iOS 16.2 Beta 2 is Out! – What’s New?

hi every person Aaron here for Zollotech and also iOS 16.2.
Developer beta 2 launched to designers today as well as iOS 16.2 public beta 2 should be out quickly if it'' s. not out by the time you'' re viewing this video expect it in the next day approximately now this can be found in.
at 779.7 megabytes on my iPhone 14 professional Max and also was about the very same dimension on all the tools here along.
with this apple likewise launched every one of the other betas for the various other devices watch OS 9.2 beta 2.
iPad OS 16.2 beta 2 Mac OS 13.1 beta 2 TV OS 16.1 beta 2 and also audio OS 16.2 beta 2. that'' s in fact. the homepod updates name currently allow'' s go ahead as well as have a look at the build number and also discuss.
what'' s brand-new so we'' ll go to settings after that we ' ll go to General after that about as you can see the construct. number is 20c5043e with beta 1 we had an e at the end too nonetheless we ought to expect a few even more.
betas before the last public launch we'' ll discuss when to anticipate that a little later now.
currently this upgrade does have a modem update in it we went from variation 1.21.01 on the 14 pro Max with.
beta 2 it'' s now 1.21.05 currently as far as what ' s new well the first thing is if you ' re in India you. now have 5G assistance unsupported phones so if you have an iPhone that supports 5G so a 13 a 14 an.
iPhone 12 you'' ll currently in fact have support for 5G and also you can find that under setups so if we go.
back right into our settings and you most likely to Cellular as well as within your cellular data choices you can see.
voice as well as data if you touch on this you can currently Pressure 5G to be switched on you'' ll have 5G Auto as well as.
likewise LTE alternatives you may have additional choices as well depending upon your provider so it'' s terrific to. see that brought to India currently if we go to the lock display as well as we tailor it let'' s go and customize. and let ' s eliminate a widget right here we now have some new'widgets for health and wellness so if we scroll down you ' ll. see under Health and wellness we currently have medicines so we can see our routine medicines for the day we have. a smaller sized widget too and also we likewise have a widget at the very leading so we not just have options for. your climate and schedule events yet we also have health and wellness too so if you have drugs you. can in fact see them at the top this is a great addition and great if you use medicines all the.
time they'' re just bringing even more and also extra widgets last time we got the new sleep widgets with beta.
1 to ensure that'' s something they maintain upgrading we'' ll probably see more of these as the betas proceed.
currently when you'' re customizing the lock display likewise there'' s something brand-new right here too so if we go.
over to beta 1 that I have on my 14 pro will certainly reduce the lock screen below or the house display.
we'' ll most likely to personalize as well as if we tap the 3 dots in the lower right you'' ll see we have a brand-new.
choice for program picture in library if we touch on this we can see our wallpaper within the collection.
itself bringing us straight to that picture so it'' s just a nice upgrade to make it less complicated to reach. now with iOS 16.1 we acquired real-time tasks yet Apple added another choice with 16.1 beta 2.

in fact included it back yet if we enter into setups and after that we go down to the television app we scroll down.
a little bit we have real-time tasks that remained in beta 1 when you tap on live activities we currently.
have a new option for permit live tasks and also now more constant updates with beta 1 this was.
generally empty and also you'' ll see it states permitting more frequent updates lets you see much more real-time.
details yet can drain your battery quicker so so it'' s now giving you the alternative do you want. to see even more updates or preserve your battery to make sure that'' s something they ' ve added with 16.2 beta.

Likewise something small in this upgrade is if we go to settings General and after that software application update.
you can see it really claims iphone 16.2 iOS is up to day however this is no more vibrant with beta 2. it.
was larger as well as extra vibrant with beta 1. it'' s a small change but simply something I thought I'' d mention. currently freeform was something that was added with beta 1. this is an application that will certainly be instantly.
set up as soon as iOS 16.2 releases to the public and it allows you to have a customized shared screen where.
you can share whatever you'' d like so you can attract on the screen leave notes remarks and also whatever
. else as well as you'' ll see it says hi this is brand-new I discovered this time around around it syncs much faster.
in between tools so if we visit the iPad we'' ll enter into the iPad go to freeform and let ' s. develop a new one below and also we ' ll simply create zolotek it'' s quite untidy but you understand and allow'' s. go back and also see how swiftly it sinks now it synced quickly before you'' ll see it immediately revealed. up and also the very same freeform board is currently there so it'' s synced across both of them if we go right into.
the pencil as well as simply draw one more pair lines here we'' ll offer it a minute to sync on the iPad as well as it.
programs up immediately so it'' s much faster than it used to be it appears like they ' re improving.
performance constantly with this additionally sharing as well as every little thing else ought to improve with time so.
it'' s much a lot more seamless once you'' re using it now something else I saw with beta 2 is just how fast.
connectivity with airpods Pro 2 buttons between tools so if I open these up I'' ll link them
. to beta 1 so I'' ll simply put an airpod Pro 2 in my ear you'' ll see it attaches as well as it was truly. a concern for me on beta 1 hopefully this is solved however allow'' s proceed and also see what it ' s like. we ' ll go on and also play'a song it'' s attached here so it ' s playing a song in my best ear let ' s. visit the 14 professional Max we ' ll struck play provide it'a second it immediately relocates as well as. it ' s really very quick so it ' s absolutely better than it was previously so this is something. I noticed immediately once upgrading to Beta 2'. that ' s fantastic information and ideally that goes along.
with general connection and the modem update also to make sure that modem problem I'' ve been having a whole lot.
of issues with the mobile modem with disconnects things detaching from my car while I'' m playing. music and far more so hopefully that'' s resolved nevertheless we put on'' t have satellite connection. yet satellite connection is something that'' s coming later on it ought to be available on the 14.
series devices but it'' s not to be discovered anywhere in mobile or anywhere else I searched in emergency situation.
SOS as well as it'' s simply not there yet it'' ll possibly be included a little bit later or with iphone 16.1.1 we''
ll. talk regarding that in a moment as far as pests that they'' ve fixed well one that they'' ve fixed that ' s. really obvious and also I ' m extremely thankful they took care of concerns the electronic camera if you go to the lock display.
allow the cam you couldn'' t swipe up and simply return to the lock screen or go house it was. type of locked and would certainly keep you from doing that the swipe gesture just wouldn ' t job currently it'' s. working as it did previously'so that ' s terrific information likewise if we go to the App Shop it appears
to be filling. a lot faster it lots you can enter into points extremely swiftly you'' ll see it just turns up and loads as.
you would certainly expect so if you intended to load an app install that app it simply seems to be a lot a lot more.
responsive this moment around we'' ll need to wait as well as see if mobile is truly fixed with Wi-Fi as well as.
Bluetooth disconnects as well as more along with carplay yet it will certainly take a few days to know that for sure.
currently let'' s proceed and also have a look at the launch keeps in mind so we'' ll go into responses as well as within the.
feedback application we'' ll most likely to current task one point I desired to mention before we take an appearance at the.
iOS notes is they currently have homepod notes also so launch notes for residence Potter in below if you''
re. a beta tester giving well-known problems or anything else so let'' s enter into the notes as well as you '
ll see there ' s. some recognized concerns for freeform they ' re still working with it as well as there'' s some workarounds below. where you can'' t erase boards while offline or if iCloud information is impaired for freeform and also they give.
a workaround for that they did settle a concern with the keyboard with beta 2 so it states when.
keying in Chinese pinion hopefully I'' m stating that appropriately choosing an alternative from the candidate.
bar is unresponsive they'' ve resolved that'there ' s also brand-new features with speedy UI they ' ve resolved. some concerns for that too so it'' s terrific to see them remain to improve this but obviously we. require some added repairs hopefully they'' ve been implemented we put on'' t know without a doubt though now as. far as overall efficiency up until now it'' s been nice as well as fast I ' ll show you the benchmarks in a moment.
but it'' s behaved and rapid everything ' s really smooth from promotion to older devices so if we.
visit the apple iphone 11 we'' ll tons songs for the initial time type of the typical point I do we''
ll. allow it pack it'' s packing over Wi-Fi however scrolling appears to be what you would expect for a 60hz.
display screen everything'' s packing as anticipated as well as the rate can be influenced by Wi-Fi yet most definitely it.
seems to be a bit much better this moment around I did have some hiccups I had some re-springs prior to.
with beta one with any luck those are settled yet once more that can turn up a couple of days later on swiping.
home from an application sometimes there was lag again it hasn'' t occurred with beta 2 but ideally it remains.
in this way it might show up once more in a couple of days as much as the warmth of the tool it'' s a bit warm. after mounting the uptake which is normal in running apps but nothing that'' s really warm it ' s. wonderful and also amazing essentially it ' s not warm in all as much as'to touch it ' s tepid to ensure that.
that'' s a great indicator and additionally regarding criteria like I stated we'' ll check that momentarily yet it.
seems to be much better than it was previously so simply opening up apps scrolling promo is better as.
well if we enter into standards you'' ll see I had 1 877 for single core 5307 for multi-core I additionally.
ran it on the iPhone 11 because I hadn'' t run it in a very long time and also that had 1 324 for solitary.
core 3435 for multi-core if we compare this to the background if we return here you can see in both.
updates it appears to be a little much better solitary core is better for beta 2 for me multi-core is.
likewise better so generally it appears to be doing a lot far better than it was for beta 1 and even iphone.
15 variations so on the apple iphone 11 we were running iphone 15.6 the last time I Ran geekbench So it'' s. doing quite well overall not actually any type of slower or anything it feels good and rapid so that'' s a. terrific indicator ideally it will certainly continue to improve as we get closer to a final launch now as for.
battery life we'' ll take a peek at this yet this takes a few days to gauge there'' s no other way. to know within a few hrs 100 what the battery is mosting likely to resemble you need to use it for a couple of.
days cycle the battery a couple times and you'' ll see with beta 1 I didn'' t have the best battery.
life so I utilized virtually 50 percent of my battery and utilized 2 hours and also 37 minutes of screen energetic.
time at 3 hours as well as 9 Minutes of display idle time so it hasn'' t been fantastic today is a little.
bit much better 2 hrs and also 57 mins of screen on time 6 hrs and also 29 minutes of screen still.
time and used concerning 30 percent of my battery so ideally this is an indication that it'' s going to obtain.
better but again it will certainly take a couple of days to recognize now regarding iOS 16.1.1 launch well apple.
is definitely working on some issues actually they openly announced that they'' re functioning on. issues to address some issues with their ad Network to ensure that indicates I would certainly believe iphone 16.1.1 you''
ll. see here'it says there ' s a concern affecting SK ad Network for users on iphone 16.1 we are working.
to rapidly settle this concern in a software application update they additionally need to settle the issue with Wi-Fi.
for several individuals that they'' re experiencing with 16.1 as well as other insects so I would expect iphone 16.1.1.
either today as quickly as tomorrow or at some time following week in 2014 we had an upgrade on the 17th.
with iphone 15.1.1 we could see it again today or following week we don'' t truly recognize Apple hasn'' t offered.
us a specific launch day yet I would anticipate it soon as far as iphone 16.2 beta 3'' s release. normally'we ' re on a bi-weekly cycle so every number of weeks however they could switch to a weekly.
cycle so we could have it as quickly as following Tuesday or the Tuesday after nonetheless I would anticipate a.
last release in mid-December as commonly Apple takes vacation break for Xmas and other points.
in mid-December so usually that'' s what occurs as they had 15.2 launched in 2015 on December.
13th so I would certainly expect that kind of same rollout this year with iphone 16.2 as well as we can expect that.
probably in mid-December too so a few more betas till after that as for airpods updates while.
Apple updated airpods Pro 2 Powerbeats Pro and Defeats Studio buds while I was filming this video I.
was able to update the airpods Pro 2 as well as if we go into settings we'' ll go right into our airpods that are.
linked scroll down as well as you can see the version 5b58 to make sure that'' s the brand-new version number for airpods.
Pro 2 but they put on'' t claim what ' s in fact included so you ' ll see it states for firmware details go.
in here as well as see an update concerning it so it just tells what the existing versions are but it.
doesn'' t claim what ' s in fact in it apart from insect repairs and various other improvements so ideally.
there'' s extra than that however I just upgraded them by plugging them right into my Mac with a lightning.
cord they updated pretty swiftly but you can link them to your iPhone plug them in simply.
set them down as well as they'' ll upgrade automatically now regarding anything else that'' s whatever so.
much that we recognize around in iOS 16.2 beta 2 and if you'' re wondering if you must install iOS 16.2.
beta 2 well if you'' re trying to solve a problem I never ever suggest attempting a beta nevertheless I would certainly.
just wait on iOS 16.1.1 and afterwards we'' ll see just how it looks at the next few days with this beta so.
ideally it'' s going to be much better than beta 1 even more secure and also extra however once again it takes a couple of days.
to know every one of that currently if you discovered anything else I'' d love to listen to from you in the remarks below.
and also obviously I want to say thanks to again Matt Ryan and Francisco for your assistance in assisting me discover.
some of the attributes I stated in this video clip if you'' d like to get your hands on this wallpaper.
certainly I'' ll link it in the description like I usually do as well as if you place'' t subscribed.
already please subscribe as well as if you appreciated the video clip please give it a like as always many thanks.
for enjoying this is Aaron I'' ll see you next time.

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