iPhone 14 Pro: The ONE Reason Why I’m Buying it..

there is one major factor why i will certainly be updating to the iphone 14 pro as well as no it is not because of the new cutouts and eliminating the notch in this video i'' m going to discuss the new details that simply came out in addition to giving you people the specific specifications and also revealing you exactly how much of a distinction this is really going to make with actual photos so you recognize if it will deserve it for you currently personally i put on'' t really care that much about the cutouts i know vadim is really excited concerning it as well as it is great eliminating that actually dated notch however although it'' s gon na look better it doesn'' t truly offer you that much evaluate property due to the fact that of that tablet as well as after that the circular intermediary for the video camera what is mosting likely to matter is the camera itself as well as not the back camera yet the front one as well we already understand all of the info as well as the full spec sheet listing revealing us precisely what upgrades we'' re gon na obtain as well as they are rather significant over the last couple of months we'' ve gotten a lots of info regarding this new sensor as well as not just is it gon na get much bigger which is a significant increase in size i'' m chatting regarding 57 larger as for surface area contrasted to the already big sensing unit and the iphone 13 professional series making it literally larger than a great deal of small point-and-shoot electronic cameras so we'' re literally reaching a new level currently but along with that a really big boost in tech however for the very first time ever leaping up from a 12 megapixel which we'' ve had for many lots of years up to 48 megapixels which is why the actual electronic camera bump is mosting likely to be not just bigger however additionally thicker as well with the lenses protruding even more resulting in this huge cam component that is significant compared to also the actually large one on the iphone 13.

I mean just take a look at that big camera component currently vadim did an extremely deep dive going into every one of the tech the sensor dimensions the size of the pixels with quad bearing so if you desire all the great detail you need to certainly have a look at that video but this one isn'' t regarding that the new info that we have is the apple is dropping their chinese manufacturer for the front-facing camera and mosting likely to one from south korea currently this change alone isn'' t that enormous however what is huge is that it is mosting likely to cost apple 3 times even more cash than in previous years for the selfie video camera indicating it is likewise mosting likely to be an actually huge renovation now they were originally mosting likely to do this with the iphone 15 yet they'' re doing it a year early which'' s great because in several of these images well the apple iphone 13 pro obtains killed by its android competitors currently what we understand for certain that there are two specific guaranteed renovations the initial being an f 1.9 lens which allows much more light and also the 2nd being autofocus currently with a great deal of android phones we already have this where if you'' re drawing your phone more detailed or further it will certainly focus to make sure your face is sharp whereas with the iphone uh if you'' re putting it as well away also close it will not be as detailed so let'' s go in advance and jump in and allow me reveal you specifically what kind of photo high quality renovations we can anticipate in addition to some changes in video clip as well as additionally some feasible drawbacks for the iphone 14 pros let'' s begin with this picture right below you can see that the pixel 6 professional ' s shot looks far more detailed than the apple iphone although it'' s a more economical phone that is due to the fact that the pixel google is utilizing a 50 megapixel primary sensor where apple has a 12 megapixel as they'' ve had for years updating to that 48 megapixel sensor that we recognize that is coming is going to greatly improve the information level this is something that i desired for years because it is a drawback i indicate look at this shot it reveals it so clearly exactly how much a lot more in-depth the pixel 6 photo is when we focus 200 percent you notice a drastic distinction in actual information of every picture you take which'' s not only the instance for the pixel 6 samsung ' s had high resolution sensing units for a long time currently and in this shot you see that the samsung image is much extra thorough this is without that much of a crop and that'' s not only the case in daytime images at evening keeping that quad bearing or samsung'' s nine layered bear down to a 12 megapixel you see that this evening shot is a lot more detailed than apple'' s as well as this is something that we'' ve constantly discovered in our blind unbiased camera comparison test that having the added resolution really aids currently apple'' s done a great task with deep combination they'' ve done a fantastic work with portraits yet now we are hitting a wall with a 12 megapixel sensing unit as well as additionally with the front dealing with camera i'' ll reveal you in simply a little bit if you see these comparisons it just reveals you exactly how a lot the high resolution sensors of android are obtaining much ahead currently from apple'' s iphone currently individuals state that iphones have gotten so great you wear ' t need to have a dslr anymore yet what individuals stop working to discuss is that dslrs as well as lenses have actually obtained better as well as many of them are making use of much higher resolutions also for instance i just went on a trip to phoenix az and i took a genuine electronic camera with me and on the right here we have our iphone shot that looks wonderful but if you care about information and also you'' re gon na look closer or do any type of kind of cropping you could see exactly how much better a 50 megapixel sensing unit looks contrasted to iphone'' s 12 megapixel currently apple does a shockingly good work with hdr and handling yet then if we go in advance and take a bit of a closer look not just on your phone the high quality distinction of the actual image is remarkable in regards to detail that it catches i suggest check out this you can actually see all the great little spikes on the cactus compared to a lot of artifacts as well as simply kind of mush there and in this shot without even zooming in you could tell that the image on the left looks a great deal more comprehensive and afterwards if we take a closer look i indicate that high quality difference is dramatic now you wear'' t require a dslr to get shots that are this comprehensive samsung is offering this and also google with the pixel collection and also a great deal of other android phones have actually been doing this for a pair years currently i recognize some people will certainly say well the apple iphone'' s already excellent enough i don'' t truly care concerning photo high quality yet i have a various perspective on it individuals take all their images or a lot of them with their smartphone as well as these are the memories you'' re gon na have for the following 20 years 30 years are mosting likely to show it to your youngsters your grandkids as well as our moms and dads had great photos from movie cameras to show us where the information is really excellent and also if we'' re taking images that are mushy looking as well as not great i mean to me that'' s one reason why i desire to have the most recent iphone or an android phone to record memories that you'' re going to have for a lifetime now that doesn'' t only go into information on that particular rear camera this is where the front-facing electronic camera the apple iphone has actually truly broken down contrasted to androids over the last pair years if you have a look at this shot right here with the s22 ultra they are using a 40 megapixel front encountering cam and also it looks a lot better than the apple iphone the hdr looks far better and the detail and the face the complexion it'' s not as level it looks way better this is why i'' ve been lured to make use of an android phone and also also take an android phone on my vacation to get shots similar to this i indicate it'' s dramatically much better if you had to pick one of these to keep permanently which picture would you select i would undoubtedly select the samsung photo and also in the evening time with that pixel binning it looks far more like an actual genuine camera than having a mobile phone like picture this is the type of high quality that we can expect with this upgrade from apple on both the front-facing electronic camera which rear-facing cam now certainly keeping that increasing to 48 megapixel will enable 8k video clip the apple has not had samsung samsung'' s been providing this for a few years now however if you take an appearance the shot on the left really looks even worse than the shot on the right which is the apple iphone shooting 4k as opposed to ak that is because they'' re choosing 108 megapixel sensor that'' s to plant in a bunch it requires a whole lot even more processing so it ends up looking worse than apple'' s 4k and as a result of that their evening mode video clip even in 4k looked a lot worse than apples and this is why apple selected to choose the 48 megapixel sensor it'' s excellent for 8k as well as it'' s gon na make it look amazing without any of the downsides i honestly can not wait for this camera upgrade so what are gon na be the drawbacks if we have these enormous enhancements well regarding we understand just the primary cam is going to rise to 48 megapixel the front-facing one could get a bump up as well but we'' re not yet certain we wear ' t have that information i actually wish it does but as for the ultra right in the telephoto it'' s mosting likely to remain the same we ' re not going to get one of those telescopic video cameras so you consider this picture right here the pixel 6 pro looks so much a lot more comprehensive than the iphone since of its 48 megapixel telephoto camera whereas the apple iphone is still stuck at 12.

As well as with that said the ultra right is likewise going to remain at 12 megapixel so you consider the image on the right it looks a lot extra comprehensive than the apple iphone'' s electronic camera since doesn ' t mean that it can'' t verify software program can improve possibly the low light sensitivity to have some renovations but it'' s not mosting likely to be as huge as a dive as the back 48 megapixel video camera so both of those are still mosting likely to be much less in-depth than much of its android counterparts which is a drag a minimum of to me when i see these sort of photos and exactly how much ahead a few of the android phones currently are certainly we still have some time and it would certainly be fantastic if apple upgrades the various other electronic cameras too and also we get more info yet you individuals go ahead and let me recognize is this adequate for you to wish to upgrade your phone just how much do you care about top quality and also the apple iphone being multiple years behind compared to some of the androids does that matter to you do you care we intend to hear your thoughts down below go in advance as well as click that subscribe switch over if you individuals intend to see more videos like this help us get to a million clients have a look at the thorough deepness in-depth video regarding the primary cam system right over there this max and i'' ll see you in the next video [Songs]

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