First iPhone in Chennai, iPhone 14 Pro – Irfan’s View

So people today'' s September 16th and also today'' s apple iphone 14 launch So I assumed I'' ll acquire the first phone below, so I'' m right here at iPlanet. Allow ' s go and also buy apple iphone 14 pro. Come on clap people. You slap for everything acquire you won'' t clap for me? Thanks, thanks. I'' m providing it to both the consumers that are below. and a little for me. Phone'' s right here, phone ' s. here. Playful! It ' s a brand-new phone. Guys I additionally got the watch. This is collection 8, 44mm right? Yes it ' s series 8, 45mm as well as also this is black. shade. Does this been available in red? I changed whatever. Do you have the red
color currently? -Can I inspect? Please do that.
So I just purchased the. iPhone 14 professional in purple. as well as I additionally acquired the collection 8 watch however. you ' ll see that unboxing in one more video. However then today we'' re. mosting likely to open this currently. I can'' t wait to open this. They offered a black color box last time and this moment they'' ve. offered us a white color box.Let ' s open this. Exactly how a lot will it cost with AppleCare Plus?
– It will be Rs.28,900 and it'' s Rs.8,900 for the watch I'' m a heart individual. Please wear'' t do this. It ' s worth it. Actually it is worth it yeah A lot of you would certainly assume why. waste money on AppleCare And also. The cost of this phone.
is around 1.5 lakhs So for the safety of that we pay. Just how much was it again?
-28,900 Why I would certainly ask you to pay.
that 28,900 is since allow'' s say you drop your phone and also
. break your display or back …

You can pay a marginal.
quantity and change it. Show would certainly be around 8k-9k?
– No it'' s just 2.5 k For screen? Actually?- Yes So you can pay 2.5 k.
to change the display screen. What if the back panel is broken? If the back panel is damaged.
after that for the back panel as well as battery device in back.
with each other cost just 2.5 k Just in India is 2.5 k as well as.
that'' s like the solution expense. But after that if you ' re traveling abroad.
and if you need to declare it there. As there'' s some distinction in tax.
charges you can declare it free of charge. Is that so? That'' s wonderful. They state we can declare it for free.You obtain n number of claims. Yes they'' ve just recently changed that.
At that time you. made use of to be able to declare it only twice in a year. But after that recently concerning a.
month back they'' ve changed that. You can declare it n variety of times now. You can alter it if you damage it. You can change it if you damage it. The amount of years in overall?
-2 years.That 28,999

we pay is for 2 years. They'' ll launch the following model. already and we ' ll buy that It would certainly be much easier if we.
had it for a year right? They make it for 2 years and. AppleCare plus not readily available for a year? How will be do business then? I'' m speaking concerning Apple not iPlanet. So there'' s 14% discount today. There ' s 14% discount rate? -Yeah because it'' s 14 there ' s 14 %price cut.
as well as it ' s 14 and my birthday gets on. June 14th. So this is a special phone.
I bought AppleCare plus for both. the tools, so I don ' t demand to stress. They state “” There'' s no anxiety” in his. eyes” right? There ' s no concern in my eyes. There ' s no concern in. my eyes it ' s just sleep Everybody is right here to look at the iPhone.
Every person mores than happy. and also I ' m extremely satisfied. since I ' m regarding
to. unbox the Apple iPhone. Okay we got this? It'' s officially ours right? Guys allow'' s unbox it? Come on …

So this is the white box.
and I got the 1 TB variation. Customarily it looks.
simply like the last time. There isn'' t a lot of difference.
But it ' s a. brand-new phone, so there ' s that happiness that ' s it.
Apple is reducing the things. in package as a lot as feasible. There'' s simply one. sticker label as well as one sim device. You can review this if you wish to. I ' m not gon na review it. The primary attraction. Just look just how it is. So guys there'' s this offer since people. who have HDFC card obtain 5k discount. and they'' re likewise supplying 3k.
exchange perk on sell Apple.And when you get

it on iPlanet. they additionally give you some deals. So many thanks to iPlanet. for funding this video clip.
When you acquire 5 3rd party. item you ' ll obtain deals
for that. You get one month complimentary. membership in cult fit.
and you likewise obtain 50 %. off on food order in Eat fit. They likewise supply that. They additionally shocked us. by handing out plants today. So large thumbs up. to iPlanet, T Nagar
. He ' s your greatest follower.- Is that so? Hi
. You had actually been to Rajapalayam.
– Yes I had came to your city. Your succeeding?
– Yes I'' m doing excellent. I think he'' s reluctant.-

He ' s anxious. He obtained truly anxious when he saw you. Don ' t fidget. What ' s your name? Vian? So people iPhone 14 is available in 4 shades deep. purple, room black, gold and after that silver. I got the deep purple because.
that'' s the unique color of this version. But after that the black shade of this design.
looks more lovely than the previous version I desired to alter.
this to black after I saw it personally here yet after that.
there'' s no black here. and likewise deep purple remains in high need. So if you wish to schedule it. I pre.
reserved it which'' s why I obtained it since when we asked. them about it they stated we can just have it in supply.
when you pre publication it. When you think about the difference between.
the ins 2015 13 professional as well as this year phone.

One of the most important point.
in this as well as the one which was resolved the most.
was this Dynamic Island notch So when you consider.
apple iphone 13 professional that notch will be attached to the top.
but after that this is divided. That will certainly resemble an.
eye. If you take a better look you'' ll discover that.
there'' s a sensor ' s scratch. and after that'the video camera comes right here. So they ' ve considered. exactly how to make this appearance beautiful, so they ' ve. integrated a software program function. So they ' ve made that appearance beautiful
. So allow ' s. state if you ' re paying attention to some tracks or you'' re making use of a stop-watch then that animation appears there.
which is what they'' ve called as Dynamic Island. That'' s a neat function as well as it looks really beautiful. I'' m simply experiencing each of those features.I saw that dynamic island job a. pair of times and it looks
so lovely. and after that this camera they actually said that. they ' ve made a great deal of improvement in this cam. They yap about the. video camera in their keynote
. Usually they ' re enhancing the.'video camera yearly.
Primary sensor we had in 2015 was 12MP and. they ' ve changed that to 48
MP this year So it will certainly be really excellent to take photos. The important things that I enjoy to do in. apple iphone 13 pro is firing video clips on it. Video top quality in that will be so excellent that I. also utilize it for my youtube videos that I upload.I ' ve obtained Google Pixel 6 pro additionally.

however I never ever touch this for the video clip.
In fact I like the photos on this. Images on this will be really exceptional. since you exactly how excellent. Google ' s image software program will certainly be. Even their software application is great because. we had excellent photos in
12MP as well. However when you have 48MP you.
can zoom much more in the picture. When you zoom right into a photo.
that you took it'' s quality won ' t be shed. That ' s how 48MP will serve to you.
and besides that they ' re. boosted all the sensing units from last time.
If you put last year ' s 13.
professional as well as 14 pro side by side you ' ll see a distinction.
right in the video camera removed ' s dimension. When we saw the distinction. in between 12 pro as well as 13'pro we assumed 12 pro was actually outdated. and also 13 ' s cam
was truly huge. When you contrast these 2.

things now 13 pro appearances really smaller.And 14 pro'looks bigger.
I ' m already thinking. just how would 15 pro look.
due to the fact that it appears like. bigger the far better now. It ' s not a trouble that this is large.
due to the fact that the sensing unit'' s likewise large.
as well as additionally now you can. concentrate the front electronic camera currently
. So rather than an usual. focus point you can focus a subject and also take.
photos. To ensure that'' s excellent. and also the front video camera in this is.
actually fantastic as well as I much like it also much.And this has an additional feature. which they call action
mode. When you ' re firing a video clip. you may not obtain a steady
video. They say even if you fire running. or tremble it they state they ' ll support it But I haven ' t checked it. yet. It likewise has that mode.
I ' ll upload an additional video clip discussing. the video camera so I ' ll tell you concerning the video camera as well as likewise about the comparison. concerning the images and also video clips with 13 pro. as well as the other thing. that I saw when I saw this was. I'' ve been.
using 13 pro from in 2015. The first point that I.
observed was it'' s brightness.They say they'' ve made use of.
2000 nits of brightness. It in fact looks brighter.
and looks excellent too. So they say it will certainly additionally.
look great in sunlight. Yet after that I'' ll inform you later.
concerning how that looks. However yeah it looks.
extremely brilliant and also great. and likewise they'' ve presented.
constantly on display this year. When you have this it can be found in 1 Hz. I'' m not a man that
utilizes. constantly on display a lot. If I have to consider the.
phone I'' ll just touch it and also see it however they'' ve brought.
always on display in this.So that '

s another feature. as well as lately they'' ve likewise launched.
the iphone 16 and it'' s not just on this phone.
You can likewise mount. it from any type of tool from iPhone 8 So they ' ve also
offered a. lot of neat attributes in that. So this is the new.
Apple iPhone 14 Pro. I'' m pleased that I obtained.
below initially and bought it. So people currently you'' re checking out.
the video from apple iphone 14 pro. Yes we'' re leaving from here now.
There are great deals of. attributes in this phone as well. They say it has like a satellite function, so if.
you'' re caught in an area where you'' re not able to utilize your sim to call anybody after that you can straight.
link to the satellite to send a SOS message. But then that feature is not in.
India now. It'' s just in United States in the meantime. Individuals there can utilize that attribute yet.
I'' m unsure regarding individuals in various other nations. However I just desired to allow you.
know that this phone has that feature.So just in United States

they claimed.
that it has no physical sim. However the countries besides that.
have physical sims on their phones still. As far as I know in another 2-3 years they'' ll. say there ' s only eSIM in all nations. So as opposed to the physical.
SIM they'' ll increase the eSIM So it will be very easy for us to alter.
SIM when we travel to various other countries It'' s kind of
very easy but. it ' s additionally type of difficult This video footage that you'' re seeing now.
is being shot on 4K, 60 fps on large. I believe this would certainly be excellent.
due to the fact that it looks outstanding currently. To consider it on the screen since.
that display itself looks gorgeous. So come allow'' s go. People they provided us this money plant too. So individuals the primary factor I.
get apple iphone is to shoot videos. because the video clips shot on.
apple iphone will be on an additional degree. I'' ve currently started to.
make video clips with this. I'' m mosting likely to make a lots of video clips.
in the coming year with this phone.because with various. I ' ve got an idea as well as. I'' ll most definitely use this phone for that concept. Specifically for video clips. You ' ll see the comparison between this phone. cam and apple iphone 13 pro in an additional video clip. See you guys tomorrow. Bye!.

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