iPhone 13 (All Models): Battery Life DRAIN TEST! *Shocking Results*

– Invite back to the channel, individuals. SimplyPops here doing a battery drainpipe examination on every one of the apple iphone 13s. So the apple iphone 13 mini, the 13, the 13 Pro, and the 13 Pro Max. Now all of these phones are at a 100%. I simply took them off the charger and boom, So yeah, every one of them a 100%. I'' m gon na elevate up the illumination, so every one of these phones
are maximum brightness with dark setting allowed. The majority of people, they such as
to have dark mode on, which conserves
battery life as well, likewise. So what I choose to do, let me open these negative boys and allow'' s get going. And also fine, screens are unlocked. Allow me activate the timer due to the fact that currently the screens
is constantly gon na be on.And bear in mind, this gets on screen. You may do away with your phone, you recognize relax, whatever, but initially app I'' m gon na. launch up is the camera. Right? So, we'' re gon na. launch up the camera. We ' re gon na have it hang.
in there awhile and allow'' s see how well. these are gon na accumulate. So, we ' re gon na go
right into the video,'I ' m gon na push the. record on every one of these. We ' re gon na leave it. videotaping for 10 minutes. As well as fine it ' s been 10 minutes, as well as I
can quit these in fact trigger we left it on the. video camera app. All right. So, apple iphone 13 Pro Max is still at a 100%. The 13 Pro is at 97. This. gets on 98, quite surprising. And after that the mini had 97. Instagram. All right, so I ' m gon na.
leave it at this screen for 30 minutes, half a hr. It ' s been regarding thirty minutes,. checking out the battery. Let ' s see. All right. Interesting. Really, really fascinating.
The Pro Max just got 95, the Standard Pro 94,'the 13 95 and also the 13 Mini 92. Okay, let ' s leave it on the. display for a little while.I ' m really awaiting. the YouTube app to finish. [Hip hop Music] All right. So'one hour and 41 minutes', the Pro Max gets on 85. Pro gets on 83, the 13 84,
and the mini 79. Absolutely nothing negative going on right here.
It ' s quite reasonable. It'' s sort of unusual to see the Criterion 13. exceeding the Pro just by 1. We ' re gon na play some. games. So, let ' s release up. Let ' s launch on Metro Web surfer. Okay. So, pc gaming on your phone, you might ready an hour, right? Or possibly thirty minutes approximately, however you ' re gon na do a little video gaming. And also alrighty, 2 hours in. Let ' s see what the battery portion
. Okay. So the apple iphone 13 Mini 75%, the 13 80, 80 on the Pro and also 81 on the Pro Max.
So, the Pro Max is just 1. factor or one portion. And also same thing below. So we concerning 2 hours. right into the task until now. Up until now so excellent.
I ' m gon na launch up TikTok. So, I ' m gon na open TikTok here.
Do we have to check in? I. assumption we have to check in. So let me, let me authorize right into this.

Can you guys believe. there ' s over 1 billion, like users on TikTok,. like accounts created.This is outrageous. So, let me get that. splash screen out of here. All right. Two hours as well as half an hour in. 76 on the Pro Max, 74 on the Pro, 75 on the 13, as well as 68 on the 13 Mini
. Okay. Let ' s proceed. So typically, realistically. after TikTok, you most likely take it to the gram. So, we ' re gon na return to Instagram. All right. So, I ' m gon na. leave it right here on Instagram for another half an hour. Okay. 30 mins later. Let ' s see. The Mini is at 60, the 13 at 70, the Pro at 69 and also the Pro Max at 70. Okay. So, go back right into YouTube. I appreciate how the apps.
memorize behind-the-scenes in spite of playing the games. and things like that. The phones are rather warm. It ' s not warm. They ' re simply warm. And alrighty men. So, 4 hrs in, this is the moment where you enter into great battery life
phones. So, in this specific. way, the phone'is always on and also I ' m able to obtain 50% on the 13 Mini as well as on the 13 63,'on the Pro 62 as well as on the Pro 61.

Something ' s really wrong here.This is actually the most effective battery life. Whoa, this has no service. All these phones, no solution today. So, that ' s the point.
However unless all these phones. are performing actually well, I should state. There ' s a glitch going on where this always comes up. I ' m not sure what that is. I didn ' t also press the side switch. All right. So', we ' re gon na. take it back to the games. Okay. So allow ' s open up Crash. So you'have Crash on the run. Do we have it mounted here? We don ' t also have it installed here. All right.'So I ' m gon na release back up Train Surf. Yo, I didn ' t realize 4 hrs obtaining right into 5 hrs could be this intense. I ' m making lasagna now.
So, I went a little over. than anticipated, but man, these batteries are dealing with pretty excellent. All right. So, the Mini 40%, 13 55%, the Pro 53, and also the Pro Max 55. Hm. The Pro may not be so good. Okay. So, allow'' s take it back to TikTok. Now there is a weird problem.
going on in the Pro Max where it keep conjuring up the Apple pay screen.I ' m not certain what that is. See, this is specifically what it'' s doing. So, I ' m not exactly sure what'this, I put on ' t understand why it ' s doing that. It just keep on, open up that up. Okay. Let ' s check these. On the Max'50 %, 47 on the Pro, on the 13 50 and also on the Mini 33%.
Okay. So allow ' s switch over. over to one more game. Crash, Crash on'the run. Okay. And mind you, I have.
all these applications running in the history, to make sure that ' s realistic. So, we ' re gon na play. some Crash on the Run. Okay. 6 hours in, apple iphone,. 13 Mini simply obtained the low power warning. It ' s at 20 %, and also the 13 at 39%. Allow me leave that down there.

And the Pro at 37,'and the Pro Max at 40. Allow ' s, I presume, can we
go on Twitter'? Allow ' s ride out on'Twitter.Yo, I actually put on ' t recognize this.
This is an insect, yo. That ' s something I didn ' t. see on Mr. That ' s Boss video. Yeah. I don ' t understand. Let me'secure it in. Currently in regards to the. warmth, the phones, I mean it is on the warm side,. but it ' s not like hot to the touch or even so the. screen ' s not also lowering. Okay.
Let ' s remain on Twitter. for like 30 minutes. As well as bear in mind, let ' s bear in mind the the battery portion 20,'38, 36, 39. All right.
So, currently this odd. glitch is happening on the 13. Mind you, this is off. It ' s. expected to be disabled. I put on ' t know. It always. comes up. I wear ' t understand. We gon na need to just push with it. All right. So six hrs and half an hour. All right. So, limit is at 37, the Pro 33, 35 on'the 13 and also on the Mini 14. So, the Mini is on his method out soon. Allow ' s take it back to. Instagram real quick. We got ta remain on Instagram.

for a little while, for 30 minutes. Okay. So'allow ' s see what we got.The Max 33, 29 on the Pro, 32 on the 13, and 11% on the Mini. We ' re gon na head back. right into the video camera examination. Yeah, this is what ' s gon na. kill the Mini now. So you ' re gon na take it over to the video clip, doing a default resolution. I ' m not also shooting in 4k. The majority of the moment, people just, they just, alright, video camera, shoot. Although, you understand what? Right here ' s what we ' re gon na do. We ' re gon na fire in 4k. We ' re gon na shoot in 4k for 10 mins. Okay. 15 minutes rather than 10 mins. Okay. The screen lowered out on the Pro Max which is sort of surprising all the remainder of the thirteens are still good.And the percentage on the Mini 2%, 13 27, whoa. and 22 on the Pro and also 28 on the Pro Max. All right. Let'' s open back up YouTube. Okay. And there goes, the mini. Mini is dead. 22 on the 13 as well as on the professional 19%. And afterwards on the Pro Max 25%, Allow me move on. Okay. Allow'' s leave that out. Okay. Allow'' s return into TikTok. If a phone lasts this
. long, you have not a problem obtaining all the time. Trigger mind you, this is all. The screen is on all the time now for the whole 8 hours. Type of a little dissatisfied on the pro, the basic pro, cause I was expecting to.
improve battery life. However the conventional 13 is.
doing a great work, however. I'' m sorry for the unsuitable TikToks, however fine allow'' s get back to Metro Surf. The app had to reload on the standard 13 while the pros, it.
remembered behind-the-scenes. So keep that in mind, you.
have a lot more gigabytes of ram on the professional series.So 6 gigabytes compared. to four gigabytes.
All right, 8 hrs and also 32 mins in. 11% on the 13, Pro 7%, And also on limit 14%. Let me return into.
Twitter for a bit. And there goes the low power and there goes the reduced battery, 10%. This point is frustrating. So 10%, 3% on the Pro and also 7% on the 13. Yeah. I desire you individuals.
might really feel the phone. These phones, it'' s holding.
up actually well, in fact. It'' s not also hot.'It ' s not blazing. You would certainly assume it'' ll resemble. warm to touch, however never. All right, allow'' s go back to Crash. Okay. App had to revitalize on the 13 as well as the pro collection of phone chose up exactly where I left off.The common

pro is obtaining.
all set to die any kind of minute. So 9 hrs is still fair, however you can press out a little even more time on the Pro Max thanks to that bigger ability battery. And I'' m surprised the 13.
is still up and also running. I believed it would certainly pass away.
alongside with the mini however you people can see, it'' s. a big battery distinction. All right. So the pro simply passed away, nine.
hrs and eight minutes. That is it for the Pro. Held up well however sadly it is.
not messing with limit. Currently the max is at 9% and also the 13 goes to 3%. Okay. So this is on its last leg. And afterwards this you might probably squeeze.
another, possibly half an hour. 40 minutes. Yeah. Allow'' s go back right into. Instagram for a bit. 2% on the 13 as well as 8% on the Pro Max. 13 today is at 1%, Pro Max 7. So any min the 13 is gon na die.I ' m gon na keep the cams. rolling for this one. Yeah. That ' s still unbelievable. Hell up really well, I love. this blue color incidentally. Yeah. So allow'' s see how. long this is gon na last. We gon na leave it on Instagram. for a little until you know, five even more mins. We can leave it on there. As well as all right, 9 hours as well as thirty minutes, 6%. Can we videotape an additional 4k? Can we do it? All right, allow'' s do a 10 min 4k 60.

Okay. So allow'' s stop the recording as well as we'' re gon na flip it to the front. So currently you'' ve seen.
on your own, allow'' s document this for an additional four or five minutes. And also alrighty, five mins. Allow'' s examine it, 2%. As well as the screen actually dimmed. All right. 9 hours as well as 40 minutes. Wow. I think we can return to TikTok. As well as the most effective point is all the applications, so it'' s memorized in the background.And I ' m getting notifications and also this point is similar to, wow. All right. So I ' m gon na have TikTok. running until it dies out.
All right. 1%, 1 %. I ' m actually seeing these Tiktoks right here. Currently I see the drag structures, that indicates the phone. regarding to pass away any type of minute.
Yeah. 9 50. Can we do 9 50? Nah, we practically had it. All right. So 9 hrs and 47 minutes. Pro Max is the outright king. – Well there, you people have it. That'' s the apple iphone
13. model battery drainpipe examination. This one absolutely stunned me. The reality just how the 13 Pro passed away faster than the regular 13 was extremely intriguing and I make certain whatever was intact. I took it off the charger, started the video clip which was it. Yet nevertheless, all.
the models do well specifically for the apple iphone 13 mini. Despite its size, 7.
hours is tolerable for a phone. That'' s like the standard. I would say that'' s
not. regrettable for a smart device. The 13 Pro Max you practically getting.
10 hour battery life here.So yeah,

the Pro Max.
is the absolute beast. As well as by the way, I'' m using.
the front encountering electronic camera of the apple iphone 13 Pro, the common one. And these cams is simply unfailing. I enjoy it. All right. That concludes today'' s video clip. Allow me know down in.
the comments down below what you individuals think, and make certain you individuals.
thumbs up the video. I invested a great deal of time filming this set. I hope you guys have a.
easy day, subscribe with alerts on. '' Til next time.

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