So apple have simply sent out welcomes for their.
much out apple occasion what we understand is the apple apple iphone 14 occasion and today i desire to inform you.
every little thing we'' re visiting at that brand brand-new apple event so let'' s obtain the essentials out of the. way the occasion is taking place on september 7th this year as well as it'' s occurring at 10 a.m U.S.A. pt time or.
pacific time what below in the uk has to do with 6 p.m where i live and interestingly sufficient on a bit of.
a side note there really on september 7th is my real 10-year wedding event anniversary so somehow i'' m. gon na have to obtain permission from my better half to do protection for this apple iphone occasion however that'' s a story. for another day currently we understand immediately at this occasion we'' ll absolutely be seeing the new.
iphone 14 versions what i'' ll discuss in just a moment however you'' re most likely wondering what other.
apple items we'' re going to see at this event well let me explain exactly what we'' re probably. going to be seeing at this event on september 7th as well as starting we'' re mosting likely to be seeing an all new.
apple watch series a well as a matter of fact we'' re most likely actually going to be seeing 3 designs of the.
apple watch series 8.

The initial brand-new apple watch will be the typical series 8 and also to be.
sincere we'' ve been informed that this apple watch probably will not have a brand-new redesign considering that the.
series seven it will have that somewhat bigger display screen it still will possibly have curved sides.
as well as it will just be the conventional design however it will get a whole tons of new type of sensors and little bits.
and also items what i'' ll just speak about in a second yet the second design what is the all new design.
and also this is one a lot of people are excited regarding and to be sincere you'' re gon na need to get your.
wallet out for this set this is the brand brand-new pro version or it'' s mosting likely to be a rugged version.
as well as this one we'' ve informed that the actual style is mosting likely to be most likely modified a little bit possibly.
finally we'' re visiting this level side layout on this new professional version or this sturdy model so.
this is something actually interesting to see regarding but like i claimed it'' s most likely going to set you back rather.
a bit on your pocketbook so do be prepared for that the last version that we'' re probably going to be. seeing is a new se version we haven'' t had a brand-new se model now in over 2 years so it'' s most. likely comparable type of guts to what we got in the collection seven with the chipsets and also features.
this will be put in a brand-new se version what is really amazing to see and also possibly apple might.
remain to sell on the initial sc version and also likewise continue to market this brand-new one we simply don'' t. know the primary point is that this year most likely there ' s mosting likely to be three brand-new apple watch designs.
but you'' re possibly questioning what features we'' re possibly going to see inside these apple watches.
well more than likely in the typical collection 8 as well as likewise in this brand-new pro version we'' re going to be getting.
a new temperature level sensing unit and also this primarily measures the temperature level on your body on your skin.
well it most likely won'' t do it won ' t action exactly just how much fahrenheit or degree you know to the.
real decimal factor of just how much it will certainly be however it will kind of inform and also identify if you'' re overheating.
you'' re getting too hot or obtaining as well chilly and also it will inform you'concerning this if you'' re doing. exercises or you ' re in extreme weather problems it'' ll look out you regarding that and also speak about.
alerting you an additional new attribute we'' ve been informed that is more than likely coming is auto collision detection.
so generally if you remained in a car collision your apple watch could spot this and after that generally send out.
out an sos message to somebody that you'' ve been in an auto accident might probably tell your local type of.
emergency solutions where you are through general practitioners as well as let them know that their auto accident has actually been found.
and more than likely this feature will most likely be across all three designs yet i would most likely.
really state the new temperature sensing unit probably like i simply said most likely in the apple watch.
series an and in the pro but most likely won'' t remain in the se and most likely this will certainly be the first.
actual physical product that will certainly be revealed at this brand-new much out occasion from apple something else.
that we'' ll probably in fact see at this occasion is in fact some brand-new services also being introduced.
apple love to speak about their solutions so i'' m talking like apple tv plus as an example new programs.
are coming this fall this winter sort of time there could be also some more enhancements.
to claim physical fitness plus as well as also apple gallery apple love to discuss generally these type of.
solutions usually near the beginning of their kind of keynote for their presentations they chat.
concerning the solutions first after that they mainly take place to their hardware so like i stated most likely you''
ll. get that first apple watches and afterwards hereafter that'' s when they ' ll start talking concerning the brand-new. apples iphone and also especially the iphone 14 versions so we'' ve seen currently in leakages as well as reports and.
little bits and also items that this year we'' re going to be obtaining four versions of the apple iphone 14 similar.
to the last number of years however there'' s mosting likely to be a bit of a shake up it'' s likely we are not.
mosting likely to be obtaining an apple iphone 14 mini as well as this has been replaced by an all new iphone model and also this.
is going to be called the iphone 14 max or the iphone 14 plus and essentially this coincides dimension.
phone in body as an apple iphone state 13 professional max or the 14 professional max besides it hasn'' t got like the pro. camera attributes as well as things like that or it hasn'' t got like the professional motion display inside it it'' s. essentially exactly the like the iphone 14 yet just bigger bit of a bigger battery bigger screen.
which is primarily here we'' ve been told there ' s gon na be enhancements to the electronic camera features on.
the iphone 14 and also this brand-new apple iphone 14 max yet we have actually likewise been told that it'' s most likely going
. to retain the exact same a15 chipset that we obtained last year in the iphone 13 variety but we will obtain a little bit.
of an increase up in ram from four gigabytes to six gigabytes the exact same as what we entered the iphone.
13 pro and also the 13 pro max yet we will certainly at the front of the actual phone still be keeping a notch.
style and likewise on the back we still will have a broad and also ultra wide video camera nonetheless conforming.
to the apple iphone 14 pro and also the 14 professional max again no huge real body redesign right here but the major.
distinction what you will certainly see on the front there will certainly no more be a hole at the leading there will certainly no.
much longer be a kind of a notch anymore there will be an opening punch and there will certainly be like a tablet form.
as well as this will certainly have face id and also the front-facing cam inside this so the notch has actually addressed.
last yet it has been replaced by another thing yet we will certainly still obtain a professional motion display screen and also.
everything and on the back the major real sensor video camera the vast lens that we utilize the key one.
is mosting likely to be changed with a 48 megapixel cam this year what is a large boost it'' s the very first time. that apple have upgraded from a 12 megapixel all the method because they claim the apple iphone sixes to now.
to actually change this obviously we'' ve had different 12 megapixel electronic camera sensing units and lenses.
as well as bits as well as items throughout all the iphones over the years this is the very first time it'' s going to. be a big boost as well as from looking at the way out kind of ad that you can see here it looks like the.
apple iphone 14 array additionally may get some additional attributes it'' s a possibility that we may additionally get an.
astrophotography setting from looking at this out this way out it appears like we'' re taking a look at stars.
the other point we may also get is emergency situation sos satellite so generally say if you were i don'' t. understand lost in the amazon.com forest no signal you could be able to do an emergency telephone call through.
a satellite telephone call and also this is why it could be likewise called far out we'' re not as well brief we understand.
there has been things experimenting with leaks of astrophotography and likewise satellite kind of.
connection that we additionally thought was pertaining to the apple iphone 13 in 2015 but it never came it may.
ultimately be below this year however overall there'' s no new usbc port on it we may get like a somewhat.
bigger battery on the iphones and we might additionally potentially obtain some faster charging finally on the.
iphone 14 range we'' ll just have to wait and see on that particular yet the pro versions will be getting the.
all new a16 chipset inside it as well as they will also be getting six gigabytes of ram however this will.
be a faster ddri 5x type of ram inside it compared to the ddr4 ram we'' ve had in the last type of.
generation so it will be a faster ram as well as also a quicker chipset will probably be around concerning 10.
to 20 faster than the a15 to make sure that'' s quite amazing things to see on that as well as we'' ll most likely likewise get.
that extra gpu core inside the a16 simply like what the professional models of the apple iphone 13 pro and also the.
pro max got last year keeping that a15 chipset it got that a person extra gpu core to make sure that more than likely.
is mosting likely to be occurring this year also so with that it'' s more than likely we ' re certainly going.
to be seeing the all new apple watch series a and additionally the brand name new apple iphone 14 versions yet.
an additional item we may see however this could additionally get postponed out a little bit much longer is the brand.
brand-new airpods pro 2 as well as also some brand-new airpods maxes at the end of the day airpods pro 2 haven'' t been. refreshing nearly three years now and the airpods have actually been regarding nearly 2 years so you understand a.
actual type of type of a refresh on these designs is absolutely due especially on the airpods pro 2..
if we do get a refresh on the airpods professional 2 wear'' t expect some massive modifications the actual layout will.
most likely just be really comparable however we'' ll probably obtain a new kind of motorist system the noise.
quality will certainly be much better and also there'' ll be a great deal of renovations there however on the whole there.
won'' t be so several huge changes however those airpods at the flight terminal'' s max could actually appear in.
the october event however what i would absolutely claim is that this apple occasion in september we will certainly.
possibly see intros to some brand-new solutions the apple watch series an as well as likewise the iphone 14..
those are definites that we will definitely see something else that is most definitely gon na be.
occurring quickly which is the free gift that we'' re doing on this channel right now and it is for this.
this is a macbook pro it'' s the 14 inch with an m1 professional chipset inside at the 8 core version.
as well as also has 512 gigabytes of storage and also 16 gigabytes of ram and also i'' m mosting likely to be providing this.
away to one fortunate client when we get over 450 000 clients as well as to be sincere it'' s not that far.
away and also all you need to do is potentially get your hands on this macbook pro that you see right below.
is document in the remarks below of what apple gear or what technology gear you'' re preparation to. purchase in 2022 put it down in the comments listed below as well as at the very same time if you'' re brand brand-new below make. sure you register for this channel and also hit that alert bell due to the fact that when we overcome.
450 000 subscribers i'' ll be creating a video clip on this network revealing who the victor is of this.
macbook pro and you won'' t wish to miss out on out on that video clip so ensure you do that right now now.
another thing i simply have to mention regretfully there are still loads of fraudsters and also spammers available.
as well as they'' re hopping on my nerves they ' re getting on your nerves as well as primarily they'' re informing you. to telegram them informing you you'' ve won a giveaway telling you to whatsapp them disregard them please or.
please do report them they are not me you'' ve heard it right here in this video clip i'' ll be making a video clip when.
we overcome 450 000 subscribers and i will certainly not be doing it by like a comment because method so it is.
not me we haven'' t hit 450 000 subscribers yet so it'' s certainly not me disregard them please record.
them i truly actually value that and also with that said out of the way what i intend to discuss following is.
items that we possibly won'' t be seeing at the apple occasion this time around however what we may be seeing.
at the following apple event as well as starting with let'' s speak regarding ipads now we ' ve heard that
we most likely. will be obtaining a new 10.2 inch ipad this is the fundamental ipad obviously like three hundred and also.
thirty dollars or 3 hundred dollars you can get it on a bargain today as well as we'' ve been.
informed that the majority of likely it'' s gon na be upgraded with a usbc port we may likewise obtain a little bit of a little a.
redesign that lasts due to the fact that we'' ve had this kind of ipad air layout since the first generation ipad.
air to currently slightly larger display it hasn'' t really altered much over the last kind of ten years.
lastly we may obtain an all new updated basic ipad that'' s really interesting as well as it'' ll probably. have an a14 chipset inside it as well as 5g ability and also the cost will possibly stay around the same.
but like i said it'' s more than likely it ' s not coming at this apple occasion it might but i don'' t assume it. will the main factor is is due to the one more ipad or apple most likely mosting likely to be introducing.
this year which is the new ipad pro with the m2 chipset inside it which is most likely.
mosting likely to be coming at the october event as well keeping that m2 chipset i wear'' t think that apple will certainly.
do the ipad 10.2 inch now after that do the ipad pro later on in a month it simply doesn'' t make. feeling they ' d instead placed them both together so the ipad most likely will be postponed till the.
next event keeping that as well as discuss ipads as well as m2 chipsets as well as everything like that let'' s talk.
concerning max probably we most likely won'' t see any type of max at the september occasion with an m2 chipset.
but we most likely will see some new macs at that october occasion whether this will be some brand name.
brand-new macbooks with an m2 pro and m2 max or perhaps you could see the mac mini lastly updated with.
an m2 chip set we'' ll just need to wait and see what apple planning are doing but it probably will.
not be occurring at this event in september time like i claimed once again repeating myself for the third.
time below it'' s going to be updates to solutions it'' s mosting likely to be the apple watch series 8 versions.
and also it will possibly more than likely be the iphone 14 versions we'' ll be seeing at this occasion and i wear'' t. find out about you i am extremely thrilled to see these new products appearing this year and also keeping that.
people i'' d love to recognize exactly how fired up you are for these new apple products and i'' d love to understand.
in the comments below just how you really feel about them so please do put it down below on that note it'' s also.
time to conclude this video clip so if you have taken pleasure in enjoying it please do push such switch as well as.
additionally at the same time as well if you intend to hear the most up to date apple information reviews as well as contrasts.
please see to it you sign up for this channel and struck that notification bell until next time men.
i will see you truly quickly make sure now bye bye you.

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