Pixel 4 XL vs iPhone 11 Pro Max – Full Comparison

hey you guys it’s max with Max Tech today we’re gonna be comparing the iPhone 11 Pro max against the brand new Google pixel for Excel we’re going to look at a wide variety of things such as the design body-build character the spectacles the speaker loudness and caliber carry-on cameras and so much better this video is sponsored by Squarespace an all-in-one platform that stirs it extremely easy to make an amazing website let’s start off with construct quality and layout I obviously wish the examination of the iPhone 11 Pro max it inspects more payment with the stainless steel made that is more sturdy than the aluminum enclose of the pixel for the camera bump in my opinion glances much better than the pixel of oblige and along with that it exactly looks like it’s nicer and more premium but I like the feel of the pixel for better the matte glass is actually more satin like somewhere between glossy and matte whereas the iPhones is completely matte and it’s a lot more slick now along with that the enclose of the pixel 4 has a little bit more grip as well it kind of has this textured feeling and the actual phone itself is actually slimmer than the iPhone 11 Pro max work it feel more comfortable in the side snapping over to the side the pixel 4 has all of its buttons on the right hand side we have the superpower button and the magnitude rocker and I actually wish this because I can insure everything with my thumb and it’s perfect since I’m right-handed whereas the iPhone has a larger power button on the side which is definitely nicer to have it be larger than the small one and then your loudnes rocker is on the left side and included with that “were having” this physical speechles swap which I really like and I wish the pixel offered now along with that a better quality of the buttons are much better on the iPhone they feel like they’re more clicky more consistent where the pixels buttons feel kind of mushy we also have some major differences on the breast the iPhone has that notch that a lot of beings don’t like but the pixel 4 departs for a different method altogether hop-skip the notch but sacrificing us this very big forehead that residences all the brand-new sensors the pixel for does have slimmer bezels on the side but the chin is also larger at the bottom and it no longer has that breast facing talker of course the iPhone has a Lightning port instead of USB type-c and neither of these phones have a headphone but the iPhone does give you lightning earpods inside of the box where the pixel doesn’t give you any headphones as for battery capability the pixel 4 has a 3700 milliamp hour artillery compared to 30 969 in the iPhone now you would expect that the battery life would be quite similar or the artillery width is so close but in fact we have a big inconsistency the pixel 4 does approximately 5 to 5 and a half hours of screen on time only the route it’s set up out of the box compared to 8 to 8 and a half with the iPhone 11 Pro max that is a huge difference so both these phones have a bunch of sensors and the four managers or inside the notch now that allows the phone to accurately and securely unlock your phone the iPhone has had that for a while and you only look at it it pictures a lock and you have to swipe to get to your home screen whereas with the pixel 4 it are really do automatically for you as you guys can see it is very fast and very convenient I cherish the facts of the case that the pixel 4 gives you this alternative I truly wish Apple would cause us have that as well now one other difference is that the pixel 4 has their soli radar sensor built in the benefit of the radar for face unlock is that as soon as you contact for your phone it will actually know that you’re reaching for and it’ll turn on all of the sensors and that fasts up the face opening process let’s compare the speed of the face unlock so right now the pixel isn’t unlocking automatically and I’m just gonna press on the button as I type and swipe on the iPhone and as you guys could tell it clearly is a lot faster and most of the time you don’t have to do anything as soon as you pick it up it’s unlocked maybe so one interesting thing with this radar sensor is that it is not always functioning properly perhaps it precisely needs more software optimization but one peculiarity that allows you to do is skip sungs and do different gesticulates but what I found in the real world is that a lot of the times the gesticulates aren’t properly recognized that one does have better scope with his face and fastening sensors I adjust both on the desk in front of me and if I press down in the iPhone as you guys could see it did a lock but the pixel if I press down all we get is a little shaking lock icon meaning it can’t distinguish my face let me demonstrate a shout-out to our sponsor Squarespace I’ve built countless websites exercising Squarespace and been recommending them for over five years and I’ve tried earn websites from scratch expending 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implication it’s already high enough resolution to not be able to tell a difference now both of them do have a white counterbalance readjustment automatically ambient EQ for the pixel 4 or true-life hue for the iPhone that means that the wipeouts will change depending on your lighting and that is very nice to have now let’s talk about display brightness I join these up identically and what’s very interesting is the difference in the actual brightness giving the iPad 11 Pro max is actually less than 50% brightness whereas the pixel 4 is probably around the 80% marking and that means we’re propagandize more supremacy to this display here and the tart is draining more battery now if we go ahead and max both of these out and I do have auto brightness turned off we could tell that the iPhone is way brighter you can really tell the difference now where reference is adjust our cameras revelation so they’re not blowing out the screens this is the biggest disappointment about the affix before for me personally not the lack of ultra wide lens or battery life the fact that when you’re outside it is very difficult to see the screen and that’s a lot of thoughts because of this I pretty much always have to have the pixel 4s display altogether maxed out compared to having the iPhones at around 70% which likewise leads to worse battery life for the pixel the big-hearted safor does one trick up its sleeve and that is the 90 Hertz refresh rate of the showing this means that when it is working everything is super smooth and of course paired with these faster animations it looks really nice and pleasant to use now one issue that it is having is that the 90 Hertz is actually not working the majority of the time it trims down to 60 Hertz to save battery life so when it is on it is nice and you notice it but when it’s off there is no difference now Google did say that they’re gonna put out a spot to allow the 90 Hertz screen to work more often but of course that is gonna further impact battery life because of this when watching videos the iPhone has better brightness and distinguish at the same time which surely hits out the slightly sharper image of the pixel for screen now let’s compare the speakers[ Music][ Music] keep in mind that what you’re hearing is going through a microphone or a alley through squeeze and depending on your talkers you won’t hear the same thing that we’re hearing but based on what we can hear the pixel for has a lot more mids they’re really pushing the capacity of the mids but not so much the high-priceds or the lows whereas the iPhone reverberates well balanced but quieter vocals are a lot more clear and overall the actual balance of the music is better in terms of orators the pixel four gives a lot of volume out of the earpiece speaker and kind of subdues the bottom one which is a firstly for us you were able to emphatically tell it’s not blended in together as well the iPhone made a big jump-start with 11 pro over the 10 s to have everything sound perfectly matched which represents it a better phone for a surround sound but as far as output the pixel four is a little bit louder now let’s get into performance the pixel four has a Snapdragon 855 which is getting close to a year old now whereas the iPhone uses the brand-new a 13 Bionic has four gigs of ram is comparable to six gigs of ram but of course iOS is a little bit more efficient with its RAM management and working Geekbench five we get a pretty big difference in act a spar a single core the iPhone is more than doubled the performance and in multi-core the iPhone is more than 40 percent faster now in the real world you can’t really tell certain differences when you’re opening apps or scrolling both of them do a great job but that’s going to come and as far as future proofing and together with that the iPod doesn’t have to work as difficult to do regular duties which will help as far as battery life now as far as graphics we would typically move antutu but it just got modernized for Android and iOS but looking back at our last experiment applying the greenback 10 which has the same graphics as the pixel for the iPhone was 42% more powerful now if we look at Geekbench 5s calculate test which experiments a variety of different graphics exercises the iPhone is more than three times faster now this exam does call Apple’s own metal API along with apples graphics compared to Vulcan with Android and this just indicates off the efficiency of having dedicated hardware and software working together now let’s talk about the cameras Google computed a telephoto lens to the pixel 4 so now it has 2 compared to three with the iPhone which includes an ultra-wide lens now the iPhone is definitely a big powerhouse in terms of video it is possible to shoot 4k 60 on all of the cameras all the lenses including the front-facing one where the pixel can’t shoot 4k 60 at all and it can’t shoot 4k on their front-facing even at 30 frames per second now the pixel does have one standout boast that is Astro mode or Astro photography which really originates images look great if you’re shooting at night and you have a tripod now we do have a full analogy between the pixel 4 and the iPhone 11 pro max and along with that the note 10 is in terms of photos so if you guys want to see a very good detailed similarity we will have that relation at the end of this video the last few differences in terms of hardware is that the iPhone has Wi-Fi 6 which the pixel 4 does not have and iPhone has better waterproofing up to 13 feet for 30 instants compared to 3 hoofs now getting into the price both these start with 64 gigabytes of ram the pixel for excel comes in at $900 compared to $ 1100 for the iPhone now if you crave more storage than not the pixel 4 can go up to 128 gigabytes for another hundred dollars where the iPhone you need to spend 150 but you end up coming 256 gigabytes of storage Apple too gives you the choice to get up to 512 gigabytes of storage where with a pixel you’re restriction at 128 and you cannot supplemented any extra because there is no SD card slot now what is our final judgment well if the operating system doesn’t matter to you we think that the iPhone 11 pro max is certainly worth the extra cost in terms of hardware it is better in almost every single way as far as photos it beats it out in the majority methods and video is also a lot better the screen is viewable outside and the difference in battery life is substantial offsetting it the all-around better phone now if you are somebody that’s been using iPhones for a while and say you’re using an older iPhone maybe all the way up to an iPhone 10 and you know that you want to switch to Android the pixel 4 will give you the closest experience with Android 2 utilizing iOS we have the face open “were having” the new gestures just like iOS has with the brand-new iPhones the appear and motif and feel is kind of similar to an iPhone as well the application is simple it toils pretty well so if that’s where you’re coming from the pixel war it will give you a better closer experience is comparable to one of the other flagships that we think offer more bang for the buck like the observe 10 plus or the 1 plus 7 Pro go ahead and utter us your opinions down in the comment section below I want to hear your guys’s meditates if you guys want to subscribe click that little halo above and enable notifications down below and check out our photo and video comparisons against these two that are super detailed right over there the rotate max with Max sec and I’ll see you in the next video[ Music]

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