Peak Productivity with these 10 iPhone Reminders Tips!

the tips application on your apple iphone might not be one of the most outstanding reminders app offered but i'' ll inform you what it'is it ' s already mounted on your phone today as well as it'' s free to make use of so i think for most individuals it ' s the most appropriate reminders application for them whilst it'' s dead simple to get the essentials of this app right i suggest you simply include tips ideal i think a whole lot of people aren'' t using it to its full potential so in this video clip i'' m going to show you 10 pointers to assist you get one of the most out of the tips app on your iphone i'' m making this video clip in very early 2022 by the method so we'' re using ios 15.4 do make certain that you'' re running the most up to date ios version so you can do everything that we discuss here oh as well as do linger to the end of the video not only do i assume you might not understand a few of these pointers i'' m leaving my favored one till last alright let'' s get involved in it one of the greatest hacks that isn'' t truly a hack for tips is to skip the application and usage siri siri is trial and error still throughout a lot of the apple experience yet one location where it does perform well is reminders supplied you know exactly how to speak with it for instance allowed'' s say that i want to establish a reminder to advise me to grab milk tomorrow when i leave job the steps to do that in the application would be to produce a tip after that go into the pointer then established a day for it which would naturally be tomorrow then toggle on the place feature and also choose work presuming that you ' ve got your work address established in'your phone of course it ' s a first globe trouble however that ' s several actions as well as it would behave to be able to settle those actions down to just a spoken command so what you can do rather is trigger siri after that state something like remind me to pick up milk tomorrow when i leave job regardless of how fast you are on your phone it'' s constantly mosting likely to be considerably quicker to do it this way than it is to by hand key everything in siri recognizes the context of remind me as well as tomorrow as well as when i leave work and it constructs a tip from those information points siri likewise comprehends context in terms of when you say this so as an example let'' s claim you ' re browsing safari on your phone and you see a present idea that would be wonderful to purchase for a good friend'however you ' re hectic at that exact moment in time you ' d rather take a look at it correctly when you obtain home later on what do you usually do screenshot i guess perhaps bookmark it and after that neglect everything about it instead state to siri advise me concerning this tonight at 7pm for instance so long as you state it whilst you'' re on the internet site that you ' re describing siri will recognize that this suggests this thing that i'' m considering right currently on my phone and will certainly create a contextual suggestion for you total with a link to obtain you back to that thing it doesn'' t job with everything you ' ll have to play around as well as see where this does function and also where it doesn'' t yet e-mail for instance is a fantastic one if you see an email can be found in that you recognize you require to activity soon but just wrong this second you might state something like remind me about this when i'' m back in the workplace or advise me about this in 20 mins for example therefore long as you'' re in the e-mail that you intend to be reminded about not just will siri create the reminder for you it will certainly link to the e-mail you obtain this little mail icon appear and also tapping that will certainly take you to the email likewise when making use of siri utilize context in terms of which checklist you'' d like to include something to one of the most common one i use is to add something to our shopping listing if i were to state remind me to purchase milk for example siri would certainly produce a specialized pointer for me to purchase milk yet i don'' t need that my girlfriend as well as i have a common wish list what i really intend to do is add milk to our common wish list as well as i do that by setting off siri as well as claiming add milk to my wish list due to the fact that we have a listing that'' s literally called purchasing as well as due to the fact that i ' ve particularly asked siri to add something to it it recognizes exactly where to place the suggestion and won'' t just arbitrarily unload it in my pointers app the key with siri and pointers is context you have to consider what you'' re claiming before you say it you can claim remind me'to send mama ' s birthday celebration card next wednesday or remind me to transform my toothbrush on the initial monday of monthly i locate that typically the even more context you can offer siri the better it operates last siri tip before we move on the reminders part of siri works very well also on watch homepod and also also carplay so for instance whenever we go across the dartford going across here in the uk we have to pay a cost and also whilst we maintain indicating to set up an account for it we keep forgetting i recognize i must establish a pointer to do it the paradox is not lost on me yet what we do instead is whenever we go across the bridge i make use of siri on carplay and also say remind me to pay the dot for crossing charge tonight at 7 pm works whenever because i absolutely would always forget therefore far we'' ve constantly paid hashtags are fairly new in tips and also like hashtags almost everywhere else they serve as an useful little organization device there are other means you can organize your pointers we'' ll cover them in a moment but also for now let'' s check out hashtags so to add one just enter into a suggestion that you'' ve produced after that tap on tags you'' ll be able to see any type of tags you ' ve currently developed and also can select any one of those or you can produce a brand-new one by tapping add brand-new tag and inputting it there you can add multiples if you desire after that when you'' re back on the primary pointers'screen you ' ll currently see a tag section at the bottom as well as tapping on any of those tags will strain the tags throughout every one of suggestions showing you the reminders that consist of that tag exactly how you use this is certainly approximately you but if you'' ve got a trip planned and you'' re resolving tasks associated to that you might have a tag related to your trip if you'' re using pointers for work and'you ' ve obtained a number of projects on the move you can have a project tag and this would certainly assist collect every little thing with each other it'' s an incredibly valuable device that ' s a lot more adaptable than just positioning everything into folders although you might certainly make use of those also if you like talking of folders let'' s speak about them due to the fact that most individuals i speak with put on'' t even realize that you can nest checklists together right into folders if you'' re creating multiple tips lists as well as i believe that you need to be it makes feeling from a management point of view your pointer display is going to start to look a little unpleasant so what you can do is drag as well as go down lists on top of each other and also this permits you to produce a nest or a folder with them so like below for instance if i open my job folder up you can see that i'' ve got a checklist for youtube and after that i'' ve obtained a list for my freelance voiceover work that i do and after that i'' ve got a miscellaneous checklist like i stated in the previous tip you can utilize things like hashtags no matter whether you'' re nesting listings so you really can utilize these tools as much or as little as you such as to find the best list organization method for you if you'' re not making use of siri the second fastest method to produce a suggestion is to enter into the app and press the new pointer switch down near the bottom left but you can see that by default all pointers will certainly enter into the tips checklist which can start to obtain a bit messy especially if you'' re not the most arranged of people we spoke regarding hashtags in a previous tip yet another thing you can do is develop wise checklists a smart checklist is a list where you pre-populate needs for future pointers therefore long as suggestions match those demands it will automatically be taken into that listing you'' ll see when you pertain to do this that you can obtain incredibly certain concerning this if you desire so for instance you could go with something as simple as a hashtag you have actually a hashtag called officemove and you choose that and also any type of reminders produced with the hashtag officemove in them will automatically enter into that list yet you could also choose points like day and also time and also you can do this in an actual way like inputting a details date array or a family member fashion so saying something like in the following week or month or year for instance the exact same with time you can specify that just pointers developed in a particular area or with a details flag or with a specific top priority level get contributed to this list as well as you can choose several options for your checklist when done any kind of existing and brand-new reminders that tick all packages will enter into your wise checklist sharing listings remains in my viewpoint one of one of the most beneficial attributes in the whole of the ios system and it'' s something that i ' m constantly astonished even more people don'' t make the most of basically when you share a checklist you can after that deal with that list with other individuals like you would certainly a note or a document but what that means from a reminders viewpoint is that if you'' ve got a project that you ' re servicing with multiple employee or you'' ve obtained an occasion that you ' re preparation for as a household you can add individuals to the checklist and also they can add as well as get rid of items from that checklist as they need to the many fundamental instance and also the one that my girlfriend and i usage is a wish list whenever we'' re in the home if we observe that we'' re running reduced on something we add it to the list and after that when either one of us is at the stores we simply open the checklist in the app which is mosting likely to be up to day as well as we'' re great to go so to do this head right into your checklist touch the ellipsis food selection up leading and then choose share listing you can choose whether you'' d like to enable individuals to be able to add other individuals or otherwise and afterwards you can share the listing using whatever technique you'' d like just one point to explain this helps regular checklists yet it doesn'' t work for smart listings the flag tool is one more simple underused but very efficient tool when it pertains to reminders basically whenever you have a reminder that you know you need to be on top of urgently you can flag it much like you would certainly with an email after that no matter where the reminder exists within the pointers app whether it'' s component of a smart list or anything like that it will certainly display in the flagged pointers box on the major display and also it will remain there until you either total it or remove the flag i'' d suggest utilizing this for short-term points jobs where you know you'' ve obtained to get something done promptly however like all of the tools right here you can utilize it as you wish recurring suggestions can be really beneficial for those work that you do regularly however, for whatever factor you have a hard time to bear in mind specifically if it'' s a task you put on ' t do that often possibly booking a dentist appointment or running the dishwasher on a self-clean cycle or obtaining your central heating boiler serviced or even taking the right containers out on the right day of the week these are all tasks that occur on a reoccuring basis therefore it makes sense to have a reoccuring pointer to maintain you in addition to them it'' s very easy to do just produce a tip and when you do where it states repeat pick from the different choices oh as well as if you'' re making use of siri to do this just make use of the proper context so you would certainly say something like advise me to take the containers out on wednesday and repeat every fortnight as well as siri will certainly recognize and produce the ideal suggestion tips are actually helpful yet some tasks require several steps to be completed in order to finish the primary work and instead than creating great deals of different suggestions for a project similar to this you'' d be better off rather using subtasks so in a tip use the i button to obtain information about the reminder and then scroll to subtasks you can then add a bunch of below tips you'' ll see as well that a pointer that has actually sub reminders receives strong when you ' re looking at it on the primary screen as well as you can see that reminders informs you about the subtasks possibly you'' re servicing some diy and you want to develop a reminder however additionally remind yourself of what it is that you need to take care of at the same time or maybe you'' ve obtained a leaflet and also you intend to make some queries off of the details from the brochure yet you wear'' t wish to bring an item of paper around in your bag you can utilize your phone'' s video camera to take an image or a check and also then add that to the pointer to do it tap the i switch on the reminder and also right at the base you can see add picture you can pick from the image collection snap an image there and afterwards or scan a document and also doing that also allows you choose whether you'' d like it to be in black and white or color if you'' ve approached this vice versa you'' ve taken a picture of something that you'' d now like a reminder for just share it from the photo utilizing the last pointer in our checklist i'' ve conserved my preferred pointer till the end and also this is it you can share right into pointers from various other apps which might not seem that beneficial or cutting-edge till you start to actually maximize this and also recognize simply exactly how effective it can be the process coincides throughout from any type of app you select share and after that you pick pointers and you produce a suggestion from that application but let me show you a few of the means that you can utilize this in notes you can'' t share straight from the share food selection but what you can do is highlight some text then share to reminders which will essentially develop a tip that links to that note thanks to the youtube audience on display now that made me knowledgeable about that little gem in netflix when you discover a show you like share it to reminders as well as it will certainly create a suggestion with a link to the specific show on netflix making it really simple to construct out your watch checklist the same in youtube the same in disney plus the same in music you can remind on your own regarding places utilizing maps emails utilizing mail web sites utilizing safari there'' s lots of options for how you can utilize this and also whilst much of these applications do of course have their very own bookmarking system the elegance of tips is that you can keep whatever in one place and also you can set real pointers advising you to read something at a certain time or to visit a web site when you get home from job there'' s lots of possibilities for how you may utilize this so there you go 10 ideas to help you begin utilizing suggestions a lot more efficiently what about you anything you'' re doing that i sanctuary'' t pointed out decrease me a remark and allow'' s speak about it and also as ever if you found this video helpful do please take into consideration leaving me a like and also subscribing to my network for more web content such as this in the future see you on the next video clip

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