iPhone 14 Pro: Proof that USB-C is FINALLY Coming! ✅

our new connector is called lightning so now we have actually thunderbolt and also lightning in our adapter technique this port is a contemporary adapter for the following years for the past one decade apple'' s lightning connector has been the main service for charging and also moving information on the iphone today it'' s plainly the top weakness in regards to apple iphone equipment and for the past week i'' ve been doing a bunch of study and i assume i ' ve finally concerned the verdict that there ' s a great chance that'apple ' s upcoming iphone 14 pro will feature a usbc port so in this video clip i'' m going to provide you with some strong proof for my forecast based upon leaks and also reports along with what apple has done in the past and also what they'' re presently doing right now which is giving us some major hints at why the time is ideal for usbc so let'' s solve into it back in september mark german declared that the iphone 14 would include a full redesign as well as i yapped concerning that in my recent video where i had some custom provides made for me by shailesh on twitter as well as also previously back in august mark german created a really interesting article from bloomberg entitled it'' s time for apple to fix its confusing gadget battery charger approach as well as within the short article he mentioned that lightning has actually served apple well because 2012 but usbc has actually become the default and also the pros of moving to usbc are stronger than the disadvantages by moving the iphone to usbc apple will certainly have a merged adapter with its macs and also numerous various other gadgets and bear in mind that those words originate from the most trustworthy apple leaker out there with an 87 accuracy ranking covering over 500 rumors however including on to that we likewise saw a similar leak from leakages apple professional claiming that usbc might ultimately be coming to the apple iphone 14 professional as well as according to a sources there are three reasons for why apple can be switching to usbc transfer rates legal problems as well as the environment cost as all of us recognize transfer rates with usbc are much faster than lightning which is restricted to usb 2.0 rates and regarding legal difficulties both the biden harris management and also the european union are promoting usb-c ports on all tools and in terms of the environment apple could switch over to usb-c while at the same time getting rid of the cord from package to assist in saving the environment and also undoubtedly save apple cache so with that said stated we currently have leakages indicating apple changing to usb-c on the apple iphone 14 pro however i'' ve got back at much better evidence for why this makes a lot feeling however first we'' ve obtained to take an appearance at all the three major factors for why apple gave the usbc port to the ipad pro back in 2018.

Prior to that point people were grumbling regarding the lightning port for many years stating that it was single handedly holding the ipad pro back from being a real pro tool and as for the second reason usb-c was needed for some of the functions that apple was intending to give the ipad pro like linking quick outside ssds to aid with professional editing as well as attaching to external monitors which is an attribute that is not supported by lightning and apple even flaunted the usbc port being utilized for various things like connecting digital cameras for easy file transfers billing an iphone attaching to an audio mixer and once more to a display and the 3rd and also last factor for adding usbc was that apple understood that they intended to up the base rate of the ipad pro up to 799 bucks and also there'' s no chance that they can have escaped it without adding usbc to resolve all of those restrictions and issues as well as if you actually think of it each time apple added usb-c to an ipad it came with a cost rise like the ipad air 4 in 2020 which got a hundred dollars a lot more costly in addition to the ipad mini 6 in 2014 also a hundred bucks more as well as component of that cost increase was to aid make up for lost earnings from apple'' s lightning port because if you didn'' t currently understand apple makes royalty charges from every device available that uses a lightning port through their mfi program so keeping that said prior to i clarify why it makes a lot sense for apple to change to usbc on the apple iphone 14 professional designs let me break down how i believe apple plans to make this usbc button happen to start i believe that apple is preparing on elevating the base cost of the apple iphone 14 professional versions due to the fact that i put on'' t know if you remember or not but before apple exposed the apple iphone 13 lineup it was rumored that they would certainly raise apple iphone rates because their main chip distributor tsmc raised the pricing on their silicon chip wafers and also considering that we didn'' t obtain an apple iphone rate boost in 2015 i believe that it'' s coming this year specifically with the apple iphone 14 pro versions obtaining a hundred bucks much more pricey nonetheless the trouble is that apple needs to validate the price increase and also the manner in which they'' ve always done this is with a complete redesign which for the upcoming iphone 14 has actually been reported for months currently consisting of the brand-new tablet formed cutout to change the notch on only the pro designs as you can see in this make that i had actually produced by shailesh so with that said claimed numerous individuals will happily pay an additional hundred dollars for that new opening punch screen design that looks extremely fresh yet on the other hand there are some people that might care much less about the notch since they'' ve gotten made use of to it over the past number of years and also to them investing the additional cash isn'' t worth it so apple would certainly require another thing to attract individuals right into accepting the base price boost as well as i completely believe that it can be the switch to usbc because if you consider it people have been requesting usb-c for many years currently and also apple has been resisting for so long that if apple made the switch today after that most of consumers would be absolutely shocked as well as surprised by this move by apple as well as by doing this it can solitarily get people that formerly hated on apple for many years to ultimately soften up a bit and even think about switching from an android to the apple iphone which'' s not also stating the millions of individuals with older iphones that will finally have a great factor to update to the 14 pro just due to the fact that of that usbc port that will certainly make their life so a lot easier if they already have a bunch of various other usbc cable televisions existing around so also if switching over to usbc would certainly indicate lost revenue for apple from their lightning environment the vast variety of new iphone sales as a result of that new usb-c port would certainly much more than offset the shed income and also if you put on'' t recognize what i indicate by lost income apple ' s lightning port belongs to the mfi program which means that every time any type of firm available produces an accessory like a lightning cord or adapter apple bills a licensing royalty for that lightning adapter bringing in a bunch of additional income which right there is possibly why apple has stuck to lightning for as long since if they suddenly dropped it they would certainly lose on every one of that mfi nobility revenue within a number of years however thankfully apple has actually been dealing with the absolute excellent option to this problem which will make it a lot easier to ditch lightning as well as that is of program apple'' s new magsafe ecological community for the apple iphone if you didn ' t currently recognize both the mac secure situation module as well as the maxsafe battery charger module are additionally component of the mfi program which means that apple makes cash for every single solitary mac safe device marketed no matter of whether it sustains billing or not so max conserve is currently replacing the mfi make money from apple'' s lightning connector and in my point of view it'' s going to make much even more cash than lightning given that magsafe is modern as well as it'' s numerous times better in reality we'' ve already made 3 videos on valuable mac safe devices and also my outright favorite iphone device i'' ve ever purchased in my life is this magsafe air vent install charger for my car which is unbelievably practical however having max life in the mfi program is definitely genius for apple because it has absolutely nothing to do with the wired charging port because it'' s on the back of the apple iphone so apple can easily change to usbc and still make a load of earnings from max risk-free mfi aristocracy charges so the factor that i'' m trying to make is that apple isn ' t going to ditch lightning up until they effectively develop a different ecosystem that will bring in additional mfi aristocracy profits from their apple iphone as well as i completely think that apple has actually currently attained that objective with the brand-new max safe environment and they'' re now lastly prepared to begin dumping the lightning port as well as making my point a lot more convincing apple has lately included magsafe charging support to both their brand-new airpods 3 and also airpods professional situations and even better one of the most trustworthy leaker out there mark german thinks that apple is including wireless magsafe support to the ipad pro later on this year to additional push the magsafe ecosystem ahead as well as to make it also crazier mark discussed that apple intend on giving the apple watch magnetic max secure battery charger assistance also so if all of this emerges it verifies that apple is mosting likely to be totally purchased making max safe the brand-new mfi money manufacturer to change the old lightning criterion and now with all that said i have one last reason for apple including usbc to the apple iphone 14 professional as well as i think that this is the last nail in the coffin when apple lastly included usb-c to the ipad pro the major reason was that lightning was severely limiting what the ipad could do and also i fully think that we'' ve finally got to that factor with the iphone'' s lightning port with the apple iphone 13 pro you can currently record prores video which takes up a substantial amount of storage space especially 6 gigabytes per minute for 4k prores yet the issue is that the lightning port still just sustains usb 2 speeds suggesting that transferring those prores files takes permanently as an example michael tobin on youtube did a prores initially look video as well as he claimed that it took between one to one and a fifty percent hours to transfer 160 jobs of 4k prores video clip which converts to only around 26 mins of video footage as well as due to the fact that of that incredibly slow lightning port transfer speed he said that it'' s possibly gon na dissuade users from taping in prores at all yet wait it gets also worse because we'' ve been just recently obtaining some very solid leaks as well as reports from experts like mingchequo that point to the iphone 14 professional featuring a brand name brand-new 48 megapixel main camera that can shoot 8k video clip of course i said 8k as well as i believe it'' s gon na work making use of the exact same prores layout given that apple is building prores encoders and decoders into both their apple iphone as well as mac chips to make shooting modifying and also repeating prores video footage utilize much less power as well as this finally brings me to a tweet from mkbhd on twitter discussing that ak prores video clip would certainly use 24 gigabytes of storage room per min so indeed the quality is gon na be outrageous but if apple stays with the lightning port on the apple iphone 14 professional it'' ll actually take over a hr to transfer only about six minutes of 8k prores video footage which is entirely inappropriate and unrealistic and based on that final factor in addition to every little thing that i currently stated in this video consisting of the leaks and rumors i believe that there'' s a respectable opportunity that we will lastly see the usbc ports on the upcoming apple iphone 14 professional and also if you entirely differ with me proceed and comment your thoughts down below but if you appreciated this video click the circle over to subscribe for more video clips such as this one and also most definitely have a look at one of those two right over there thanks for enjoying and also we'' ll see you in the next video [Music]

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