NEW Xperia 1 IV vs iPhone 13 Pro – Is it REALLY Worth $1600?

why is the smartphone worth sixteen hundred bucks is it because of the true 4k oled screen that'' s now 50 better or the dual front-facing audio speakers that have means extra bass or how about the brand-new video camera system that fires 4k 120 frames per second video clip on all the lenses or for the very first time ever before a real optical zoom cam or possibly all of the creative focused software constructed in or perhaps just this earphone jack that is currently actually hard to come by well today we are going to place the sony xperia 1 4 to the examination versus the apple iphone 13 pro to see exactly how it accumulates at 1600 contrasted to 9.99 now i understand you people are thinking why are you not contrasting it to the 13 pro max well i need to say that the comfort of this phone in the dimension contrasts means more to the iphone 13 pro putting them one-on-one the sony is in fact a little slimmer than the iphone although you get much a lot more display area at the very least up and down and not only that despite the fact that this is a bigger phone uh as for the weight the sony has to do with 10 lighter than the iphone both of them do have this kind of square side design but the sony has this little bevel around so you obtain actually the advantages of having that good grip from that level edge yet likewise a bit more convenience than the apple iphone i have to claim this sony xperia one mark iv is among the most comfortable phones to hold in the hand i also like how tidy the sony searches the back we have simply the sony and the xperia logo design we wear'' t have a lot of text as well as identification numbers similar to the apple iphone looks wonderful we likewise have that little nfc logo design because sony does use that particularly on their uh cameras it makes it easy to attach and as for the sides on this left hand side we have no buttons at all like we do on our iphone turning over to the opposite side we have our volume rocker at the top and afterwards listed below that we have a recessed power switch that is also a finger print scanner and afterwards also reduced we have a specialized shutter switch when you'' re utilizing this phone as an electronic camera which is fairly good currently at the base we have a usb type-c rather than lightning as well as we also have this little slot which is really cool that doesn'' t truly require a little pin cleaner tool you can actually just get your fingerprint beneath pull it out and also this not just gives you access to your sim it additionally gives you a mini sd card which actually rises to one terabyte in space so sony definitely desires you to shoot a lots of photos and also video clip on this phone as well as with that said this one actually includes 512 gigabytes of storage integrated in inside and also we likewise get 12 gigabytes of ram compared to 6 on the apple iphone so now we'' re starting to see why it'' s valued so high comparing the front of the phones there'' s a various configuration the sony doesn ' t have that notch protruding but it has that large forehead and also chin like a conventional phone with ultra slim bezels compared to the iphone as thicker ones however they'' re also throughout now sony stick to this configuration already since they appreciate their speakers as twin front-facing stereo audio speakers so keeping that stated let'' s go on as well as see if that compromise deserved it [Praise] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all ideal people allow me know what you think truthfully i was shocked when i heard the distinction the sony has those twin front-facing speakers they claim it'' s a huge renovation yet the apple iphone even the smaller one'that ' s quieter the routine pro noises a great deal much better i suggest pay attention to this and also after that not only is it louder on the apple iphone it has much deeper bass and also of course i did go via all the settings i enabled dolby i located the most effective mix of choices and also it still doesn'' t actually take on the iphone currently with that i likewise have to give props to the earphone jack not only does it have one an apple iphone doesn'' t it in fact plays back hd sound with a bunch of different codecs that are supported as well as if you guys didn'' t recognize there are still individuals available that are buying new walkmans this one for example is 350 dollars with terrific evaluations just for the sake of having the ability to play hd sound for premium quality listening they really have something to go up to 3 200 so if you'' re an audio documents you ' re in that creative music room that include truly sticks out and also currently let'' s contrast the display screens first off we have that type factor distinction the sony is a 21×9 ultra large display as well as holding it up between portraits you people can see that there'' s really extra points visible on the display now the format is a bit various so i really see more size also though the phone is a little slimmer and i see additional content on the bottom now both these phones do sustain 120 hertz for ultra smoothness and regarding detail the iphone is 460 ppi good as well as sharp but the sony is 643 i believe that is 40 more pixels on the sony but can you inform a distinction even about a photo method looking rather very closely to the phone honestly i can not message is very sharp and clear on both phones currently how around for video this phone has that 21×9 aspect proportion is perfect for viewing 4k video clip with no bars allow'' s go ahead and also open it up as well as have a look taking an appearance at this 4k hdr spider-man clip we see one that the full screen is filled out on the sony due to the fact that the aspect proportion matches most films where the apple iphone it'' s not filled up certainly we can go ahead as well as focus then we still have some bars at the top and after that we have our notch reducing into the video as well currently aside from that both are streaming 4k despite the fact that the iphone doesn'' t have a 4k screen you can still over sample and what i ' ve observed until now seeing is that the efficiency of the oled screen the sony the highlights actually pop a bit much more than the apple iphone does which is actually fantastic because the apple iphone is truly truly good at hdr playback sony is truly happy with their processing engine as well as software with this phone they say that it'' s similar to the formulas on their premium tvs and also that makes the video clip look great and i would certainly state it really does look excellent has a bit a lot more contrast in its account highlights actually pop somewhat more saturation as well as general if you are mosting likely to be enjoying a lot of videos or motion pictures particularly on your phone it does do an actually excellent task now that is intriguing since the actual brightness of the screens have a much larger difference so below i have the sony maxed out completely we have a typical page right below and also then if i go and also i readjust the apple iphone you see just how much brighter it is we'' ll adjust that camera angle so you people might see that difference as well as the apple iphone is at about 1200 nits contrasted to regarding 800 on the sony to make sure that 50 brighter still doesn'' t mean that it pairs up for outside illumination or perhaps inside if you wish to max it out to ensure that simply makes me suspect that sony is limiting the overall illumination probably as a result of battery life since as a 4k screen super high resolution plus incredibly illumination indicates great deals of battery drain now it does have a 5 000 milliamp hour battery to assist out but that still isn'' t a bunch taking into consideration every little thing else that'' s constructed in because screen now before we jump into performance i wish to offer a shout out to the video cameras we are going to dive in detail tomorrow with a blind video camera comparison having a look at if these brand-new sensing units new lenses can actually compete with the apple iphone in their software application they'' ve constructed up so make certain you individuals struck that subscribe button if you wish to see an extremely fun enjoyable video with vadim and angelica and myself and just have a lot of fun with us and seeing the distinction in them with that said let'' s go on and also jump right into the performance the initial test i'' m operating is speedometer 2.0 which is mosting likely to examine the responsiveness of the phone now this sony has the most recent snapdragon 8 gen 1 chip the finest of the very best the apple iphone has obviously the a15 now however a few of the applications that we'' d generally benchmark with hands-on they won'' t allow me install it because this phone is pre-released and they don'' t desire that dripping online however we do recognize that this phone has great air conditioning much like the samsung s22 ultra and the efficiency is gon na be really comparable as well as look at that we have actually 324 compared to 107.

Currently naturally that'' s as a result of the single performance apple ' s method in advance additionally software application we have safari versus chrome that'' s the default browser here and then all the various other ui layers and other points behind-the-scenes that sort of slow it down as well as i have observed that the apple iphone is way snappier in routine usage now regarding geekbench 5 the a15 is 38 faster than the new snapdragon both in solitary core and in multi-core now that isn'' t even a one generation gap in reality the apple iphone 11 is really faster than in solitary core and also almost as fast in multi-core contrasted to this newest chip that lately came out so as far as cp performance as well as also software the apple iphone is certainly in advance currently with graphics the difference is about 18 in 3d marks wild animals severe test so apple'' s chip and qualcomm snapdragon in the sony phone they'' ve obtained a lot far better in graphics this year as well as they are much more detailed now keeping that claimed the iphone does lower it has a great deal of heating problems if you'' re playing high resolution for some time whereas the sony has much better thermal administration so if you'' re having fun for a while that distinction can in fact kind of obtain shut and also that leads me to software program because sony has actually done so several renovations as well as optimizations and produced software like video game enhancer where it will certainly provide you numerous various options for instance you can live stream to youtube with your phone simply with it as well as not just will you actually stream it can tape it can reveal remarks and with that said they give you a bunch of settings for instance you can alter your game mode if you wish to you recognize get better battery life you can in fact go in and also alter your display screen setups so for microphone you can match the audio so if you want claim footsteps to stick out even more and also you intend to lower the high end regularities for affordable pc gaming you can do that you can go to picture quality and you can actually increase the shadows if you wish to see far better in dark conditions that will enhance your gameplay there'' s simply so a lot more things you can do it'' s just actually actually wonderful for people that are serious about their games since is just the beginning we have our video clip pro app allow me proceed and permit all of this below um that actually provides you so several options if you appreciate obtaining the ideal video you have all of your information alongside all-time low that you can manually alter you have your degrees you can zoom you can manually concentrate you get item monitoring white balance you can simply change so lots of different points your aspect proportion you can fire in 21 by 9 it is crazy what sony gives it'' s much like an actual real cam certainly for a photo we also have a lots of alternatives on the image side and of course we discussed their online streaming arrangement not only can you live stream from any of the video cameras without any type of added apps straight to youtube or other systems you can have a little vlogging configuration as well as you'' ll have a display on the back if you wish to videotape and also see on your own with the back video camera or you can plug an electronic camera with a usbc cable television for those are sustained or with a card straight right into the actual phone and also you'' ll online stream without any type of computer system or laptop to any place you desire with a slim bundle which is simply insane for people that do specialist video not just that when i was shooting a lot of video clip industrial things i intended to have a slim premium quality display to utilize as an outside screen most on the marketplace was 720p or 1080p poor battery life actually significant and thick and hefty so you can utilize this as a companion to your cam with a real 4k display screen to be able to utilize as a monitor outside which just supplies you a lot worth currently with all of that said there'' s a lot packed right into this and also we'' re mosting likely to take an appearance at the cams tomorrow in the blind camera comparison to see if it'' s genuinely just as good as sony says um not everyone actually requires that so sony understands and also they in fact are stating hey this is marketed for creatives those that care about amusement video gaming online streaming video and photography that is that they'' re advertising it to all the imaginative kind of people that want to spend more money whereas the iphone is marketed to everyone it'' s a well-rounded phone without all the unique features for the music producers points like that to ensure that'' s why i desire to hear your men'' s viewpoint do you assume this phone deserves it from what you'' ve seen or would certainly you simply select an apple iphone do you not truly respect all those additional features in the software program you men allow me understand down below personally i think if you can make use of some of those extra attributes if you are going to use the voice recording features they have ai denoising the gaming things specifically the streaming if you have a camera that you wish to combine this phone with it does give a really good worth with the quantity of storage that is developed in uh so you people allow me understand your ideas click that circle over if you individuals wish to subscribe assist us reach our objective of one million subscribers and you wish to see the comparison check out one of those wonderful videos right over there that'' s been max as well as i'' ll see you in the next one [Music]

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