iPhone 12 vs iPhone 11: Full In-Depth Comparison!

this video is sponsored by squarespace the best way to make an amazing website hey guys it’s max we just got in the brand new iphone 12 and today i’m going to be comparing it against the iphone 11 and i’m not only going to cover the normal things such as the design and recital but also things like the spectacle quality we’re gonna encompas things like 5g move compared to 4g and likewise loudspeakers and much more let’s go ahead and get this thing open and i have to say that i’m elicited for this blue color now to be honest i am not a fan of blue i love red but the red just doesn’t examine good this year but this blue looks excellent i love how deep and rich it is and i love that the sides here are darker uh i guess maybe i’m a fan of off-color now now in the box we do not have ear cod or a blame adapter last year we had one but it was a 5 watt super slow-witted one so “youre supposed to” wanted to upgrade anyway this year apple establishes you buy it but we actually have a better alternative this anchor one costs less than apples and it is about half the size so i’ll go ahead and relation it down in the video description below and on that topic let’s touch on magsafe we have magnets incorporated into the new iphone 12 and you have different supplementaries such as contingencies there’s gonna be different settings and a big one is this new magsafe charger that can fast wirelessly charge up to 15 watts compared to the iphone 11 and other iphones that are older that do maximum of seven. 5 watts now we are doing a dedicated charging shootout between magsafe and regular bill and other wireless accusing so if you want to see how fast the brand-new mac safe charger is make sure you subscribe so you guys don’t miss out on that video getting back to the design i have to say that this color seeks awesome and it’s interesting how much different the new phone feels in your hand certainly “were having” these squared off edges instead of it being round but it surely feels smaller and lighter as well and i’ve been using the iphone 12 pro for the last about 24 hours i’ve waited to unbox this one it feels dramatically lighter than the pro let’s go ahead and load these and it’s interesting how much smaller the 12 is despite the screen being the same you probably can’t even see it right now keep in mind the displays are the same 6.1 inches but the 12 is shorter and narrower because of that the 12 is definitely more comfy in the entrust it certainly feels smaller and lighter to be honest i anticipated this new square design isn’t going to be as pleasant in the handwriting compared to this nice rounded chassis of the 11 but it does actually feel more cozy in the hand it’s easier to hold peculiarly if you put your finger underneath like i do when you’re touching stuff and typing the influence and capacity buttons are actually lower on the phone and not just because the phone is shorter but interestingly apple actually designed them to be lower from the top the camera bump is larger to accompany that larger lens that tells in more glowing and with that we actually have a larger flash as well and the microphone stayed the same whereas on the pro prototypes we are really moved the microphone smaller and lastly this new iphone 12 is actually quite a bit thinner than the iphone 11 even though it’s hard to tell in your hands because of the squared off pattern and even on camera it’s hard to show that off because of how the glass is actually bent and goes up let’s take a look at the breasts and wow that is a big divergence in bezel immensity now the 12 actually has a thinner bezel than even the 11 pro whereas the 11 standard one had a thick bezel you guys can see the difference right there the 12 seems much more modern because this play is completely flat instead of being curved and it matches up really nicely with the enclose and that should actually give you a little bit more durability and with that the 12 actually has new ceramic shield glass which apple says is four times stronger now before we go in depth in comparing these displays and there is a ton of differences let me give a shout out to the sponsor of this video squarespace if you’ve been thinking about making your own website squarespace is seriously the best way to go we’ve built multiple websites and you can too with literally no entanglement building experience you really choose a template customize blocks of text and likeness and easily move them around it’s incredibly simple inexpensive and ours have been running flawlessly for years now bringing in brand-new purchasers thanks to its built-in seo tools so whether you’re making a website for a small business or for literally anything else go to squarespace.com max tech for a free no credit cards necessitated visitation and when you’re ready to launch save 10 off your first obtain of a website or domain comparing the showings i can instantly encounter certain differences the improvement is massive apple got a lot of flack when they release the iphone 10 r and the 11 got the same precise flaunt because it was just slightly higher than 720 p and it was a lcd screen where most of the competition are performing oleds or at least 1080 p screens well ultimately apple has informed that and the 12 flaunt glances wonderful we have a difference of about double the pixels we have almost 1.5 million pixels slightly less compared to 3 million pixels so yes i could tell that this display is sharper another difference is how much warmer the new 12 is both do have true ambiance turned on and the 11 seems kind of like it’s bluish compared to this warmer color i’m likewise noticing a difference in viewing angle the iphone 11 as soon as i twist it it gets much darker the committee is also comes more blue-blooded and “i m seeing” a good amount of thoughtfulness whereas this newer one has less thoughts and the brightness and colors abide very similar comparing the maximum brightness let me max this out here and they gaze very similar as they should because apple’s saying they’re both at about 625 nits conventional but because the iphone 12 has an oled screen it actually has a peak brightness of 1200 nits meaning that outside it could actually get brighter to help combat the sun that will also help when you’re watching videos especially for hdr and here comparing both sets of i disclosed for the exhibitions and maxed them out the 12 surely seems more vibrant and the pigments gaze richer and better and the pitch-blacks are deeper as well because it’s an oled body now interestingly right now youtube is not giving me an hdr option on the 12 they might need to update their app for that but i am get the option for 4k 60 instead of simply 1080 p so clearly the display on the 12 is much better in every single way now what about the speakers well we’re gonna compare those go ahead and put on your best pair of headphones and let’s take a listen[ Music][ Music][ Music] let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below now to me i can tell a difference the 12 is better in pretty much every action now apple didn’t say it was better but i emphatically can hear that the high-flowns are a little bit more crisp the mids are a little bit more full and we are getting a little bit more bass as well let’s get into performance and let’s start by talking about 5g apple is making a big approach now and in my last similarity i measured the 12 pro against the 11 pro and both sets of actually have the same precise modems and “ive ever seen” a big inconsistency is not simply between 5g against 4g but the 4g that comes with the iphone 12 is so much faster than the 4g lte on the 11. That’s because these brand-new iphones are exerting qualcomm modems the very best on the market compared to the older iphones which use intel that are much much slower i’m glad that apple isn’t cheaping out on their lower priced prototype like a great deal of android companionships do they’re putting the very best chips including the a1 4 in this iphone 12 and we’re actually doing a analogy of 5g versus 4g all across my metropoli at different times so if you guys want to see a detailed test with festivity and moves and streaming make sure you guys click that subscribe button now let’s compare the cpu and graphics achievement i’m going to go ahead and start geekbench 5 and the iphone 11 is no slouch it has an a1 3 in it that is faster than even the very best android phones but with this new iphone 12 we have the a14 processor that is the first five nanometer chip on the market which means that not only is it more powerful but it’s more power efficient as well which is good when it comes time to talk about battery life here in only a sec all right we have our results and i was candidly expecting a little bit more from the iphone 12 now we’re still getting about a 20 the process of improving single core and a little bit more than that uh in multi-core so it’s still a great update but likening it to the iphone 12 pro i actually get 4 200 with that one now that might be because the 12 pro has 6 gigs of ram both the 11 and 12 have four gigs of ram but we’ll see if this actually things in the real world i will be doing a comparing between the 12 and 12 pro after about a week of real world use so agree if you guys want to check out that video now let’s go ahead and measure out the graphics concert and the results are in and follower this is actually where their betterment is “were having” 6400 compared against 9258 so that’s about a 50 the process of improving graphics and most brand-new apps are use metal now for acceleration of course for gaming that’s going to be a big difference so that is good to see a such a nice upgrade and with that let’s talk about battery life now plainly i have not had time to test it i just unbox this in front of you but mr who’s the boss did a pretty good shootout between a bunch of iphones and the results are really good news now is not simply did we get more superpower and a much nicer sharper brighter spectacle but the iphone 12 actually outlasted the 11 by over an hour and a half and if you have an iphone 10 r it actually outlived it by two hours and 10 times and that is awesome so that is a really really good improvement now weirdly enough if you have an iphone 11 pro the 5.8 inch simulate the battery life actually went worse but for everybody else from the 11 10 r or the older iphones the battery life is gonna be a nice improvement and now let’s talk about the cameras and they truly haven’t changed that is something that the ultrawide camera is the same the front-facing camera is the same and the central crap-shooter actually has the same sensor or as far as we know but it lets in a little bit more light with the f 1.6 gap compared against f 1.8 now most of the updates are actually coming from the software we have smart hdr3 and we have night mode on all cameras so here you guys can see the some similarity shots compared to the iphone 11 or the 11 pro so there are some nice upgrades and is not simply do we have these big improvements in poor lighting but in reasonable igniting diffusion is actually better now as well which gives us more detail we’ll be doing a detailed camera comparison next week not only between the 12 and 11 we’re likewise going to toss in the iphone 10 r so that’s going to be a great video and finally let’s finish off with the prices and my final opinion now the iphone 11 unlike the 11 pro is still being sold when it came out it was seven hundred dollars but now you can pick one up for 5.99 so 600 horses in the iphone 12 instead of keeping that same 6.99 it actually expenditure 7.99 so 800 bucks and if you want to buy the unlocked version you have to pay 30 dollars more so that is really hapless and now we’re looking at a price difference of 200 which is a good amount now of course the 12 does have a much much nicer display “were having” the newer processors we have better cameras and along with that you have mac safe and the new 5g modems and much better 4g lte as well so there’s a lot of improvements but there is that 200 toll crack now personally for me i was only still go for the iphone 12 because you are future proofing yourself we have the new intend “were having” that 5g built in so if you’re gonna keep your phone for two three maybe even four or five years like some people do i think it’s worth getting it for that 5g chip and the brand-new schemes now if you know you’re going to keep it for a year or two you’re short on currency 600 is still a really good deal for your phone it’s still going to do an impressive occupation even though it’s not as new and modern but go ahead and let me know your thoughts down in the comment section below thank you guys for watching you guys can click that curve above we have a lot of brand-new videos came to see you on both of these phones we have real world similarities photo comparisons all sorts of immense videos and if you want to watch a great video right now we have a couple title over there thank you guys for watching this has been max and i’ll see you in the next video

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