watch bands which implies that if you made a collection of watch bands throughout the years you may need to restart around once more but don'' t worry due to the fact that mark german did tweet about it claiming that he thinks the apple watch pro will sustain older bands though maybe they won'' t fit as well or look as seamless provided the dimension of the new watch so generally it'' s technically mosting likely to fit however it'' s not mosting likely to look excellent so you'' re probably just going to acquire a pro apple watch band anyhow and also on top of that we likewise obtained a leakage from the japanese site mac atakara claiming that the apple watch pro is mosting likely to be including a larger 47 millimeter case dimension with a level screen yes it'' s mosting likely to be flat which is mosting likely to allow it to have thinner bezels and generally a larger screen within a smaller sized framework so it doesn'' t look large on your wrist as well as i totally agree with that i think it'' s mosting likely to look absolutely incredible and currently placing the iphone and the apple watch apart we did get a leakage from trimmed apple pro about the air vessels professional 2 and the real feature that could be including it which is going to be huge as well as this may be coming with the september 7th occasion i'' m not exactly sure let'' s wish for it yet shrimp a pro did say that the lc3 codec that was dripped is really not for lossless but also for regular data transmission like calling and also things with lossless actually having a completely new codec which is likely a personalized apple codec that they developed for loss lossless assistance on the airpods pro 2 so i believe that is mosting likely to be a major selling point for those brand-new airpods pro 2.

A lot of individuals are mosting likely to acquire it due to the fact that the high quality is mosting likely to be definitely ridiculous and also market changing and also ultimately we got some details about apple'' s ar vr headset that is mosting likely to be releasing possibly within the next year that understands perhaps there'' s a chance apple could provide us an intro at the september 7th event however apple got trademarks of fact one reality pro as well as reality cpu and also felipe is believing that reality processor implies the brand-new household of chips simply like the a series as well as the m collection for the max the r series is mosting likely to be for the arvr headsets with reality one being the r1 chip as well as truth pro being the name of the device which likely means that this is mosting likely to be really expensive as well as not indicated for the customer market so hopefully we get an intro of that at the apple september event now let me understand what you'' re thrilled for down in the remarks section listed below because i am exceptionally excited most definitely subscribe by clicking the circle over and inspect out among those two right there as well as we'' ll see you in the next video [Music] [Songs]

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