AirPods Pro 2, iOS 16 Public Beta, iOS 15.6 RC, iPhone 14 and More

hi everyone Aaron right here for zollotech as well as this past.
week we had a lot of news regarding the upcoming apple watch collection 8 iphone 14 and we'' ll also talk. about when to anticipate ios 16 public betas as well as more this is your information upgrade for the week of july.
Fourth 2022 this past week steve jobs will be posthumously awarded the governmental medal of.
liberty according to the white home you can see on the white home'' s web site that they ' re. announcing the receivers of the presidential medal of liberty and also if we scroll down you can.
see there'' s different receivers such as simone biles yet if you keep going you'' ll see steve
. jobs as well as it states steve jobs was the co-founder chief exec and chair of apple chief executive officer of pixar.
and also held a leading duty at the walt disney company his vision creative imagination and creative thinking brought about.
developments that have as well as continue to transform the way the world interacts in addition to transforming.
the computer songs movie and also cordless market so it'' s great that he ' s getting this sadly. it didn ' t take place while he was alive yet in any case he'' s been offered this honor this previous week was. the 15th anniversary of the original apple iphone it'' s unbelievable to believe that it actually came.
out that long back in 2007 and you can see below'' s an original apple iphone one still functions and also this is one.
i'' ve revealed in different videos it'' s actually not my original one however it is one since i didn ' t have. one and also as you can see it'' s in pretty suitable shape but it'' s been out for around 15 years at this factor. so it ' s unbelievable to assume exactly how much we'' ve occurred from this initial apple iphone and also ios or apple iphone os.
one so you can see it right here it still works it'' s a little bit sluggish compared to what we anticipate today. yet if we turn we can go into cover flow and also things similar to this that i missed that i wish they'' d. restore either way it'' s 15 years of ages if you had an initial apple iphone i'' d love to hear from you.
in the remarks below or when did you get your initial apple iphone let me understand in the remarks listed below currently.
unfortunately if you live in japan they increase the price of the iphone by as much as 25 percent because of.
the autumn of the worth of the yen apple makes these adjustments often in various countries based.
on the regional currency worth however right currently that'' s a substantial raise in rate so if you were preparing.
to acquire a phone and also when the iphone 14 launches you may have to pay a significant cost above what you.
were intending on this previous week apple updated its support app with support for arabic so if you.
needed that language or that would certainly be helpful for someone you understand that may require a bit.
of extra assist with their phone if they'' re having issues whether that be physical or efficiency and.
a lot more this is a great app to send them to to assist them kind of troubleshoot their tool if they.
require to you can additionally add a call number that'' s liked too you couldn'' t do that prior to now.
you have the option to do that apple likewise updated their configurator application this is an application that'' s fantastic. for companies as well as various places that need to handle a number of devices and they'' ve finally. included ios onboarding which need to substantially ease a few of the work for non-profits and institutions.
making use of ios tools so something they ultimately added where you can use configurator on the iphone.
apple this past week launched a new invite-only apple community plus program that'' s suggested to provide.
advantages and also acknowledged top factors in the apple assistance neighborhood so on these discussion forums for instance.
apple says it'' s their way of revealing admiration for factors help perspective as well as proficiency so.
if you'' re someone that ' s on these discussion forums regularly i'' d love to learn through you'if you ' re actually in. that area plus program similar to recently i pointed out in the usa where they'' re wanting to. pressure apple to switch over to usbc on all their gadgets it appears like brazil is the most recent country.
to attempt as well as compel apple to make those adjustments so the eu was first then the usa and currently it looks.
like brazil so they'' ll most likely transform it anyhow just due to the fact that they'' re going to need to either
method. yet we ought to see that i'' m uncertain we ' ll see it with iphone 14 yet we can see it as quickly as.

apple iphone 15. We ' ll have to wait as well as see currently if you adhere to apple'' s earnings on their supplies there'' s. actually a brand-new incomes call arranged for july 28th so if you follow apple whatsoever on their.
earnings you'' ll have a brand-new earnings phone call after that if we go to apple you can see that information.
right here normally where you enter into the headings and even more concerning apple yet you can see that and also.
even more details here along with jump on the call if you want to listen to it reside on july 28th.
from july 1st to july 4th there'' s actually a brand-new deal if you acquire an apple television where they'' re offering.
you a 50 gift card when you purchase one so you can see that on their site on top this is.
legitimate up until july 14th where you can get that 50 present card and it'' s feasible they
' re getting. all set to eliminate these sort of apple tvs we presently have as well as get ready for a new one as.
a brand-new siri remote was located in the code of ios 16.

So they could be preparing to update this soon.
we'' ll talk much more concerning that a little bit later on currently last week i chatted concerning apple ' s back to institution.
offers where they offer this each year as well as now apple is providing brand-new customers of apple music.
pupils a complimentary pair of beats flex earphones it'' s available to new accounts subscribing to.
apple music in the less expensive student strategy starting from june 22nd the offer provides users in the.
united states and the unified kingdom complimentary beats flex earphones so us and also uk only regrettably.
but you'' ll have the ability to obtain your hands on'those i don ' t see canada mentioned anywhere yet it. does resemble you ' ll be able to get beats bend if you wanted several of those likewise available for.
acquisitions right now if you'' re making use of apple budget there'' s extra cash back supplies up to.
4 percent at select sellers till the end of july shops such as petco stubhub.
hotel tonight fandango yeti as well as much more so those are all available currently if you utilize your apple.
card you'' ll have the ability to get a little bit more cash back now in instance you place'' t heard this past week. the fcc commissioner created a letter to apple as well as google advising them to get rid of tiktok from the.
app shop due to nationwide security issues so tick-tock apparently is something that they''
re. concerned about we'' ve listened to concerning this in the past and presently any type of member of the military is.
obviously not permitted to have it on their phones so if apple and also google do not eliminate it it'' s. possible we can see them force the removal if they think it necessary i'' d love to listen to.
what you consider that in the comments listed below additionally in the application shop if you'' re in south korea. you no more have to utilize'apple ' s in-app purchase choices for payments they can currently make use of outdoors.
payment techniques if you'' re a developer as well as you don'' t wish to undergo apple they now have the.
alternative to do that to follow regional law so perhaps a person'' s providing an in-app acquisition such.
as maybe youtube costs they can currently charge within their own store as well as not need to pay those.
charges via apple so that'' s a big win for those that have actually been wanting that once more something that. doesn ' t actually affect the individual also much unless you put on'' t have accessibility to apple ' s settlement methods.
otherwise that'' s readily available currently but only in south korea we can see that broaden a little later on.
all over the world currently according to mac reports apple plans to launch the brand-new m2 macbook air as soon as.
next week that means that we would certainly have pre-orders as soon as this coming friday so if that'' s. true it implies that it would certainly be readily available on the 15th and we would have pre-orders beginning.
this coming friday generally at 8 a.m where you can pick whichever one you want and after that get it the.
complying with week however if you wish to obtain one as well as it does go reside on friday obviously we must.
understand much more regarding this later on today if this is real see to it you enter early because i'' m certain. they ' ll sell out rather promptly as it'' s a redesign so you'' ve obtained 4 various shades currently and also extra.
and also certainly i'' ll try and also obtain my hands on one if i can too additionally with ipad os 16 there ' s been. worry that the ipad will certainly no longer serve as a home hub when you'' re utilizing residence tools however apple.
has actually made clear mentioning that the ipads can still be used as a residence hub however not for the new functions.
coming later this year with ipad os 16.

So you'' ll still need an apple tv for that to work as a residence.
hub or in some cases a home husk and they will not function with matter based accessories basically so.
that'' s something that you intend to make certain that you have perhaps an apple tv if you'' re desiring.
to use certain accessories nonetheless they might clarify that later on in the year as we get closer to.
the launch of ipad os 16.

Currently ios 16 public beta is expected really quickly it could be as quickly as this.
week considering that we had ios 16 beta 2 a couple weeks ago generally they'' ll release a public beta around the. time of beta 3. you can see this on where it states coming quickly but they place ' t. verified the day yet we ought to recognize that most likely as soon as tomorrow so we might see it.
as soon as tomorrow and then we'' ll have the public beta and probably ios 16 beta 3 as well either the.
exact same day or possibly a pair days later like they did in 2014 we can also expect ios 15.6 launch.
candidate this week or potentially beta 5. based on what we'' ve seen in the previous commonly that'' s what. we ' ll see so we ought to see most likely ios 16 public beta as well as ios 15.6 rc or perhaps beta 5 but if we.
do see an rc expect the last release following week normally that'' s what apple does every
year when. they launch an rc after that the adhering to week or perhaps later in the week they'' ll launch the full variation. to the general public so search for those'and also naturally i ' ll keep you updated as quickly as i understand extra with. apple iphone 14 we ' re expecting an upgrade in september which'' s usually what we see annually we. expect an apple iphone 14 14 max 14 professional and 14 promax and also you can see these are the models i received.
a different video clip however apple'' s been functioning on their own 5g modems for iphone for some time however.
apparently there'' s some technical concerns either with warm or it ' s just not expected to be in this.
year'' s iphones or perhaps even next'year ' s iphones this might be a technological issue or a lawful one as.
there'' s been numerous patent issues with 5g in between apple and also qualcomm in the past so it'' s hard to. say what the real issue is with any luck apple can obtain that done and also make them much more reliable perhaps.
much better than what qualcomm can offer however it'' s difficult to say if'we ' ll ever before see those we simply know that. they ' re working with them foxconn who sets up the apple iphone has begun its yearly hiring for apple iphone.
production recently i discussed exactly how apple had gotten whatever ready and it prepared to go.
currently it resembles they'' re beginning manufacturing and also we'' ll have sufficient for september nevertheless.
a couple of weeks ago digi time said they anticipate orders of iphone to be the exact same but ming chi quo is.
now claiming that they expect the orders to be 10 much less than last year because of total need being a.
little reduced with everything going on around the globe now with the upcoming apple watch series.
8 as apple increments all the apple views every single year it'' s not anticipated to get a major.
redesign according to mark german but could notice temperature as well as let you recognize if you have a.
fever this is something that'' s been rumored for rather time as well as if apple can get it right with.
the sensing units in the base for temperature noticing we can see that in this upcoming variation we.
likewise expect a severe sporting activities variation where it would certainly be also a lot more resilient as well as additionally mark german.
meant an updated display and then lately ross young and jeff poo have actually claimed that they anticipate.
that also or it would certainly be 5 percent bigger up to 1.99 inches it can be due to the rumored.
level edge display screen we'' ve heard about where the display itself would be flat as opposed to rounded.
around the outdoors sides comparable to the iphone but we'' re not expected to obtain a flat side layout.
of the iphone according to several different leakers or people that know what it appears like so perhaps.
we'' ll obtain a surprise this year i ' m not really holding my breath with the apple watch rumors.
as they were so wrong last year regardless we can anticipate some new functions and modifications apple tv.
is expected to get an upgrade as i stated prior to and also it appears like until now we anticipate an upgraded.
processor 4 jobs of ram as well as a brand-new siri remote a little else is known now but if they''
re. trying to do away with a number of them keeping that 50 present card like i pointed out earlier we could see an.
upgraded variation of this as quickly as later this year or perhaps even this summer season we put on'' t really understand. but apple might upgrade this possibly we ' ll get a brand-new redesign at this moment but so far there'' s. no details regarding that airpods professional 2 are still expected later on this year but recently there.
were some rumors expecting temperature and heart rate keeping an eye on constructed into the upcoming air hulls.
nonetheless mark german today is saying that these features are not likely but have actually been explored.
within apple however aren'' t truly most likely to make production however mark german does anticipate the.
upgraded airpods professional to still be later on this year since we haven'' t actually had a replacement.
because 2019 and there certainly do also apple lately patented something brand-new to.
finish with air coverings where it would certainly utilize ultrasonic technology to help us change possibly volume.
controls and also more if the surface was sort of wet or maybe damp from exercising or more or.
if it was drizzling and you would be still able to alter different settings using the touch on.
the outside of the tool that would certainly be extremely useful for a lot of people absolutely if they.
were able to implement it into the apple iphone as well but it'' s just a current license so this can be.
years down the road or it could be very quickly when it comes to ipad apple is evidently already.
done sourcing its very first generation oled panels for upcoming ipads maybe in the next year with them.
already sourcing second gen panels now this seems a bit strange to me as they pushed really greatly with.
mini led and also maybe apple'' s simply intending to introduce those or possibly they'' re just making sure they. have a backup if micro led isn'' t ready in time either way mini led'is excellent there ' s
drawbacks. to either mini led and oled or it might just be they'' re relocating every one of the normal ipads.
to oled so they can change the design make it more power efficient with dark settings.
and much more so it'' s possible we might see that as well as it would certainly be most likely next year and even later on.
than that now apple is working on an imac with a bigger display screen according to mark.
german still and we anticipated this currently yet we got a mac workshop show in any case there'' s. been no replacement for the imac 27-inch so with any luck we see something faster instead than.
later on however mark german believes it could release as late as possibly with the m3 chipset to make sure that might.
more than a year away therefore that'' s whatever for this past week some interesting points showing up.
this week with ios 16'' s public beta and also beta 3 in addition to ios 15.6 and also some new modifications and also more.
allow me know what you'' re most thrilled for in the remarks below as well as certainly if you'' d like to obtain.
your hands on this wallpaper i'' ll web link it in the summary if you sanctuary'' t subscribed already.
though please subscribe and also if you appreciated the video clip please give it a like as always many thanks for.
seeing this is Aaron i'' ll see you next time.

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