Android User’s Thoughts on the iPhone 12 Pro Max: My FIRST iPhone EVER!

What’s goin’ on, folks, its Lando from todays tech annnd this is the iPhone 12 Pro Max, the big-hearted father, the big kahuna, the biggest and most expensive base model iPhone in todays lineup, and my very first iPhone ever. Its crazy, right? I know. Believe it or not, before the 17 Samsung flagships, I actually craved an iPhone. Obviously, it was all the hype, any person has one, so, I “ve had my” noses set on the iPhone 5 and it was actually a business for the Galaxy S3 that changed my mind and defined me on a course to become a mainly Android user. But, I figure, hey, its 2021, why not make this the year that I augment my range and examine what the iPhone has to offer.So, there have been countless iOS iterations and numerous iPhone iterations since I last had my hands on a brand new iPhone when I directed at T-Mobile back in the working day, so, here are an Android users judges on the iPhone 12 Pro Max.Okay, so, I was using the iPhone 12 Pro Max for about six weeks and the first thing I wanna talk about is the design, fit, and finish. So, for some time now, we know Apples strategy with intend has been to stick with a particular design for four generations and really innovate a few cases nips here and there. The iPhone 6, 6s, 7, and 8 all carried the same design language, and were now into the 4th iteration of the latest cycle with the iPhone X, Xs, 11, and 12 virtually carrying the same design and Apple is just a beast at going back into their bag and resuscitating old-time design languages and facets, and thats exactly what were seeing here. So, the flat place intend is back, particularly suggestive of iPhones 4-5s, but also taking some modern clues from iPad Pro, and I have mingled emotions. On the one side, it attains for a really assure traction, a durable motif, less incidental strokes, and a fuller contemplating knowledge, but, on the other hand, its not as comfortable to use one-handed because of the sharper perimeters and the dye finish lures a great deal of fingerprints.But, even still, I think its a highly glossy and modern take over old-time design language and its a pretty different appear compared to the current slate of Androids. Apple clearly does not conform to industry standards in that regard. However, I do love the size of the power button. Its like twice the size of the S2 1 Ultras, and its perfectly sat for my thumb.Now, the matte finish on the rear glass seeks excellent. I affection the review when it debuted on iPhone 11 Pro, and last year, Samsung acquainted what they call a satin finish for the rear glass, which still has a bit of light to it, and if you chafe your finger over the finish on both, youll notice that the iPhone actually has a much finer texture. But, overall, I surely appreciate the very best fingerprint opposition of the iPhone, and the fact that the part back board is milled from a single piece of glass combined with the contrast silky finish of the camera module precisely screams premium in my opinion.The matte glass slopes the whole way up the sides to like a silky plateau with the wide, ultra wide, and telephoto cameras somewhat protruding resembling the old-time cinema cameras from back in the working day. And then, the cherry-red on top for me, the colored reverberating around each lens. I think it gazes stupendous and it goes to show that a slim camera module can still be a focal point of the specific characteristics as we see tons of Androids going all out on the size of the camera module. Now, keep in mind, on the flip side, laying the 12 Pro Max on its back arises in those protruding camera lenses being the first thing coming into contact with the surface its on.And lastly, from a pattern perspective, I do envisage the notch is an eyesore, and I dont believe its gone any smaller over the past 4 iterations, so maybe thats a intend improvement well see in the 2021 iPhones. I dont feel like it wreckings the design and I can respect that its a necessary cruelty for the benefits of FaceID for those that attend, but yeah, overall, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is an excellent flaunt of offsetting the line between great layout and great functionality, and I think its a modernization and a refreshing be considered that breathes brand-new being into the revived design language.When it comes to hardware performance, Ill continue on with FaceID which I find acts pretty well in any illuminate condition.Its ever quick and accurate, but only when the phone is vertical, if youre slightly off, mmm , not so much better. Apple needs to really apply the same hardware they use in the iPad Pro, where FaceID works in any direction. Next time, Id much instead like to see ultrasonic TouchID underneath the display, especially this past year with the pandemic and the mask-wearing, if Im ever out and about and need to pay, FaceID is useless. So, Apple can kill two fowls with one stone by rid ourselves of the notch and give way more amenity when it comes to unlocking our smartphones, like, 30+ times a day. But, to Apples defense, when ultrasonic sensors first arrived, FaceID was significantly more secure. Now, were looking at a one in a million chance of tricking both FaceID and this generation of ultrasonic fingerprint sensors we see from Qualcomm in Samsung devices.Now, of course, you cant discuss the display without mentioning the notch, and as I “ve said”, from a designing standpoint, it is an eyesore.But, to be honest, come a hole-punch display, I was expecting for it to kinda perpetually be in the way, but, one, iOS is totally designed around it, and two, my attentions merely adjusted after a while, and I candidly stopped noticing it. But, apart from the notch, I observed the display on the iPhone 12 Pro Max to be somewhat shell. Its shining, its sharp-worded, contrasty, dynamic, and the colours are very accurate. When compared to the S2 1 Ultra watching 4K60fps HDR content on YouTube, I could have been is a well-known fact that the iPhones display was just a bit less bright, but the colours gazed unusually same, if not same, so excellent flaunt performance.Of track, I would prefer Apples ProMotion 120 Hz display technology featured in the iPad Pro, an advancement were witnessing in Android devices left and right of all series, but, when the iPhone shows up late to the party, it shows up in style, so, I expect Apple to slap it out of the ballpark when they do raising ProMotion to the iPhone and right now, I wouldnt call it a deal-breaker simply because the fluidity of iOS 14 certainly induces up some dirt. And I desire that Apple seems to have a focus on putting out a stronger glass solution having succeeded alongside Corning to create the brand-new Ceramic Shield which Apple claims is stronger than Gorilla Glass Victus, which is the latest offering that flagship Androids will be able to pick up from Corning. So all in all, definite kudos on the display.Okay, lets talk about day-to-day performance.So, I was very excited to personally suffer how well the iPhone performed with the A14 Bionic and only 6GB of RAM coming from the Snapdragon 888 with 12 GB of RAM on the S21 Ultra, and its frankly amazing how well optimized this chipping is. Apparently, iOS plays a role as well, but in my daily conventional habit, I didnt notice certain differences in the RAM performance, and iOS operated buttery smooth. I dont frequently prevent too many apps open, but general apps and activities were able to keep up and stand open overnight, which is nearly on par with the experience Ive had on the S21 Ultra. The same thing is evident with battery performance.The iPhone 12 Pro Max has a 3,678 mAh battery while the S21 Ultra features a 5,000 mAh battery, more the overall know was quite similar. Granted, the Ultras display is larger and freshens twice as often, but you merely dont typically see a artillery this length powering a invention of this prestige equate to this level of achievement. I was averaging 6.5 hours of screen on time intention the day with 20, 25% and I was also noted that the standby time was really good.Something else that was really good is the vibration motor. Apples Taptic Engine in iPhone 12 Pro Max is definitely the best that Ive suffered. It just seems like its extremely well-tuned, and its kinda minor, but just something that I appreciate.Now, the speakers sound just like the speakers in the iPad Pro, only on a smaller scale. They resound extremely, very clear, but merely not as loud as I wishes to, which is not a big deal since Im generally at home listening through bigger speakers.Now, a big part of Apples marketing for the iPhone 12 was 5G, which Im sure most of you have learn has not been all its cracked up to be in terms of speed and availability.My iPhone 12 Pro Max on T-Mobiles 5G network seems to struggle with announces incessantly even if they are 5G all throughout my area. I can literally frisk a video on my S21 Ultra the whole way through, meanwhile, the 12 Pro Max struggles. Now, my theory is that its because of the stainless steel band and T-Mobile low-grade party 5G in my region, which tends to have greater reaching, but a weaker signal. Thankfully though, Apple is not charging any extra for the iPhone 12 s due to the 5G like Samsung seems to be, but it is a bit unfortunate.Alright, lets talk about these cameras.First of all, they thoroughly look like those old school cinema cameras, and I bet thats exactly what they were going for. These cameras are excellent and obviously, it comes down to the combination of the image signal processor, the A14 Bionic, and the machine learning that Apple uses to really analyze each aspect of a particular scene. For lesson, I can clearly see the work of Smart HDR when I make photos in a great deal of light-headed like in these instances, nonetheless, when shooting immediately into the sun, its very good at containing the highlights, but then it strives with dynamic range in the foreground as you can see side by side with the S21 Ultra. I too noticed that it sometimes seems to not know when to apply Smart HDR. In these photos, we were in the exact same spot, yet quite different causes. Now, when it comes to Deep Fusion, regrettably, there’s no indicator that the photo was actually handled utilizing Deep Fusion and its candidly really hard to tell when its squandered because in somewhat lower brightnes situations when it should activate, Im seeing still experiencing a lot of noise instead of crisp detail.When it comes to taking photos of skin with the breast or rear cameras, the iPhone 12 Pro Max does really well with highlights, again, thanks to Smart HDR.And, when it comes to portrait photos of people and random subjects in immense illuminate, I noticed a very natural blur that simulates mirrorless lenses.And, I was surprised to find out that there are no night sketches from the breast camera. So, this is what I got side by side with the S21 Ultra. But, with darknes procedure, I appreciate the fact that its enabled automatically when a scene is dark enough. Thats actually how it was originally on most Android designs, but too many consumers complained, so now, its a separate camera mode. But, I can definitely be seen to what extent having it enabled automatically determines for a much simpler experience for someone who only wants to whip their telephone out and take a picture day or darknes. But, overall, nighttime procedure photos glance .. Okay? Like, look at these photos side by side with photos from the S21 Ultra. They both have some noise, but the spray looks really noisy on the iPhone. In this photo, theyre both boisterou, but peep the dynamic range on the S21 Ultra in comparison with the iPhone on the connect. However, in shots like these, it does a incredible enterprise of preserving the sky pure pitch-black, eliminating sound, and accenting the foreground. Now, the add-on of the LiDAR scanner is what facilitates build night biographies possible by mapping out the environment, and the resulting likeness come out pretty good, although I didnt notice a difference in order to compare to the S21 Ultra which doesnt have the sensor.And, photos from each camera are very consistent in terms of color and sharpness, and I can appreciate that photos tend to look a bit punchier with more contrast than Im used to on the S21 Ultra, really kind of furthering the concept of point and shoot by somewhat eliminating the need to edit.A lot of photos are Instagram-ready right out of the camera.And the same disappears for video. This phone is an absolute beast when it comes to video. In the daytime, at least. Colors are colourful, dynamic straddle is solid, and the footage is just very sharp. And switching between the lenses is really smooth instead of a little bit jittery on the S21 Ultra. And even at 4K, the OIS is clearly on point and thats thanks to Apples new sensor-shift OIS, so the sensor itself moves to counter your gestures as opposed to the lens moving like on previous iPhones and all Androids.So, overall, they make very good photos in the majority maladies that are not oversaturated and are very well balanced. However, I cant ignore those periodic gaffes by Smart HDR, and the abundance of noise in low-toned light-headed environments. So, they didnt relatively live up to the hype in terms of photos, but video on the other hand, in daylight era at least, they unquestionably lived up to the hype.But, as great as these cameras are, its not impossible to push this hardware to the limit.At the end of the day, these sensors are minuscule when compared to mirrorless cameras, so there will merely ever be so much that they can do. And, with that tell me anything, we know that the quality of these camera is definitely a testament to Apples computational photography and the processing power that the A14 provides.Alright , now, iOS. So, over the years, the main difference between iPhones and Androids was the application. Androids are freer, feature-rich, and customizable, whereas iOS is more restrictive, but, extremely well-tuned, and this is my very first time experiencing it on a day-to-day basis. And, the first thing that capture my attention was: 1. How good the UI examined, and 2. How smooth and fluid it operated. Animations are quick and snappy, and precisely steering around the UI is very pleasing. It just seems ended, very well thought out, and it merely looks really good.Now, I said here today that I am not a fan of the fact that apps automatically sorting to the top of the screen.As phone sizes increase and phase ratios become taller, it just doesnt make sense for actionable parts to be at the top of the display.Which results me to my next iOS gripe, and thats the back button place. Im merely not a follower. I feel like you should always be able to go back by swiping from the two sides like on Android 11, as opposed to sometimes having to reach the top left corner of a 6.7 display to go back.I contemplate Apple needs to go back to the drawing board on this one and take a page out of Samsungs book and perform the UI accommodate the size of the device its passing on. Samsung has determined a fantastic example with this in One UI where the actionable parts that you tap on are at the bottom of the display.But, aside from that, Im glad to finally experience widgets on an iPhone. Like I said before, when the iPhone shows up late, it shows up in style, and I actually elevate Apples widget customization UI over Samsungs. Its very clean and it actually gives you a super brief description of the widget, something that is still missing on Androids. And then, Smart Stack frames it over the top where you can get a widget relevant to how you typically use your phone throughout the day.And, this is just the first precedent of Apple implementing an Android feature better.The second is app screen folders. So, of course, Androids have had an app screen with the ability to create app folders since the beginning, except, the facet has for the most part been jolly stale. Goods-for-nothing altered or progressed. Well, in comes Apple, with automatically categorized app screen folders. And, this to me, is such a nice touch and it actually urged me to manually plan my S21 Ultras app screen to look the same. But, I suspect, when you sit back and celebrate peculiarities that already exist on other operating systems, youre bound to think of a better implementation, and thats what we routinely see from Apple from hardware to software.Now, smaller things like immediate access to Finder really by swiping down, swiping right for Today View, password autofill, these features feel fully developed and they facilitate determine the experience that much more enjoyable.Okay, so coming from Android on the S21 Ultra, were natively sanctified with Google Assistant and Bixby.Bixby is excellent for internal masteries like adjusting establisheds and Google is excellent for external requires, like searching message. I feel like Siri drops-off somewhere in between. In my testing, Siri was great for internal dictations and okay at external requires. But, unlike numerous, I dont conceive Bixby is useless and I dont recollect Siri is useless either. You really need to know which to use and when. But, Im glad its possible to rig Siri to be able to access Google Assistant.And, one other thing about iOS is I appreciate that Control Center is separate from notifications, but I am absolutely not a fan of how notifications are done in iOS.It seems like I ever have tons of notifications that build up over such courses of epoches and its not as simple as really swiping it away as it is on Android.All in all, the major difference that Im noticing between iOS and Android/ One UI is the features and functionality of iOS seem to have been very thoroughly thought out, as opposed to some pieces on Android and One UI feeling a bit half-baked.And then of course, the new anti-tracking privacy peculiarities are excellent, something Im not too sure that Android will be able to match given the fact that a large portion of Googles business is based on tracking your usage and then helping relevant ads.Okay , now, I wanna touch on the walled plot that is the Apple Ecosystem. So, I once had a 27 iMac and an iPad Pro, but with the 12 Pro Max, I also bought AirPods Pro and Apple Watch Series 6, and the overall ordeal was great, to be completely honest. Of direction, the style everything syncs and communicates across all manoeuvres is excellent, but this is no longer an advantage of Apple over Android.Literally, every single ecosystem feature that exists on iOS now exists on Android and more specifically, Android manoeuvres. So, Android is taking some major strides when it comes to creating that Apple-level ecosystem, and its gonna be interesting to see where it departs from here, certainly with Apple adding the AirTag to the lineup and then Samsung adding the SmartTag to the lineup, and now its an appendages race for who has the better ecosystem.So again, this was my first ever iPhone and my partners firstly since the 7 Plus after five Androids in four years, and for me, the overall suffer was very good. Theres a awfully payment vibe goin on from the hardware to the operation and inspects of the application. The scheme is nice, the presentation is on point, the cameras are for the most part on spot, iOS is on point, and the ecosystem is on point.I, of course fantasize the overall need customization is a bummer, but I do think that Apple has made some progress with the additive of the app screen and widgets. But, I must say, I supposed to do now have the desire to have the latest iPhone alongside the latest Androids at my jettison. So, kudos to Apple for paying, and I do planned earning, another ecosystem customer. I didnt come across a single thing that they are able to shape me say no to this device as my daily move, and that is my conclusion.Alrighty kinfolks, thank you so much for supporting the channel by sticking around until the end, I actually do appreciate it.If you met my perspective interesting or informative then you gotta go smash that like button, subscribe to the channel, and turn on notifications so you guys can be notified when Im bringing a brand new perspective to your favorite segments of tech. Thats all for now, guys, armistice and adore !.

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