48MP vs 108MP – The Ultimate iPhone 14 Pro vs S22 Ultra Camera Test!

is 108 megapixels really that better than 48 well that'' s what I thought at the very least in regards to detail however I went out and I took a load of photos both pressed files raw documents as well as experienced raw and the outcomes were kind of crazy let'' s Jump Right In Right here with standard pressed images the Samsung has extra comparison and also saturation it may look a little extra in-depth however when we type the apple iphone really looks a little bit much more in-depth the Samsung looks a little over processed in the trees there where the apple iphone looks more natural and also by the means these pictures have actually not been edited in all I'' ll let you recognize when we reach that portion and also this shot certainly we have some white balance distinctions but concentrating on the detail it'' s difficult to tell however when we look closer you wear'' t see even more detail in the Samsung also though it has even more than twice the resolution by the method I made certain both of these are upgraded to the current software program for this comparison in this image I'' m amazed the iPhone has much more contrast on the Samsung Samsung'' s much more saturated taking a better look my son does look more outlined on the Samsung whereas the apple iphone has more information with those shrubs we have a lot more going on with this photo the very first thing that bulges to me is the skies the Samsung it looks like some of it'' s clipping so vibrant range isn'' t'as excellent and yes it ' s a great deal tougher to do HDR on 108 megapixels compared to 48 and also the iPhone has that a16 and when we look better we have much more noise on the Samsung which car looks a lot more level and then that shrub right there insane amount of information on the iPhone now an additional thing I observed is that with the Samsung in 108 megapixel setting you simply don'' t have the HDR and even several of the lens Distortion that goes away in 12 megapixel you put on'' t have so the apple iphone looks a lot much better as soon as again I have not modified these and also if anything else sticks out to you comment down below now this is a really hard picture we have that lawn that'' s standing out from the Sunlight all those shadows and when I look better I was surprised to see all the artefacts on the Samsung compared to the apple iphone retaining all that information I needed to research study this and I'' ll clarify why this is occurring later on in the video clip I wanted to conjecture without tough lights so here'' s one in our workshop both of these are unrefined I simply converted the raw to a JPEG and also when we have a look better it is absolutely outrageous the distinction in information the iPhone is tack sharp currently in this photo I can tell that the apple iphone has much more information keeping that better dynamic range looking closer the over saturation of those leaves there makes it resemble it'' s type of blending together whereas the iPhone looks realistic virtually like it'' s from a DSLR as well as I'' m not trying to screw up the Samsung I simply believe it'' s way too much processing with 108 megapixels to make this all occur and also fast enough which is why I additionally tested out raw yet very first check out these instances from our enroller M Kiki who have been making budget-friendly instances since 2015 with over a hundred thousand favorable reviews they have clear situations for the entire apple iphone 14 schedule and also not just do they have standard however these amazing gradient versions that obtain darker on the sides towards the base they are slim while having 6D protection with upgraded airbag bumpers for army quality shock defense in addition to a 1.9 millimeter raised lip to shield your screen as well as a three and also a fifty percent millimeter elevated bezel on the back to protect your cams while being aware and scrape immune anti-yellowing as well as comfy in the hand check them out as well as obtain an additional 15 off mkiki'' s currently incredibly low prices on either the totally clear gradient or their various other shade instances by utilizing the special web links in the video clip description below right here is a raw shot look just how much more all-natural the tree trees look currently currently obviously it'' s not refined so you see the vibrant array and in this one both are Samsung shots yet I pressed the pole just a bit and although it'' s filled we put on'' t have all the highlights in the tree type of mushing together and also this is the last jpeg contrast it ' s an extremely hard shot with intense highlights behind-the-scenes and also shadows and punching in this is simply insane now obviously you see the distinction in vibrant array the trees at'the top are burnt out as are the Rocks yet what ' s intriguing to me is that the rocks are all warmer but then in the shade it is cooler and also now it is time to get involved in the raw shot beginning with their Pro application currently right at the gate I located that the Samsung overexposes the photo if you'' re using Vehicle exposure so I changed to manual and also I attempted to discover the most effective equilibrium of exposure after that I entered into Lightroom as well as I started playing with the picture to obtain one of the most of it while maintaining it looking natural as well as right here is the distinction from the raw shot as you individuals might see it looks a lot much better as well as even more all-natural the apple iphone by the way is still unrefined and also taking a more detailed look right here the tree on top looks far more natural contrasted to the previous shot where it was all crispy as well as Overexposed below'' s a straight contrast between the Samsung rot as well as the jpeg looks far more natural but the iPhone still looks far better in terms of information as well as dynamic range so keeping that said allow'' s go on as well as contrast the dynamic array with the raw from both of these here'' s the first shot and you can see that the Samsung ' s solitary raw file exposed to the Shadows blows out the sky I went on and also I readjusted that as much as I might as well as while the Shadows appearance terrific I could not pull back all the highlights from the sky and also below we have an extremely tough scenario so this is just neutrally subjected you see the highlights are blown out the shot Darkness are also dark so I took a shot subjecting for the Darkness I desire to see just how much I can pull back in the highlights and modifying it I can not draw back that skies or the street so I decided to reveal for the highlights the sky there and as soon as I did my finest editing and enhancing it this is what I got currently the highlights they put on'' t pop as long as on the apple iphone shot that is unedited as well as the Shadows they don'' t look regrettable yet punching in we have a great deal of artifacting and noise since we had to raise the Shadows way too much so just how on the planet do the iPhone'' s raw shots look so excellent even though I didn'' t touch them well when Apple announced Pro raw they claimed that this is the first format that can still use stacking multiple images utilizing their deep Blend innovation and also that produces a truly good looking photo although it'' s raw while at the very same time not baking crazes like sharpening white balance tone mapping you understand highlights and all all those things you can still adjust that produces a better looking image with great dynamic range contrasted to a single raw data currently concerning a year or a bit more after Apple introduced Pro raw Samsung revealed their professional raw app that additionally does a very similar point now this application is not pre-loaded on the phone it'' s not even the Play Shop you have to download it from the Samsung store as well as I took a range of shots to see how great the Samsung can do now as you men might see the specialist raw shot still doesn'' t appearance like apples if you wear'' t edit either among them so I went into Lightroom and I wish to see just how much of that sky can obtain out but there wasn'' t that much information there so after that I went on and began making adjustments I picked the sky individually and this is the final result trying to obtain as much as I could out of that picture now the Samsung'' s does look a little over processed I was simply trying to get the very same vibrant array and punching in below although the Samsung is stacking images we still have a great deal of sound artifacting currently this shot looks crazy but the sunset was beautiful and beautiful loaded with shades and also my better half was facing far from it I did a detailed work modifying the skies and Alina independently and this is how much I was able to push that picture there'' s just not a great deal of highlight healing that you can do practically like it'' s not truly a raw file type of like a greater bit price jpeg due to the fact that of that I underexposed on the Samsung and also my better half remained in a darker place and after that I brought all that up I changed her separately from the sky I truly attempt to obtain as much dynamic range out of skies as I could and also the skies does look good as well as she is wonderful as well as intense now however it did press it a bit as well far because if you individuals look at the leading left corner we have a lot noise and also stuff that was collapsed same point with the tree in the history it just doesn'' t look the very same now the iPhone shots I still have not touched so this time around I actually did press the apple iphone shots extra I had the ability to recover more highlights from this Sky press your direct exposure up too as well as below is a close-up of Alina now the Samsung looks sharper because the entire photo is loaded with artefacts where on the left hand side looks like the apple iphone wasn'' t truly shooting 48 megapixels due to the fact that it was really dark it chose to flex the photo now I told you guys about this in my previous video clip that also if you'' re capturing Pro raw if it obtains dark the iPhone will certainly do a 12 megapixel shot and also I don'' t know if you guys have actually observed it yet however the Samsung if you'' re capturing raw even skilled raw it does not tape-record 108 megapixels they are all prohibited down so you put on'' t get that incredibly high resolution because of that also an easy lighting and also if you edit the photos to look their finest the Samsung still can not contend in terms of information when checking into this I located a great deal of individuals that whined concerning this online that they want the natural colors have the ability to process it but they also desire the high resolution which you can'' t get unless you fire the compressed data documents'which put on ' t have that all-natural appearance as well as currently allow'' s take a look at dark and evening shots as well as it gets also worse if you ' re taking 108 megapixel you do not obtain that evening setting that looks so wonderful whereas the iPhone'' s Pro Rock can still do that now I didn ' t recognize this initially and also I was taking photos right here and also it was taking longer direct exposures yet as you can see it is so dark on the Samsung and also changing to 108 megapixel jpegs well it appears like it'' s doing night mode yet the image still looks horrible since it'' s concentrating the processing on every one of those megapixels dropping down to plain old 12 megapixel compressed data well here is a shot with the night mode it most definitely is a great deal brighter looks good yet after that in the sky we have all those artefacts as well as we'' re not highlighting the stars due to the fact that it likewise does not allow you to do a long exposure like the apple iphone does or a pixel currently in the very dark scene the night mode with Pro Rob brought no up whereas the 108 megapixel jpeg setting it simply was too dark switching to Raw it looks far better I intend to see just how much I can press as well as draw these pictures to make it look more like the apples iphone however however it crumbles there'' s a great deal of artifacting in the face as well as a great deal of that is just smashed detail there so I activated some more lights as well as the professional raw it simply does not look excellent there'' s weird colors unusual artifacting whereas Apple'' s Pro raw appearances great I switched it to ordinary old regular 12 megapixel shots that are compressed and also it looks a great deal much better now so I'' ll state if it ' s really dark just make use of the conventional mode and if it'' s not as well dark shoot the 108 megapixel so you get that detail now here it looks respectable and also boxing in the apple iphone'' s 48 megapixel still vanquishes the 108 megapixels in regards to detail in addition to dynamic range if you consider the lights in the lower appropriate hand side as well as with that a for firing the pressed setting to ensure that doesn'' t take forever you have all the functions like evening mode and also things like that well when we raise both of these pictures I edited the pro raw uh you can bring them up however you have a great deal of artifacting and all the darkness as an example the top right and left of the images and also after that of training course in your topic as well and you have worse vibrant range so it'' s sort of like you obtain everything with the iPhone you have all the functions of the professional raw uh the images look terrific even if you wear'' t touch them and also modify them however the Samsung you have to pick do you intend to compress photo that'' s crispy and the dynamic array isn'' t good uh as well as the shades are type of mushed with each other or do you desire to have more versatility but lower resolution and also you don'' t have evening mode takes longer to fire it'' s simply type of crazy so why worldwide is 108 megapixels a lot worse than 48 well as I stated 48 is a great deal easier to process however with that said the sensor that is in below hasn'' t really altered much back from when Samsung initially got in decreased it now the first variation sucked with autofocus and also we covered that but after that the updated variation they fixed autofocus yet ever since the actual performance and also the readout of the sensor hasn'' t truly altered so this is an actually old sensing unit in right here that'they'keep reusing which ' s why when they ' re using their jpegs they can do more handling to it it doesn ' t look as well poor still not fantastic yet the actual raw performance despite professional raw they can not just make up for the reality that it'' s an old sensor'it ' s a great deal much more populated procedure with a weak processor contrasted to a sensing unit that simply appeared on the iPhone it'' s brand-new it ' s efficient and also the a16 is great you people have mail down the remarks area uh what your thoughts are and also if you guys value all the insane effort that mosted likely to this video took a long period of time please hit that subscribe switch over check out among those videos right over there that'' s been Max and I'' ll see you in the following one [Music] international

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