iPhone X Unboxing & First Look + Small Giveaway 🔥 🔥 🔥

Satisfy Subscribe Technical Guru Ji channel ..& Click the Bell icon to see latest videos. Hello friends! This is Gaurav, therefore welcomed another bout of Technical Guru ji. Today we will be doing unboxing of this iPhoneX We will see what is the content of this box and too whats happening in iPhoneX’s nature. You must be thinking why I am I doing iPhoneX unboxing now? Why so late? You must be thinking that you have been seeing videos for a while on it.Listen friends…You are going to love this …. Really you will be amazed !!! So Here we go…..Here I “ve got something” very special for you guys !! I Hope you will cherish it. Let is starting …. So here I have four iPhoneX phones. One is for me and other three are for lucky onlooker like you A big talent from me to you … Friends I love you all but for now … … I can’t afford 3.4 million( customers) iPhones for you all The phone that I am going to use is 256GB memory and hue is Silver. From other three, one is the same as mine .. And other two are 64 GB, one is Space Grey One is silver I will tell you last-minute in this video about how can you participate in this contest. For now friends, the box of my iPhone … … has some Arabic written on it because I bought it from Dubai.If talk about the price..its really great !!! Here in Dubai the cost of 256 GB is …. Indian Rupees 83,000( US$ 1303) if you need iPhone X with 64 GB then it will be Indian Rupees 70,000( US $ 1099) IPhoneX premiums are just astronomical in India … In India you will get for …. Indian Rupees 102,000( US $1602) You can buy a neat second hand Alto Car in this amount. But what can you do…Apple like to cheat parties like this in India. Lets remove the wrap from the box. You can see the box from all around. When I open the lid, You can see a newspaper that says ” Designed by Apple .. .. in California” You witnes there is a Hello Guide that testifies Some brand-new gestures of this iPhone X. It comes in many speeches You also gets some implements and apple stickers. Here you see iPhone X..that looks very compact. We will talk about it later. Apple made a lot of benefit on this phone by fooling people…Here you have a old style font .. … …. 5 Watts slow wall charger now we have ear cod with lighting port. On the back we have the converters. You can use it to … … connect your traditional hearing telephones. Here you find the Apple’s Lightening cable..that is usually of very poor quality .. It undermines readily …. The most important thing here I have in my hand is iPhone X … Lets remove the plastic wrap from the screen … and turn it ON. I will give you the physical outline of the phone in the mean time. the chassis of this phone is made up of stainless steel … it looks really cool in Silver color …. Phone ogles even better from the back….Here on the other side you have …. subdue permutation, and then Volume buttons Here you have the lighten port and two grills on both surface … One is a microphone another is the speaker .. This button on the side is not a Power Button, This is Apples brand-new Side button, It has two or more runs and it is slighter bigger in width. Apart from that now “youve had” the sim tray .. You can throw single sim of nano length. There was no on the upper side of this phone …. back side is complete glass….Here you investigate Apple logo … and at the bottom you see iPhone is written on it … now you meet setup that looks like traffic lights .. There are .. two separate cameras and in the middle you have secondary microphone and a flash…Both camera are…….of 12 Mega Pixels. I will tell in detail last-minute about them .. For now friends Phone is turning On .. You can see apple logo..the screen is 5. 8 inches OLED screen resolve is 1125 X 2436 pixels Apple announces is Ratina desplay. or Super ratina HD, HD Plus etc .. Screen comes with Bezelless design. You do see bezels..but It does look like edge-to-edge In the middle you interpret a notch … This notch comes with a lot of sensors. where you have your front camera …& hearing case …. numerous arrangements for face ID So friends Phone has Booted already( turned ON) You can see the ended glance of this iPhone X … Apple has installed A1 1 bionic chipping The artillery is 2, 716 mAh. You get 3 Gigs RAM rest of the storage is 256Gigs … thats all friends This phone comes with Facial ID technology. You can be utilized your face as a password. you is not get Finger print scanner in this phone … Apple claims that Facial ID is very secure and safe. its easy to set it up…You really need to move your neck up-down; left -right.It will store all the features …. All you need to do is just lift your phone..it will unlock automatically … You just need to swipe up…and you have the dwelling screen … from Swipe I remembered that there is NO HOME button in this telephone. Most of the biddings are based on gesticulates … if you want to come out of any app..to go to back to residence screen …. really swipe up … and if you go to the right … You can see all the active app at the time … You can swap them by slide right or left … if you want to go to the control centre … Then you have to swipe from top privilege if you do it from any where else..middle or left..then then you will come to your regular point from there you can turn on your camera, twinkle flame( Torch ), These are the basic terminated items .. of iPhone X Main foreground is the Facial ID..which I have already told you.Apart from that the rear camera setup is really great … You get two 12 MP cameras … One is with 2x optical zoom .. Both lenses carry OIS( Optical likenes stabilization) You likewise get support for recording 4K videos too 60 P which is just amazing …. buttock camera and figurehead camera both has Portrait mode option the front camera is 7 MP and you can use Portrait lighting You get a lot of wonderful accomplishes .. These were the details about iPhone X .. there is one more thing ANIMOJI You can situate animation in emojis with your own voice and it can also copy your face showing,( Emoji of technological guruji talking in Hindi) Friends this was iPhone x. you too get support for wireless accuse You also get support for IP6 7 protection( Ingress protection) You also get Apple pay etc…This was the whole story of iPhone X Now I will talk to you about.The Giveaway contest of this iPhone X. I have three iPhone X friends. That will be given to three observers among you … participation is really easy friends. All you have to do is Like this video, and also share this video … You can put one comment any thing about this iPhone X or any thing about the world countries … also delight agree this channel.If you do these four things .. LIKE, COMMENT, SHARE, AND SUBSCRIBE You will be eligible to participate in this contest. if we end 300,000 likes This contest will be active and I will pick three random spectators .. and these three iPhone will be sent to those three lucky spectators. You must remember one thing friends that You will be liable to pay importation custom roles in India whatever that are likely to be 2000, 5000 or 12000 etc. You will have to pay that if you observation more than once than you will be disqualified. i am waiting to see 300,000 likes than merely I will extort the appoints and I will announce the names of the lucky witness on my Facebook and chatter account for this iPhone x giveaway contest…All very good to all of you. This was the ended narration I hope that members can liked it Thats all for now friends. I hope you liked the video. if you have any suggestion please don’t forget to comment below. If you have not liked or shared this video …. Please do LIKE, SHARE and likewise Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel …… because I bring you interesting technological videos like this every day. Thats all for now. Friends. Jai Hind! Vande Mataram ..

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