Teen Gets FIRST iPHONE 14 from Apple. Then what Happens?

[Music] ah it'' s still working guy what are you doing this phone it'' s still functioning [Songs] did you drop it in the toilet no i placed it in there i'' m trying to break it why would you damage a completely good phone cause this point'' s an old piece of scrap and also i'' m tired of wilbur as well as his iphone that cares what sort of phone he has you know that i am i have a reputation to uphold i require the ideal phone in the entire college oh yeah what was i thinking you obtained that appropriate uh we got ta get the course what'' s the thrill lance figures if he breaks his android his mama will certainly have to obtain him a brand-new apple iphone [Songs] no mom i place it in my knapsack due to the fact that i didn'' t intend to use that lunch box well if it isn'' t wilbur and his iphone junior it ' s not an iphone junior lance it'' s an apple iphone 4. an iphone 4 actually wait the dinosaur museum called they desire their phone back well at the very least i have an iphone all you have is an android as well as not even a good one wilbur what'' s incorrect you won ' t believe it dj lance was providing me pain regarding my phone just blow it off no one respects what type of phone you have yeah i believe it'' s great it does every little thing i needed to do oh hi dj hi olivia rachel what ' s up oh absolutely nothing scientific research class as usual great course our next chapter is on pests lance you'' re late once more wear'' t inform me allow me think your pet dog consumed your homework no i needed to take my pet to the veterinarian oh i feel so negative for your dog what'' s the name of your vet due to the fact that i wish to examine in on him no no my canine prefers privacy did you see they'' re doing t evening at the rockable this saturday cool are you going yeah i already asked zoe carter what regarding you no i really sanctuary'' t thought of it yet the initial pest we'' re gon na be studying is the gorilla day who can tell us what that is oh i obtained it i got it fine chip inform us what it is oh it'' s a common cricket that ' s right next who can tell us what the tiniest insect on the planet is wilbur'' s iphone that ' s not an insect'lance currently lance let ' s keep the humor out of the classroom well i would however wilbur ' s little as well as he ' s pestering me okay going on currently before next course i desire you all to head to the collection and also research study the tiniest pests on the planet hi there wilbur i presume you look like a fool before the entire course today wear'' t stress over'it he ' s just attempting to get under your skin hi olivia uh are are you men doing anything this weekend break uh no did you have something in mind uh [Songs] are you certain you desire me to do this of course there'' s nothing else method to damage this thing man okay put it under there man all right wait on my signal [Music] alright come on [Songs] oh no someone broke my phone [Music] hello mom can i speak to you certain lance just how was college college was college yet there'' s this kid teasing me concerning my phone i believe it'' s time i got a brand-new one new phone didn ' t i just obtain you one in 2014 no you got it for me

when i was 13. It ' s been made years currently [Songs] as well as i identified a way you can get me one for free cost-free there ' s no such thing as free of course there is if we switch over to verizon they'' ll pay for me to get a brand-new apple iphone if we choose them they'' ll give you a brand-new apple iphone it'' s an incentive if you switch they'' ll even provide you one also a brand-new phone fine lance i ' ll see what i can do'thanks mommy because this child ' s truly hurting my feelings presume what my mother ' s getting me a new apple iphone can you deal with that i believed you were even more of an android man who do you believe he ' s speaking with android apple iphone i speak all of it ah i desire i could have the brand-new one all i have is my sibling'' s old 7 plus at the very least you have a oh look if it isn'' t walkie-talkie wilbur what do you want lance want what is the male who has whatever desire absolutely nothing you have every little thing what is that expected to imply i neglected your iphone junior possibly doesn'' t get social media due to the fact that they'' re all discussing it i'' m getting an apple iphone 13

. Oh yes well i'' ve been saving up for one myself in that situation i can inform you how to obtain one faster oh truly exactly how'' s that well obtain an apple iphone 9 and after that tape it to your iphone 4. and afterwards you'' ll have a 13. great one lance so funny i neglected to laugh besides there'' s no such thing as an iphone 9. you recognize practically he'' s right there is no such thing as an iphone 9. uh well after that get the 10. and afterwards you'' ll be the first one to have a 14. are you for reals put on'' t pay attention to him allow'' s just reach course man what ' s lance ' s obsession with getting an apple iphone yes he should just stick with android like us oh you didn'' t hear we broke his old phone deliberately simply to get an apple iphone not simply any type of apple iphone he wants a new iphone 13. [Music] hi olivia hello individuals have you seen rachel around anywhere oh rachel she'' s at volley ball technique what ' s taking place did you hear they'' re having a group event at the rocket bowl on saturday evening yeah and also i was kind of type of wishing to ask someone tj are you asking me to go with you if you'' re mosting likely to be there as well as as well as i ' m i ' m going to be there then we can both be there at the very same time yeah i ' ll opt for you truly you recognize wilbur you should'truly ask rachel too i bet she ' ll state yes yeah yeah i was gon na do that other than uh she ' s at beach ball technique well why'wear ' t you facetime her after practice i'' m sure she ' d like to learn through you facetime you need an apple iphone 6 to do facetime you just got an apple iphone 4 yes i recognize well then possibly you can catch her at college tomorrow perhaps i will certainly you need to obtain a new phone like lance i don'' t intend to listen to regarding lance [Songs] oh my gosh mom did you obtain me a brand-new iphone that'' s ideal kid i took your suggestions now go in advance and also open it thanks mom also though it'' s not the professional i put on ' t recognize what a pro is however i obtained you a brand-new iphone that ' s what you wanted'many thanks now wilbur won ' t tease me any longer i ' m sorry kid youngsters can be so terrible in high institution i remember that well not with outstanding mamas like you hey every person have you seen my brand-new apple iphone 13 that ' s not an apple iphone'13 yeah it is what makes you think it ' s not the 13 the 13 has three electronic cameras yeah besides on the 13 the cameras are prepared in different ways oh yep well i special ordered mine so they made it to my own specs has an odor for you after that due to the fact that i currently asked my mama for an actual iphone 13.

Well you'' re gon na have to wait a pair years till the 14 appears i already obtained you defeat walkie-talkie wilbur alright class for this next job you'' re gon na be taking close-up pictures of pests and for that i have this unique close-up video camera for you to utilize oh amazing enjoyable i wan na do it me as well can i use my new apple iphone 13 instead it has an unique close-up lens well lights that doesn'' t appear like an apple iphone 13 as well as besides you have to use my video camera since it utilizes movie well it is yet whatever teach resembles she has your number quiet wilbur you'' re just envious [Songs] guy lance is providing you a really difficult time concerning your phone yeah i recognize it'' s really obtaining on my nerves oh guy not in the lunch area i can'' t assist it that ' s what happens when i ' m emphasized well you reached determine a method to one-up lance yeah the last thing i want is for my nerves to get the finest of me yeah that'' s for certain i can ' t think lance is giving me a tough time about my 4 4 what do you suggest four the iphone four all he does is brag that he has the new 13. he'most likely doesn ' t have a 13. you recognize he ' s existing well everybody assumes he does and also i require to finesse him well just how do you anticipate to do that the apple iphone 13 is the very best one out today that ' s why i need the apple iphone 14. excellent luck they'' re possibly not also coming out till xmases at best well you recognize they obtained ta be making models already well what are you gon na do break right into apple head office and go take one hmm that offers me an idea lance why are you facetiming me because that'' s what you do when you have the brand-new iphone well facetime must really feel pretty new to you yet it'' s immaterial to me so anyway what do you think is this my silver lining or is this my much better side uh they look type of the same oh so you assume i am excellent looking anyway i was asking yourself regarding saturday evening what concerning saturday night well you know they have teen evening down at the rocket bowl i was wondering if you wished to be my individual waitress are you asking me out since i'' m so i need you i got ta go my papa requires me pipeline lance intends to take rachel to the teen event yet so does wilbur yet who will she choose yeah appear like water resistance is standing up right to 100 meters [Songs] okay 15 atmospheres will do hi uh are you uh chet yeah who are you i'' m wilbur they just sent me from headquarters headquarters what are they doing sending out a person down here i'' m here to grab one of the 4 teenagers you understand the models 14.

We don'' t telephone call that right here at the laboratory it'' s project mercury task mercury yeah that ' s what i suggested i ' m gon na require one i'can ' t offer you'among those it ' s over my pay quality you ' re gon na require authorization from screening oh checking why do you assume i'' m below oh sorry mr smith i thought we currently evaluated whatever uh water resistance efficiency screen damage what else is there uh i require to check it for uh sun damage sun damages we put on'' t examination it for that well that'' s what hq wants for the 14 i suggest project mercury after all mercury is the closest earth to the sun well if that'' s what the honchos upstairs desires i'' ll go obtain you one oh no fears i ' ll simply take this below oh no no no no that'' s the 13. this is the model your insect photos returned they'' re on your desk as well as let'' s start with the discussions rachel why wear'' t you go first this is the secropia caterpillar this intense colored surreal-looking animal will at some point develop into north america'' s biggest ma superb rachel now we'' re gon na go to chip you ' re gon na love this instruct so this is a nut weevil this specific insect enjoys hazelnuts pecans as well as all kind of other favorite treats you got ta beware though they'' ll attack your food supply which'' s just how i obtained this photo it ' s rather insane chip extremely informing now let'' s go to dj this is the woolly bear caterpillar this little animal is so soft as well as dainty it when it arises from its cocoon it ends up being a tiger butterfly tale has it it the bands on the butterfly can forecast exactly how extreme a victor will be the extra black the most awful the climate wow i didn'' t understand that about the weather i learned something also in my very own class currently we'' re gon na go to olivia the hoping mantis is just among one of the most hardcore insects out there they kill various other aggravating moths as well as flies they have the most effective face expressions and in some cases the females of the species consume the males after mating that'' s really fascinating olivia next we'' re gon na opt for wilbur this is heaven stink bug regardless of stink being in its name it just launches its smell when it feels it remains in instant danger just like you oh yeah you scented it you dealt it lance perhaps we need to take this up after course well mentioning after course i have a video clip that i made of bugs that i'' d like to share with every person before we do i'' d like to see lance ' s discussion my discussion is on this what a heap of dust no this is the usual garden ant they tunnel for their residences as you can see there are several presented right here wow you really had to go a lengthy way to obtain that like your backyard peaceful wilbur prior to i make you move in with him lance silent prior to i provide you apprehension once again now wilbur i'' d love to see that video clip you made why don'' t you reveal us why sure [Songs] wow wilbur that was just impressive video clip top quality how did you movie that oh i have the brand-new apple iphone 14.

i wonder if wilbur can offer me one me as well mine'' s only got three cams hey lance what did you hear wilbur'' s got a new apple iphone 14 yeah he ' s the only one in college yeah i know the question is exactly how did he obtain one he'' s obtained ta have some kind of call at apple it need to be a prototype really just how can you inform that'' s very easy they ' re generally marked somewhere yep it says top trick or pre-production or something like that on the side oh actually well i'' m gon na go learn hey wilbur what do you want lance allow me see that phone i'' m not gon na give you my phone wait a minute whose image is that is that rachel oh yeah it is rachel we'' ve been facetiming uh concerning college and also based upon these messages it resembles it'' s a whole lot greater than just school i wear'' t think so we ' re not dating i understood it he'' s my guy i can'' t think this just how does he price well you can wait a pair years and get one on your own he'' s obtained you there i was speaking about the woman ends up individuals put on'' t care what kind of phone you have they like you for you [Songs] you

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