iPhone 11 Pro Max Teardown – Tiny Motherboard & BIG Battery!

the iphones have always been a few of one of the most complex phones to take apart you'' ll see why over the training course of this video yet there'' s no method we might let this iphone 11 professional max front runner slip by without seeing the insides this is the a lot of water resistant mainstream smart device cash can acquire right now so it'' s time to see what assists keep water out as well as how repairable it truly is allow'' s start [Songs] [Applause] [Songs] since primarily day one'of the very first apple iphone ' s presence apple has actually been in business of trying to maintain people out of their phones as well as this new apple iphone shows up to be no various it has the exact same proprietary pentalobe screws holding the base of the display to the stainless steel structure of the phone it utilizes a screwdriver that'' s pretty very easy to find on the internet however most individuals wear'' t instantly have it handy i'' ll leave a link for a great device kit in the summary looking very closely at the screw it has black string locker filling up the spaces between the threads and the phone body this assists keep the screw in location as well as helps maintain water out the biggest opening for water to get inside the phone though is the display there is glue surrounding the entire rectangular shape in order to pull the display off i'' ll need to use warm to soften that glue and a solid suction cup to pull on the display while adding some take advantage of with my pry tool between the plastic lip as well as the stainless-steel frame as i work my method around either side of the phone lifting off the display you can see the considerable quantity of fibrous black adhesive that holds the components together i'' m taking special like avoid the bow cables hiding along the edge of the ideal side these wires are around as breakable as paper and can be torn extremely easily you'' ll get a far better look at them as the display takes off they ' re down there through those strands in the beginning glance points look pretty standard for the iphone a ton of screws and also the substantial l-shaped battery thumbs approximately apple for including battery life as well as thickness to their phones this year as opposed to trying to go thinner i'' m also glad that the ribbons are erroneous to the side in 2015 had an arbitrary ribbon cord originating from the facility that made the display elimination a fair bit harder the front cam and also face scanner are tucked up in the top of the phone i'' ll get rid of these 6 y three-way no screws holding the center plate over the top of the screen bow ports among those screws is much easier to gain access to from the opposite of the display if you close and also scooch it over a little bit as well as have a look at that motherboard it'' s lego connector main up in here satisfied birthday celebration to myself i'' ll remove one more four y three-way no screws that hold the leading safety steel plate and side ribbon overview down over the camera devices and also there are 2 more screws holding back the tiny plate over the battery adapter before i unplug that battery though i want to see to it this whole thing still works and also that absolutely nothing was damaged during the screen removal touching the power button reveals the apple logo design and also the phone turns on which application needs to i examination to make certain the phone still functions possibly i ought to make use of today'' s sponsor audible that was practical distinct is actually one of my favored apps the publication i'' m currently paying attention to is called the guy that understood the way to the moon and also is among the distinct originals it appears even more like a spoken docudrama than a narrative i typically adjust the speed to be a tad faster than typical so i can obtain through even more information quicker it'' s a true story about the man who convinced nasa to make use of area meet points rather than one gigantically huge rocket it'' s extremely interesting you can get a totally free audio book plus two audible originals when you attempt distinct for thirty days with the web link in the description audible.com jerryrig or text the word jerryrig to 500 500.

The distinct original titles come from varied groups like theater journalism literature and the docudrama styles like the one i'' m paying attention to now also if you make a decision to cancel audible eventually in the future you still reach keep your books they'' re yours to possess permanently audible.com jerryrig or text jerry rigged to 500 500 and also thanks to audible for funding this video i'' ll unclip the battery connector like a little lego from this hodgepodge of lego ports the battery in fact has 2 connectors one is discovered down listed below by the billing port so when clipping both of those is a good idea at this factor i just didn'' t understand the second one existed until later i'' ll unclip one of the billing port bows and after that i'' ll make my method down to the 3 major bows holding the display to the body of the phone the screen is considerably much more straightforward this year than it has been for the previous years which is absolutely valued it only has three screws holding the earpiece to the rear of the display screen apple tosses phillips head screws randomly in occasionally throughout the phone so for those of you adhering to along at residence this is the 3rd kind of screwdriver we'' ve utilized up until now the earpiece folds down which lets us pry away the front sensing units from the glass replacement components will certainly come to be a lot more typical and get less costly as the phones age i'' ll try to link some in the video description as they appear screen substitutes aren'' t very challenging on iphones and also with the loss of 3d touch the display is really thinner as well as leaves more area for the bigger battery talking of which i'' ve had a few ask for a directly tidy video shot of the internals so do not hesitate to screenshot this plant it as well as utilize it as your phone wallpaper if you want just make certain to identify me on twitter if you do let'' s remove the front electronic camera as well as the face id fatality scanner thingy it'' s got two ribbon cords to unplug wait no way there'' s 3 last one sort of simply snuck in there this little system has the front 12 megapixel selfie video camera the one that can film in 4k as well as do those slow-moving costs as well as additionally has the infrared dot projector and additional camera for the face id it'' s a pretty amazing arrangement and also i ' m pleased it ' s not affixed to the display it makes repair services much easier the 3 rear cameras each have their very own bow wire affixed to the motherboard i can unclip each of those and after that the entire gizmo comes right out of the phone apple truly has made their style a lot more modular this year as well as i'' m a fan up on top we obtain the normal 12 megapixel cam with optical image supporting down at the bottom we obtain an additional 12 megapixel 2 times optical zoom video camera which likewise has optical picture supporting and over below on the side we have a 12 megapixel vast angle cam without any physical stabilizing i feel like this is the excellent configuration and also the arrangement i would personally such as to have someday when i upgrade from my galaxy s8 i really feel like apple has actually lastly brought method much more includes to the table with smartphones this year and also are lastly completing at the exact same degree of other front runners allow'' s obtain this motherboard out i ' ll disconnect the charging port bow but prior to i can draw that out once more i need to switch over back to the y three-way absolutely no screwdriver there are 3 screws running down the appropriate side keeping this cable with the steel bracket put sideways of the phone the next three screws are a little bit trickier these are called standoff screws as well as they hold the motherboard in position if you wear'' t have a standoff cleaner i can generally take a flat screwdriver bit and also just turn the screw around in the circle from one side and also as the screw appears you can see that a standoff screw is really a screw that has a screw hole inside a screw within a screw they are frustrating to deal with however apple utilizes them to save area and stack points on top of each other talking conserving room as soon as those screws are out as well as the sim card tray is eliminated the entire motherboard prepares to come out of the phone and this my friends is it this is the entire thing the brains as well as energy of the entire apple iphone procedure is sandwiched between these 2 piled boards one point i'' m pretty impressed with on the apples iphone this time around around is that all the solder linking the circuits inside of this motherboard is made from 100 recycled tin you may be assuming good work apple on reusing that small drop of tin yet since apple is making use of recycled tin and also not only their iphones however the macbook air the ipad air and also the ipad mini it amounts to over 29 000 statistics tons of tin ore that they put on'' t requirement to extract from the planet it'' s a pretty significant achievement and also i'' m thankful apple ' s doing it allow ' s keep going much deeper the taptic vibrator engine is down here listed below the battery near the billing port it'' s got three little screws holding it in place and also i ' m mosting likely to set those off sideways to aid maintain points arranged a great deal of phones you can take apart and also simply throw the screws held or skelter yet because basically every screw in below is a various sizes and shape it'' s very important to maintain them organized with the steel plate gone and also the vibe unclipped from the billing port we get our first close-up of the taptic engine it'' s nice of apple to include their logo design in instance we forgot what phone we'' re taking apart this little man is likewise using 100 recycled rare planet aspects given that we don'' t have a limitless earthly supply of these magnets i'' m delighted apple is now going via the effort to reuse as well as recycle components of their phones i'' ll remove another screw as well as draw off the steel plate over the microphone hole and also have a look at all that white adhesive over the hole to help keep water out of the microphone it'' s time to remove the battery apple as soon as again has included the magic pull tabs which i'' m grateful for prying out permanently glued batteries is very dangerous as well as also if a pride as well as bent battery doesn'' t spark and also begin ablaze right away it'' ll still be damaged internally and also will certainly begin to expand and broaden gradually these pull tabs make battery removal much more secure yeah they are still pretty fragile and also damage every so often but it'' s still much better than what samsung is currently finishing with the permanent adhesive and their phone [Music] apple has 3 pull strips at the end of each side of the battery [Music] as well as i succeeded enough with a lot of them that the remainder of the battery can be raised up unscathed this is a 3969 milliamp hour capacity which is fairly a renovation over last year'' s 3174 milliamp hours genuine apple has actually appeared to play this time around the loudspeaker appears next off with its two screws holding it in place you might have noticed up until now that while the apple iphone seems complicated most elements are still modular as well as appear relatively quickly you can see the considerable quantity of black glue holding the loudspeaker to the frame of the phone like i said in my toughness test video this iphone 11 professional max is the most water resistant smartphone on the market right currently while many producers have water examined their phones to a deepness of 1.5 or 2 meters deep for thirty minutes just to obtain that ip68 score apple has gone above and also past and checked the new apple iphone 11 pros to 4 meters deep for thirty minutes double the depth of what everybody else is doing hold on momentarily though check this out the speaker is complete of a ton of those little white audio spheres i presume these white rounds help load the room inside of the small little cell phone audio speaker to keep it from seeming like a tiny little cell phone audio speaker i'' ll obtain the last nine screws for the charging port and also get back to that ip score despite the fact that apple went twice as deep as every person else they still just obtained the very same ip68 ranking you'' re most likely like why didn'' t they just go up a degree to ip69'which ' s since ip69 is a completely various test rather than submersion it'' s a high stress and also temperature water jet examination as well as pretty unimportant for mobile phone cell phones get mistakenly submerged regularly yet getting mistakenly blasted by a fire truck is much much less common the billing port is lastly out of the phone that was certainly a nightmare i wear'' t intend to duplicate the apple iphone has a lot of complex components it'' s not a lot a difficult phone to fix it'' s simply an extremely complex phone to fix and also one wrong move or screw in the incorrect place might damage the phone if you do wind up damaging your back glass and also put on'' t have insurance coverage you can either pay apple 599 to fix it or just purchase a replacement housing and also swap over each component independently yeah it'' s mosting likely to be rather extremely uncomfortable in either case apple'' s still sort of being a huge jerk where that'' s worried i think you must simply get an instance before it damages i'' m rather impressed with apple for tipping up as well as going above and past the bare minimum that they usually do this time apple has offered customers the specs as well as functions they'' re spending for and also that constantly hasn'' t been real in the past certainly in my opinion androids can still accomplish more i'' m not prepared to switch over size right now however i am thankful that apple has actually tipped up with enough efficiency to match the cost as well as is doing it with recycled and also recyclable products we can all value and support that i'' ll get the video camera devices returned right into their port they are all housed in the same metal block so it'' s impossible to get them out of placement and also the very same point opts for the front cameras ultimately the front display with its three ribbon cable televisions can connect into the tiny motherboard and also i can start throwing down all those metal plates over the lego style ribbon ports the last thing that gets plugged in is the battery and this little metal bracket that covers the leading after that we can turn the phone back on and once more i'' m equally as stunned as you are that this thing still functions i for one am grateful that apple has started taking part once more in the mobile phone race as well as much more so for making use of recycled elements innovations in both areas are good for everybody i'' ll be looking into the recycling efforts of various other producers in the future so struck that subscribe button if you place'' t already it ' s free and also bear in mind that the computer the astronauts utilized to land on the moon half a century back is less powerful than the mobile phone in your pocket now don'' t forget to take a look at the distinct link in the summary for your cost-free audiobook as well as come socialize with me on instagram as well as twitter thanks a lot for seeing as well as i'' ll see you about

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